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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2123
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Ella collapsed onto her bed at hafter her nightly routine, her phone buzzing with activity from a group chat

that included Rebecca. Since Rebecca's arrival, the chat seemed to calive with chatter every single day.

At this very moment, the group was particularly animated, discussing engagement party plans. Rebecca, ever

the thoughtful hostess, was inquiring about everyone's preferred vibe for the event. The conversation eventually

even steered towards wedding talk.

The men in the group, eager to please Rebecca, were surprisingly invested in the discussion—a stark contrast to

their usual indifference towards their own matrimonial plans.

Ella peered at her screen where the messages flied by, a wry smile playing on her lips before she exited the


Let it be.

After the embarrassment that Ella had just caused in the afternoon, it was surprising that Rebecca would openly

discuss such matters in a place where she knew Ella was present.d2

As a woman, Ella could sense Rebecca's hostility towards her. It was a warning, as clear as the one she felt from

Noah, telling her to keep her distance.

She was curious, how Noah had placated Rebecca so quickly, that she accepted a truth that must have been

shocking for her. Perhaps he held her, whispering reassurances that his relationship with Ella was nothing more

than the well-known fact that they were uncle and niece, and that would never change.

Thinking of Noah's tender demeanor with other women sent a chill through Ella’s heart. She couldn't fathom

what was going through Noah's mind.

Rebecca was aware of Ella's feelings, and tonight, Ella had certainly returned the favor by embarrassing her. Did

Noah ever consider how they were supposed to interact in the future?

As long as she remained within the Tretton family, and under his watchful eye, she was bound to encounter

Rebecca, wasn’t she? Or perhaps, he didn’t take her feelings seriously at all? That was why he didn’t bother to

contemplate the complexities?

Taking a deep breath, Ella tossed her phone aside. What was the use in overthinking?


The next day at school, Ella shared her plans with Paul. “I haven't told my uncle about my plans to study in Y

Country yet. I've just mentioned a vacation. He's arranged everything for me—flights, hotels, and even two

bodyguards. He doesn’t know you're joining me, so it's best to keep it that way. Otherwise, he'd never let me


Paul nodded, “We leave on the 5th. So what you're saying is...”

“Yes, exactly what you're thinking. | don’t know how he’d react if | were honest with him. If he says no, I'm not

going anywhere,” Ella said, her expression stoic.

Paul's expression hardened as well, since he didn’t doubt Ella’s suspicions for a second. Noah, though Ella’s

uncle, exhibited a peculiar possessiveness over her. Despite the personal growth opportunity at hand, the mere

thought of Ella stepping out from under his watchful eye might lead to a refusal. Ella knew Noah too well after all

these years by his side.

“I understand. But what about the bodyguards?”

“We'll see if we can shake them off. It might not matter if they cto Y Country. Once there, he can’t do much

about it.”

“Alright,” Paul said thoughtfully, a small smile creeping onto his face. “I'm looking forward to it. I've almost

finished the itinerary. I'll send it over. See if there's anywhere else you'd really like to visit.”

“Sounds good.”


That afternoon, Noah's car was once again parked outside the school. Ella, tired of the back and forth,

approached the vehicle and opened the passenger door, sliding into the back seat.

“I'm not your chauffeur,” Noah's displeased voice cfrom the driver's seat, laden with icy undertones.

Without a word, Ella glanced at the queue of cars waiting to pick up students and scooted further into the seat

before closing the door.

Noah remained motionless. The honking from behind grew more urgent, and Ella could almost visualize the

anger of the drivers through the incessant sound. Yet, looking at Noah through the rearview mirror, he was stoic,

unmoving. When he caught her gaze in the mirror, he briefly met her eyes. “Csit in the front.”

Gritting her teeth, Ella retorted, “What's so bad about playing chauffeur just once?”

“I don’t want to.”

The honks were starting to rattle Ella’s nerves. Reluctantly, she moved to the front passenger seat, buckling up

as soon as she sat down. The car shot forward the moment her seatbelt clicked.

Upon her return to the villa, the household staff greeted her with concern.

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“Miss, have you been eating well these past few days? You look like you've lost weight.”

“Please change your clothes first. Mr. Noah has specifically ordered your favorite dishes for tonight.”

“Why stay by yourself? It’s so inconvenient. No more tantrums. In the few days you were gone, | could tell Mr.

Noah was moody. He's definitely not used to you being away from home.”

Ella cracked a playful smile, sticking out her tongue as she held Lora’s hand. “I have to learn to live on my own

eventually. | won't be coming back here so much in the future.”

Lora didn’t catch on at first, but after seeing Ella’s wink, she realized somwthing. “Why wouldn't it be

convenient? Your uncle adores you. If you crave my cooking, he wouldn't stop you from coming back.”

Ella just smiled, “I'm starving. I'm going up to change.”

“Alright, hurry up. Dinner is almost ready.”

Ella’s clothes in the bedroom closet were untouched; Noah never skimped on anything for her. The things he had

moved to her apartment were almost all newly purchased. The clothes in this closet were what she was

accustomed to wearing, most of which he had bought for her.

How could she remain indifferent to a man who cared for her so meticulously in every aspect of life?

Pushing aside the flood of emotions threatening to surface, she picked out a few of her regular outfits and tossed

them onto the bed.

When she returned from the walk-in closet with a suitcase, she ran into Noah in the hallway. His eyes briefly

swept over the luggage in her hand, his expression darkening. “What are you doing?”

Ella looked unfazed, “Summer break is almost here. I'll probably head straight home. | figured I'd just pack now

so | can leave from there when | go on my trip.”

Her explanation was flawless.

Noah replied, “There are clothes for you back home.”

“These are my favorites,” Ella said.

Noah's gaze lingered on her for a moment before he pressed his lips together and descended the stairs.

Ella breathed a sigh of relief.

For the next few days, Ella maintained her composure. In truth, she and Noah didn’t spend much ttogether.

Noah often didn’t have dinner at home, usually because he cback too late after having eaten out. They used

to have breakfast and dinner together, whether at hor out, but things had changed. He had someone else to

accompany now.

July had just begun, and summer vacation was hot on its heels.

Ella couldn't quite figure out if Noah had noticed something. He used to pick her up from school only occasionally

due to work commitments, but lately, he seemed to have more free time, asking her every day when her classes

ended and waiting at the school gates without fail.

How could he not be busy, with a fiancée to attend to, an engagement party to plan, and a never-ending


However, now, picking her up seemed to be his top priority. It was going to be the last time, though.

They drove straight to the family estate. Throughout the journey, Ella kept looking out the window, not initiating

any conversation. There was an inexplicable tension in the atmosphere inside the car.

Noah wasn’t blind to the fact that without her initiating conversation, they seemed to lack common ground, just

like he did with anyone else outside of formalities.

His irritation grew inexplicably. In the past, her chatter about trivial matters could be annoying, but now her

silence felt even more uncomfortable.

Since she had made her feelings known, the distance between them seemed to grow, despite her physical


Suddenly, Ella reached into her pocket, pulled out a pair of earbuds, and put them in.

“There’s music in the car,” he pointed out, clearly disturbed by her shutting him out. “This music is all your


She glanced at the car screen and finally put away her headphones, playing a song.

Indeed, everywhere she looked, there were traces of Noah indulging her. The music in his car was all downloaded

to her taste. He seldom listened to music, preferring classical ones, while she enjoyed current pop hits, catchy

tunes, and remixed DJ tracks.

Sometimes she would even dance wildly in his car, and he would let her be, except for the occasional scolding.

The sweet voice of a female singer filled the car, prompting Ella to lower her head and immerse herself in a

guide to European tourist spots and must-see attractions.

The music didn’t lighten the mood, and the atmosphere turned even heavier. Thankfully, they reached the estate

soon enough, thanks to his fast driving and her distraction with the travel guide.

As soon as the car stopped, Ella unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out without a word.

“Grandpa, I'm home.” she called out with a cheeriness that belied the tension from the car ride. Noah's gaze

darkened a shade.

Jon hadn't seen Ella over the weekend and had been looking forward to her return. “You've finally home,” he said


“Yes, Grandpa. I'm going to spend lots of twith you at hand beat you in ten games of chess,” she

replied with a bold challenge.

“That's big talk,” Jon laughed heartily.

Ella was especially affectionate with Jon this visit, more so than usual. Everyone attributed it to the longer-than-

normal separation. However, Ella’s thoughts were on giving as much companionship as possible to compensate

for the two years she'd be away.

Noah only stayed for dinner at the estate before leaving. Ella didn’t question it, and everyone knew the situation.

He had his own life now, almost as if he were already married.

Ella was aware of her place and didn’t try to hide her feelings in front of her grandfather. After Noah left, she felt

a pang of sorrow but remained silent, her emotions evident to Jon.

As she ate her fruit in silence, Jon sighed. “Ella.”

“Grandpa,” Ella interrupted, setting down her fork and swallowing the fruit in her mouth. She turned to smile at

him, taking his withered hand in hers. “I told Uncle that I'd be traveling abroad. You understand that staying by

his side wouldn't allowto remain indifferent. To let go of these feelings, | need tand space without him.”

Jon narrowed his eyes slightly and patted her hand with his other hand. “You're right. Since it's vacation time, if

you want to travel abroad to clear your mind, go ahead. Has your uncle made arrangements for you? If not, |


Ella shook her head gently. “Grandpa, I'm not just talking about this summer vacation.”

Jon gripped her hand tighter. “Ella.”

“One summer is too short for me, grandpa.” She couldn't help but feel a burning sensation in her eyes, “I don’t

want to attend his engagement banquet. | don’t want to see him with another woman. | can’t bear this kind of

situation without feeling sad and upset. In fact, | have already got the exchange student spot with Y Country's

Golden University, as has Paul. After graduation, we will get dual bachelor’s degrees from hand abroad. If

possible, | can continue to stay there for further advancement...”

Ella clearly felt the grip of the old man on her hand becoming more and more forceful, even trembling slightly.

She suppressed the sourness in her heart and continued, “I only told my uncle about my plan to go to Western

Europe, and he wantedto cback before his and Rebecca’s engagement ceremony, but | don’t want to. |

can’t, so what I'm considering is going straight to Y Country from Western Europe, and not coming back...”

“Uncle Noah has arranged everything for me, even two bodyguards. | hope you'll helpwhen the tcomes,

not to let the guards stopor to tell Noah too soon. I'm not sure how he'll react when he finds out I've

deceived him.”

Jon's face, lined with the marks of time, trembled slightly. “A student exchange program? That sounds wonderful.

Your uncle won't stop you.”

Ella shook her head. “I don’t want to tell him. If he disagrees, | won't be able to leave. Please, Grandpa, help


Tears welled up in Jon's eyes, and his lips quivered. Clutching Ella’s hand tightly, he struggled to speak. “But Ella,

even if you go abroad for two years, won't you cback? Not even for holidays or to visit me?” The plea in his

voice echoed the unspoken fear of their long separation, revealing the love and the pain of an impending


Tears streamed down Ella’s cheeks as she pressed her forehead against the back of her grandfather's hand. “I'm

sorry, Grandpa. While I'm away, you must take care of yourself. Don’t worry me. Don’t makefeel even more


“My dear child...” Jon shook his head, his eyes brimming with murky tears.

“Grandpa, I'm so sorry, truly sorry.”


Noah had a cocktail party that evening and chslightly tipsy to an empty mansion.

In the past, no matter if he drank or not, chearly or late, she would always run to him, chattering

nonstop, bustling around him. Since she left the villa, he just couldn't get used to it. He tried to adapt for a few

days, but he still couldn't.

Thinking of her recent changes, he cursed under his breath and irritably yanked off his tie. He resented his

current way of life for no reason. He had never thought about changing his usual lifestyle, but now, for the first

time, he felt as though things were no longer under his control. There were things, it seemed, that he could no

longer grasp.

These past few days, Ella had been keeping her grandfather company, playing chess, going for walks, and even

trying to cook her grandfather's favorite dishes herself. Noah had cback once, leaving right after dinner.

Jon had kept his promise not to mention Ella’s plans to study in Y Country to Noah.

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The day before Ella left, Noah cback early.

After dinner, they sat on the living room sofa. Jon’s complexion was off, and he sat in silence, his face stern as he

fiddled with the tea set on the nearby coffee table.

Ella held a fruit bowl, non-stop talking, her gaze fixed on her grandfather's tea-making technique.

The atmosphere in the living room was oppressive due to the silence.

Noah's gaze shifted from the tea set and landed on Ella. “Got everything ready?”

Jon's hand paused in the midst of making tea.

Ella nodded, “Yeah, all set.”

“Ill drive you to the airport tomorrow.”

“No need to bother, you've providedwith bodyguards, haven't you?”

Noah was adamant, “I'm driving you.”

Ella didn’t speak, her brows furrowed as she thought about how to keep Paul from being discovered.

“What's the matter?” Noah squinted at her for a long while, a nameless emotion swirling in his heart.

Ella blinked innocently and took a bite of fruit. “It’s nothing. Thanks, Uncle Noah.”


The next day, when Noah saw Ella’s 26-inch suitcase, he frowned. “Are you planning to pack yourself in there

and ship it off?”

Ella felt a bit guilty, “I'm actually worried | won't have enough space to buy things.”

The driver took her suitcase and loaded it into the trunk, exhaling heavily. That suitcase was not light.

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Jon, leaning on his cane, responded with a gentle smile, “Be safe out there.”

“I will.”

She held back the tears welling up in her eyes, adjusted her emotions, and then, with gritted teeth, jumped into

the car without looking back.

When she returned, everything would be different. It would be the starting point of another woman's life. And for

her, it was the end.

She didn’t continue to watch Jon who still stood in place, watching them leave. Her selfishness had hurt someone

who cherished her so much.

The emotions she had been suppressing were still discovered. “It’s just a few days away, is it worth being this

upset?” Noah said.

Ella looked out of the car window, not turning back, “Maybe it's because I've never been this far away for so


“Then cut the trip short.”

Ella closed her eyes and said nothing.

The car finally stopped at the airport entrance. Ella opened her eyes and saw the bustling crowd, her expression

tightening slightly.

Noah got out of the car first, took the suitcase from the driver, and watched as Ella slowly exited the vehicle.

“Let's go.”

“Uncle Noah.” Ella reached out and grabbed Noah's arm. “I can go in by myself.”

Noah was resolute, “I'll see you through check-in and then leave.”

Her grip on his arm unconsciously tightened a few notches, then slowly loosened. Just as she was about to pull

her hand away, Noah suddenly caught her hand, and to her surprise, led her into the airport terminal.

The two stopped in front of an electronic display, and Noah, with a furrowed brow, asked what exactly she had


Ella shook her head and said softly, “Uncle Noah, congratulations on your engagement. | hope you and Rebecca

have a happy life together.”

Noah's brow furrowed deeply, the nameless emotion in his heart growing more intense. “Isn't that a bit


Suddenly, Ella flung herself into his arms, her arms tightly encircling his waist. “Can’t a goodbye be a bit


She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, then looked up, her gaze filled with a resolute determination that left no

room for turning back.

Before Noah could react, she lifted her head and kissed his lips.