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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2051-2060
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The old lady’s eyes widened with surprise. “Morning sickness? These days,

young folks don’t even know when they’re pregnant?” Cicely just stared blankly

for a long moment before slowly shaking her head. “No…”

The old lady furrowed her brows and took Cicely’s arm, resting her fingers

gently on her wrist. “I’ve been a midwife all my life, brought six of my own into

the world, and my kids have given me a baker’s dozen of grandbabies. I’ve seen

my share of expectant mothers, and if I can’t spot a bun in the oven, I might as

well hang up my hat. There you have it, darling, a baby pulse. Barely six weeks

along, and you’re feeling the pangs a bit early, aren’t you?”

Cicely felt dazed as her hand instinctively touched her flat belly. She felt like she

was in a trance.

Enter title…

Why did everything have to come crashing down today?

The old lady had seen all sorts of reactions from mothers-to-be when they found

out about their pregnancy.

Cicely’s look was nothing new to her.d2

Chuckling softly, she patted Cicely’s shoulder. “Bless your heart, go tell your

folks. And if you don’t take my word for it, get a thorough checkup with them. But

I’m telling you, you’re in the family way. Here, have one of these. My rascal of a

grandson thought he’d play a prank on me with these sour candies. And he gave

me so many all at once.”

As she spoke, the old lady fished out a handful of candies and handed them to


Cicely wandered over to the sink in a daze, rinsed her mouth, and mechanically

unwrapped a piece of candy, popping it into her mouth.

It was sour.

She never had a taste for it before, but now, it seemed more delightful than even

her favorite comfort food.


Cicely, who hadn’t planned on resting, went upstairs to find an apple in the fruit

bowl of her room. She clumsily peeled it and ate it, then curled up on the bed,

hand on her belly, and closed her eyes.

Half an hour later, she found herself back outside the emergency room.

Issac still hadn’t emerged. Brody sat there, head lowered. Cicely’s silent

approach allowed her to see a tear drop to the floor beside him. Her heart

clenched painfully, but she swallowed back the rising sorrow and took a seat

next to him.

Brody finally noticed her, jerking upright and frantically wiping his tear-streaked

face. Turning to Cicely, he didn’t catch her eye as she stared at the clock above

the emergency room door.

Brody was relieved she hadn’t seen him in that vulnerable moment. “He’s still in

there. Miss, why don’t you rest a bit more?”

“I managed to sleep for half an hour, and I even had an apple.” She figured the

best way to repay everyone’s care was to look after herself. Apart from that, she

didn’t know what else she could do.

Brody managed a relieved smile. “A bit more rest would do you good.”

Cicely couldn’t muster a smile, but her lips curled into a semblance of one.

“When Issac comes out, I’ll make sure to sleep even longer.”

Brody just chuckled, “As long as you get enough rest.”

Cicely didn’t respond, just fished another candy from her pocket and unwrapped



Evening turned to night, and eight long hours passed with the red light outside

the emergency room still burning.

Nurses and doctors came and went, the urgency of their movements a clear

sign that the situation was dire.

With each ticking second, Cicely’s despair deepened, and Brody’s forced

composure also began to crumble.


The Ellis Group was indeed in chaos, because Seth didn’t arrive at the hospital

until past eight.

Cicely was no different than a living corpse now. Brody was pale and shaking,

barely able to keep himself together, let alone offer Cicely any comfort.

The emergency room doors swung open and shut, with medics rushing back

and forth, signaling a critical phase in the operation.

Cicely sat motionless, her mind blank with shock.

Charlie, witnessing the scene, felt his heart pounding as if it would burst from his

chest. What would happen if Issac couldn’t make it?

As that thought gripped him, the light outside the emergency room dimmed.

Silence engulfed the hallway.

Brody slowly rose from his seat, only to collapse weakly to the floor. Charlie

rushed to help him up.

The door to the emergency room opened, and several doctors appeared. Brody

stumbled towards them. “Doctor, how’s my boy…”

Cicely clasped her hands tightly, her gaze fixed on the doorway. She watched a

doctor remove his mask and shake his head with regret. “I’m sorry, we did

everything we could.”

It felt like a bomb went off in Cicely’s head. She swayed, nearly fainting.

Seth, his face grim, quickly wrapped his arms around her. “Cicely!”

The doctor continued, “The blast caused too much internal damage. He’s got

maybe 48 hours. Spend what time you can with him.”

Brody staggered, supported only by Charlie’s strength.

“No, it can’t be. Issac… no, no, no.” Cicely stared into the void in Seth’s arms,

shaking her head and muttering under her breath. It wasn’t loud, but Seth felt as

if he was shaken to the core.

“Cicely, come on!”

At this point, Issac was wheeled out, Cicely forcefully turned in Seth’s arms,

staring at the man on the mobile bed full of tubes. She struggled to rush

forward. “Issac, don’t leave… you promised to stay with me… I’m scared, I’m

scared alone, Issac… don’t leave me…”

“You have not worn the dress I gave you for my wedding… you have not seen

me in a wedding dress… you said you would protect me for a lifetime… Issac…

please don’t leave me… I’m afraid… please…”

Charlie watched this scene, his eyes also welling up with tears.

Seth held Cicely tight, a wave of fear he had never experienced before welling

up within him. “Cicely, I’m here, I’ll be with ytou…”

“Get out!!!” As Issac was wheeled away, Cicely turned and slapped Seth.

“Ma’am!” cried Charlie in alarm.

Cicely turned to him in disarray, tears covering her entire face. There was thick

hatred in her eyes, and every word she said was like a knife edge.

As if she had realized something in an instant, she suppressed all her emotions,

staring at him, “What can you do if you’re here? What can you do? Can you

save him? If you can’t, get out!”

A flush spread across Seth’s cold face as he looked at her holding back her

already erupting anger, engulfed in overwhelming grief, and coldly watcjing him.

He was surprised by the depth of Cicely’s feelings for Issac. Underneath their

customary and bland interactions, such deep feelings were hidden. “So…” When

he spoke again, his tight voice was hoarse, “You’re saying if Issac really dies,

you won’t want me either?”

Cicely clenched her hand tightly, her fingertips piercing her palm. “Yes! If Issac

dies, I don’t want you either!”

The air around them seemed to be vacuumed out. Seth stared at her face, his

eyes dark as a night sky heavy with storm clouds, obscure and profound.

Charlie felt suffocated at his side, as if an unseen force was crushing his chest.

No one knew what Seth was thinking. Whether he wanted to strangle the

woman before him or simply cut ties with her once and for all.

But Cicely didn’t want to waste another minute with this man. He wouldn’t kill

her, not now at least. And if he wanted to break things off, she couldn’t care less.

She struggled to free herself from his embrace and turned to leave with cold

indifference, but a strong force yanked her back with vigor.

Seth held her wrists above her head, his dark eyes locking onto hers from a

closer distance. His voice was more hoarse than ever. He watched her for a

long while before slowly speaking, “Cicely, I’m asking you one more time, and

think carefully before you answer. The doctor has already signed Issac’s death

warrant. Are you sure you want to do the same to us?”

Cicely’s heart clenched, and an uncontrollable heavy pain spread a little bit

upwards towards her eyes. She had already given him an answer once, but this

time, to repeat it, the words stuck in her throat, unable to be voiced. If she really

said it, it might be the end of whatever was between her and Seth.

However, if Issac was truly gone, could the two of them pretend nothing had

happened and stay together?

No, they couldn’t.

“Without Issac to witness our wedding, I’d rather not have it. So yes, you’re right,

Seth. Unless Issac can pull through, the day he stops breathing is the day I file

for divorce from you.”Cicely fought to keep her words coherent, each syllable felt like she


severing the cord that she had nourished with her own blood between them, the

pain was visceral. Seth’s grip on her wrist was so strong it felt like her bones

might shatter, and she winced in agony.

Instead, he just looked at her expression and suddenly sneered.

She was in pain now? He wanted to know how deep her pain ran, and to

compare it to the torment he was enduring now. But in the end, seeing her pale,

sweat-beaded face, he eased his grip. He still held her firmly, staring deeply into

her eyes before he finally spoke a single word.


Enter title…

Cicely’s heart felt like plastic on an open flame, shriveling instantly.

Seth was an enigma, and the nature of his relationship with Cicely—whether it

was affection, love, or indifference—was beyond Charlie’s understanding. It

seemed to Charlie that Mr. Diaz could act the same way with any other woman,

if he wanted.d2

But which woman could make Mr. Diaz willing to do so?

Charlie didn’t understand, but he sensed that the current standoff between the

two would eventually brew into a profound regret.

“Mr. Diaz.” Charlie tried to remind Seth to stay calm, knowing that making

decisions in the heat of the moment was a bad idea.

Cicely, enduring the sharp pain in her heart, slowly nodded, “I’ll prepare the

divorce papers. The damage to Diaz International’s operations is indeed my

fault. As compensation, I’ll transfer all of my Ellis Group shares to you.”

Charlie was visibly shocked.

All of her shares in Diaz International? That could be enough to take over

several Diaz Internationals.

Seth smirked, “Seems like I’m getting the better end of the deal after all. But

Issac isn’t dead yet, so this sweet deal is just a thought for now.”

Cicely took a deep breath, “I’ll have the divorce agreement prepared in


Seth watched her silently for a moment longer, then finally let go of her hand.

“But before that, Cicely, don’t forget you’re still my wife. You and your well-being

are still my responsibility. Issac dies the day after tomorrow, and until then, you’d

better swallow your food and water, even if you have to force it down. I’ll even

tie you to the bed if I have to make sure you get some sleep. So, it’s in your best

interest to behave and not provoke me.”

Cicely’s eyelashes trembled.


Charlie snapped to attention, “Yes, Mr. Diaz.”

“Take her to see Issac, and in half an hour, set the nightcap in front of her and

watch her finish it.”

Charlie glanced at Cicely, torn, but obliged. “Understood.”

With that said, Seth turned to leave.

Cicely watched his assertive retreating figure, her clenched fists tightening and

then releasing. Finally, she lowered her gaze, concealing the emotions in her

eyes, and walked away.

Issac had been taken to the ICU.

Brody stood by, looking at his unconscious son on the hospital bed, tears

streaming down his face.

Cicely stumbled as she entered the room but managed to steady herself with

Charlie’s help. She stared at the man on the bed, tears falling uncontrollably. All

the tears of her life seemed to want to dry up in just one day.

Charlie assisted Cicely closer to the lifeless Issac, and suddenly, she knelt

before Brody.

“Miss!” Brody’s voice quivered as he tried to lift her up.

However, Cicely grabbed his hand instead. She lowered her head, biting her lip

tightly to keep the sadness coursing through her body down, and to keep her

voice from sounding so shaking. “Brody, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, miss.”

Cicely shook her head, her voice tense with endless regret and sorrow. “It is all

my fault, Brody. It is all my fault.”

Brody closed his eyes in resignation.

Charlie could see that Brody still harbored regrets, and he still blamed Cicely.

Regardless of the reasons, Issac’s condition had something to do with her. Even

if it was about duty or responsibility, the only son he had was about to be lost.

People might not believe it if you said Cicely was well-behaved and

understanding, but they would believe if you said she was spoiled and petulant.

Brody had watched Cicely grow up, pampered and loved. She was sensible,

indeed, but she was also petulant.

Yet he couldn’t bring himself to truly blame her. Everyone was a victim in their

own right.

“I’m sorry, Brody. I’m sorry.” Cicely’s slender shoulders shook as she repeated

her apology.

Brody heaved a deep sigh, then knelt beside her. “Miss, Issac did the right thing.

It’s just fate.”

Cicely took a deep breath, struggling to stand and helping Brody up with

Charlie’s assistance, then guiding him to sit down.

The busy medical staff approached to remind them, “You can stay at most 30

minutes tonight.”


Seth made his way straight to the hospital’s park, stopping in front of a row of

cypress trees.

The events of the entire day replayed in his mind. In the end, it all came down to

Cicely’s every expression, and every word she spoke.

She seemed to wield a hundred ways to inflict pain, sharp, keen, and unerring.

If Issac died, she didn’t want anything to do with him. The one who feared he

would leave was her, and ironically, the one who didn’t want him was also her.

A low, cool chuckle escaped his throat as he took out his phone with fingertips

white from the cold. He dialed a number and waited for the call to connect, the

phone pressed to his ear.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The summer night’s warm breeze brushed by, people in the park walked and

chatted, but in his world, there was only the sound of the call waiting tone.

“Hello?” A deep, steady voice eventually answered.

Seth slowly began, “Damon, I need a favor.”

“A favor?” The voice on the other end fell silent for a split second, as if the words

were unfamiliar, especially coming from Seth. “I’ve been following the news. If

you want my help with Diaz International, no problem.”

“I’ll handle Diaz International myself.”

Damon’s lips curled into a smirk. This was the Seth he knew—oozing pride and

arrogance from every pore. But if that were the case, what could possibly make

him swallow his pride and come asking for a favor?

Damon’s interest was piqued, a rare occurrence. “So, what’s up?”

“Help me save someone.”

“You’re asking for help, which means this isn’t going to be easy.”

“That’s right.”

“And if we fail?”

Seth’s expression turned to stone. “Failure is not an option.”

No matter what. At any cost. Issac couldn’t die.

Half an hour later, Seth found his way to the VIP hospital room. Charlie’s

reaction was more relaxed than expected.

Cicely was perched on a sofa outside the room, nibbling on a plate of neatly

sliced fruit. It was her request, and Charlie had personally peeled and sliced it

for her.

“Mr. Diaz.”

Seth’s gaze shifted from Cicely, his tone as flat as his expression. “I told you to

prepare dinner, and you serve her this?”

“My apologies, Mr. Diaz,” Charlie hastily replied. “Dinner will be just a little while

longer. The missus wanted something from Carly’s kitchen, and I’ve already

informed Carly. She’s on it.”

Seth was surprised. He hadn’t expected her to ask for anything to eat. It wasn’t

like her usual style, but it did remind him of the Cicely who never let herself be


His expression softened slightly as he took off his coat and approached the

sofa, tossing it over the backrest.

Cicely didn’t look up from her phone, occasionally picking up a piece of fruit and

chewing with a crunch. He sat down beside her, watching as her plate of fruit

neared empty yet she showed no sign of stopping. He finally spoke up. “You still

need to eat dinner.”

Cicely kept eating, “I’ll eat dinner and fruit. I’ll eat whatever I want. When did you

start dictating my diet? Or is it that you think you’ve only got two days left to

make me miserable?”

Her words were laced with venom, dripping with sarcasm. In the end, no one

could outdo Cicely when it came to making others miserable.

Charlie glanced at Seth, trying to gauge his reaction. Charlie had to admit that

Seth was truly good at hiding his emotions. If anyone else were in Mr. Diaz’s

shoes, they’d probably be angry, but Seth remained impassive, simply leaning

back and pinching the bridge of his nose. “Better to eat less at night. Overeating

will make you uncomfortable, and it will disturb my rest.”

Cicely paused, “If you’re so concerned, keep your distance. The bed at home

must be comfortable, or anywhere else for that matter. Don’t worry. Even if I’m in

agony, I won’t bother you.”

Seth dropped his hands and looked at Charlie, “How many servings did Carly


Charlie hesitated, “Enough for two.”

“Hmm, tell her to pack some extra, I’m starving.”

“Will do.”

Cicely’s eyes darkened.

Before long, Carly had the food delivered.

Charlie helped set it up, and as Cicely put away her phone and tried to stand,

Seth picked up a bowl of soup and said flatly, “If you don’t want me to force-feed

you or make idle conversation, sit down and eat. You’re the last person who

should be wasting energy today.”

Charlie handed her the utensils in timely fashion, “Ma’am, these are all dishes

you requested. Don’t let anger spoil your appetite.”

A flicker of annoyance crossed Cicely’s face, but she took the utensils anyway.

Seth and Charlie were right.

They ate in silence, neither offering food to the other, their utensils never

crossing paths.

Seth finished first and stood up, checking the time and glancing at Charlie.

Charlie quickly exited the room.

“Take a shower after you eat.” Seth looked down at Cicely, still leisurely enjoying

her meal, and with that, he took his coat and left the room.

When Charlie stepped out, he was met by two imposing strangers, standing

rigidly on either side of the room, obviously there to guard the Cicely’s room.

Startled, he saw Seth emerge behind them. “Sir, what is—”

Seth closed the door and gave him a level look. “Keep a close eye on her,

especially don’t let her step out of this room.”

Charlie was puzzled. Watching the lady was a given, but not allowing her to

leave and bringing in bodyguards, was this some kind of house arrest?

“If you can’t manage that, consider donating your heart and lungs to Issac.”

Charlie shuddered. Seth’s expression was dead serious.



Cicely finished her meal with no intention of showering. She wanted to check on

her father and see Issac again, but as soon as she opened the door, her vision

blurred, and two arms barred her way.

Regaining her composure, she faced the two men in black suits, their

expressions blank as they stood in her path. Her brow furrowed as she turned to


“What’s all this?”

Charlie’s scalp tingled with anxiety, “For your safety, ma’am.”

“Really?” Cicely raised an eyebrow coolly, “Is Danielle and her mother out for

revenge, planning to come kill me?”

Charlie had never known how to handle the little princess of P City, and now he

was even more at a loss. “It is not like that, ma’am.”

“No? Aside from those two lunatics, I really can’t think of anyone else with such

a grudge against me.”

Charlie was at a loss for words.

On reflection, even though the P City princess was known for being haughty and

proud, it seemed no one had really crossed her. Perhaps it was out of respect

for her status as the heiress of the Ellis family, but he couldn’t fathom who would

pose a threat to her. It seemed that the only people who really couldn’t stand her

were Ms. Danielle and Mr. Diaz’s mother. But after all, they were both saved by

Mrs. Cicely, and it wouldn’t be right for them to cause her any trouble at this

time. So what exactly Mr. Diaz meant by his actions, Charlie didn’t understand.

“For safety’s sake, Mrs. Cicely, you should go back and rest.”

“And what if I don’t?”

Charlie sighed, “Then I’m sorry, ma’am, but I must insist.”

Cicely’s face was set in a frown as she attempted to leave, but the two men

swiftly moved to block her, standing as two unyielding walls, determined not to

let her step out of the hospital room. Knowing that forcing her way out would be

futile, Cicely picked up her phone and dialed Seth’s number.

It took a while for Seth to answer, his voice low and indifferent, rippling through

the line without a hint of surprise. “Yes?”

“I want to go out.”

“Have you taken a shower? If so, go to bed and sleep.”

Cicely closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, “Seth, what do you mean?”

“Take a shower and get some rest.”


“Since you’re calling me now, it proves my arrangements are correct. Don’t

waste my time. You don’t like talking to me, do you? But if you’ve changed your

mind, I can come right back and keep you company.”

Cicely hung up without another word.

Seth pocketed his phone and stepped out from the top floor’s emergency exit.

The ground below was alight with the constant flicker of neon signs and the red

streams of traffic.

The city of P remained vibrant with life, and everything that had happened today

was swallowed up in the urban pulse, as if leaving no trace.


Back in her hospital room, Cicely had taken a shower, her hair still damp.

Seth walked in with his jacket draped over his wrist, tossed it onto the couch,

and headed straight for her.

Cicely was standing by the window, sipping water and gazing out at the night

skyline that belonged uniquely to P City, lost in thought. She was aware of

Seth’s presence when he entered the room and even as he approached her. His

tall and straight silhouette reflected on the glass.

He reached out to touch her hair, “Should I dry it for you?”

Cicely swatted his hand away. “What is all this?” Cicely spoke slowly, her tone

flat, “Are you afraid that I’m going to wait for an opportunity to flee the city after I

ruin your program? Or do you think I’ll choose to go into hiding because I don’t

want to divorce you?”

“You can rest easy. My dad and Issac are here; even if I were guilty, I wouldn’t

leave them. And if it’s the latter, since I’m the one who initiated this, I surely don’t

need to be so cowardly as to back out now.”

Seth glanced at her coolly, then turned and walked into the bathroom, only to

come out with a hairdryer and approach her again. “Sit on the bed.”

Cicely’s delicate hand clenched the water glass tightly. His nonchalant attitude

was infuriating. Unable to contain her temper, she threw the warm water from

the glass in Seth’s face.

“Who are you playing the good guy for? Afraid I won’t write your shares into the

divorce agreement? Don’t worry, I will give them to you. Everyone knows my

character; the Ellis Group is doomed under my watch. Rather than letting others

scheme and take it from me, I’d rather give it to you. At least Diaz International

will have some hope. Even if you don’t covet it, I was going to give it to you

eventually. Why else would I let you willingly manage the Ellis Group? I’ve given

you the opportunity to covet what I have from the start, and after suffering for so

long, it’s time you got what you wanted.”

His expensive light-colored shirt was soaked, drops of water still gathering and

trickling down his cool, indifferent face. Even after being splashed, Seth had no

reaction, but after hearing Cicely’s words, his eyes, veiled with droplets,

suddenly narrowed. “It’s time we got what we wanted?”

Cicely laughed sarcastically, “Well, it’s because of your mother, isn’t it? She

hates me because my father loved my mother, and because your father loved

her too. What other reason could there be for her to agree to let her son marry


Seth’s expression darkened further, “Did you hear something?”

“The plots you and your mother conjured together? It’s quite remarkable that I

would get wind of it. So, why then? Well, Charlie mentioned it was for my safety.

Is your mother sick again, ready to burst in here and stab me at any moment?”

For the first time, Seth’s expression could be described as furious, “Cicely, even

if you’re trying to provoke me, I won’t let you go out tonight. We can separate,

sure, but only after Issac’s dead the day after tomorrow.”

The water stopped dripping from his face, and with that, Seth took her hand and

led her to the bed. “You’ve said too much tonight. If you want to keep talking,

after I dry your hair, I’ll listen for as long as you want.”

Cicely closed her eyes, letting him dry her hair. “So, I was that annoying before.

You have quite the patience.”

Seth paused for a moment, then continued to run his fingers through her scalp,

her soft hair slipping through the warm air from the dryer. Afterward, he went

into the bathroom himself.

Cicely opened the door to the room, and the two men were still stationed

outside. Charlie leaned against the wall, scrolling through his phone. Seeing

Cicely, he suddenly stood up straight. “Ma’am.”

Cicely looked impassive, “I want some milk.”

Charlie was briefly taken aback, then quickly responded, “Right away, ma’am.”

Cicely closed the door again.

When Seth came out of the shower, Charlie was just knocking on the door,

holding a glass of milk.

“It’s for Ms. Cicely.”

Seth withdrew his gaze and remained silent.

Cicely leaned against the headboard, browsing her phone. The news was full of

the day’s events.

The issues with Diaz International.

The status of the Ellis family.

The condition of Mr. Ellis.

The latest developments of Danielle.

She followed the trending topics, one by one.

The issue of Diaz International was further investigated.

The Ellis Group was holding steady, thanks to Seth having taken the reins for a

while now. With him at the helm, things were relatively stable.

Her dad’s surgery had been a roaring success.

Danielle’s face was ruined, her body riddled with shards of glass, large patches

of skin burnt away. But she had dumb luck on her side. She had been close to

the window when the blast threw her out, landing her outside where she was

scorched for a good while. At least she was still breathing, her organs

miraculously unharmed.

How did that woman always manage to land on her feet? It’s the good ones that

die young, while the wicked seem to live forever.

Cicely had enough of the screen and got up, grabbing the glass of milk. Charlie

was thoughtful as ever; the milk was the perfect temperature. She tilted her

head back, took a gulp, and then walked over to the bed, pulling back the

covers to slide in.

Seth was outside on a call, seemingly about the Ellis Group.

When he returned, he climbed into bed, pulling her into his embrace. Cicely

wasn’t asleep, and she didn’t open her eyes in his arms. “We’re on the brink of

divorce. You find this amusing?”

“Not in the least. Maybe I should pin you down and have my way with you a few

times? Would that be amusing?”

Cicely’s eyes fluttered, her arm resting on her waist, palm on her belly, and she

fell silent.

Today had been draining, and even though nothing had turned out as she had

hoped, exhaustion took over, and Cicely quickly fell asleep. Her shallow breaths

danced on his chest, the familiar soft warmth in his arms, yet something felt


She had actually brought up divorce.

Seth gazed down at her smooth forehead and curled lashes, his arms around

her tightening slightly. After a moment, he lowered his head and kissed her



The next day, under Seth’s supervision, Cicely had breakfast and changed into

clean clothes. “I want to go see my dad.”

“You can visit him for 30 minutes this afternoon.”

“I’m going to see Issac first.”

Seth remained silent.

Cicely clenched her fists, looking up at Seth with a cold indifference. “You’re not

planning to keep me cooped up here for two days, are you?”

After a brief silence, Seth slipped into the clean clothes Charlie had laid out for

him and said indifferently, “I’ll come with you.”

Cicely didn’t bother to respond; it was pointless.

At the door, two men in black suits stood guard as Charlie lingered nearby, but

with Seth by her side, no one stopped her.

When they reached the ICU where Issac was supposed to be, there was no one

there. Issac wasn’t in his bed, and Brody wasn’t by his side. The entire ICU had

been cleared out, devoid of any trace of its previous occupants.

Cicely’s gaze landed on the empty scene, her mind buzzing, and then

everything went blank.Seth stood behind her, his expression somber as he watched her


Her head turned slowly from side to side, disbelief etched on her face as she

took in her surroundings, unable to accept what had happened. After what felt

like an eternity, she spun around, her eyes bloodshot with distress. “Issac’s


She spoke directly, confronting the cruel, ruthless reality she least wanted to


Seth’s deep-set eyes flickered slightly as he replied, his voice cool, “I don’t


Enter title…

Cicely suddenly stepped toward him, and up close, the resentment in her gaze

was unmistakable. She pushed against his chest with both hands.

A woman’s strength isn’t much. Seth thought she might slap him in fury, as she

had done the day before, but instead she pushed him, and caught off guard, he

swayed almost imperceptibly.d2

Cicely persisted, “Is Issac really dead?”

Seth met her gaze, “No.”

Cicely’s eyes widened, holding back restraint and forbearance. “Why didn’t you

let me go out last night?”

“Because you needed to have dinner, take a shower, and get some sleep.”

“Because Issac’s gone.” She cut him off, her eyes shimmering with a layer of

unshed tears.

Seth’s face darkened, his voice suddenly turning cold, “He wasn’t dead!”

Cicely’s gaze drifted upward, studying Seth’s stern face in silence. Then, as if a

thought struck her, she pulled out her phone and dialed Brody’s number,

pressing the phone to her ear.

The call was cut off the moment it started to ring. She tried again, with the same

result. After five or six attempts, she gave up and walked away.

The hospital director’s office was in chaos, but the director could only plead with

her to calm down.

“Where is he? How can someone just disappear?”

“Ms. Cicely, the patient was taken by his father. We couldn’t stop it.”

“So what good are you? You can’t save a life, and you can’t stop someone from

leaving? What’s the point of this hospital?”

The director could only let her vent her frustration. Seth stood by, allowing her to

make a scene. In the end, exhausted and without any answers, she staggered

out of the director’s office, like a zombie devoid of thought, nearly drifting away.

Leaning against the hallway wall, she mechanically dialed Brody’s number again

and again, but the result was the same. The call was disconnected as soon as it


She put away her phone, her hand resting on her eyes, her slender shoulders

curled into a ball. She seemed to be crying, soundlessly, but her helplessness

and sorrow were palpable.

Seth approached her and gently pulled her into his arms, his hand cradling the

back of her head, his deep and gentle voice emanating from above her. “Let’s

go have lunch.”

Cicely let him hold her, making no attempt to struggle or resist. She didn’t

respond immediately, but after about a minute of silence, she spoke softly. “I

want sour plum juice and Tom Yum soup. I don’t want meat or anything from the

restaurants outside.”

Seth paused, surprised. Her current calm and compliance, compared to her

earlier hysteria, seemed far too out of character.

Cicely closed her eyes, “I’m tired.”

Seth bent down and picked her up. Cicely did not refuse, her body showing the

extreme fatigue as she leaned on him, her eyes closed, unresponsive.

Seth instructed Charlie to prepare lunch.

Cicely was laid on the bed, and Seth handed her a glass of water, which she

obediently accepted. After she drank, she nestled into the covers.

An hour later, Charlie brought dinner.

Cicely always ate with a slow, distinctive elegance. Eventually, she set down her

cutlery, dabbed her mouth with a napkin, and looked at Seth with a calm

expression. “Do you not want to divorce me?”

Seth’s grip on his cup tightened slightly.

Cicely, who was leaning on the couch, her tone as cold and indifferent as her

complexion. “So you think, by taking Issac away, making me unable to see him

again, I’ll just think he’s left, not that he’s dead, and that I won’t choose to

divorce you over him?”

Seth remained silent. After setting the glass down, he said, “It sounds like you

might be right.”

Cicely tugged at her lip, “Why? What else do you want? Aren’t the Ellis Group’s

shares in my hands good enough? Or is it because I was the one who spoke up

first, giving you a feeling of being dumped, and you feel that your supreme

dignity has been trampled on, and you can’t get over it, so you won’t divorce?”

Seth’s jaw was tightly clenched, his thin lips pressed into a straight line. He was

restraining himself, and after a long while, he hooked his lips and piled the

leftover food in front of him. “So no matter what, this marriage… might not be

able to be ended for now.”

Cicely’s lips curled in a sardonic smile, “Can’t you just pretend you dumped


“How can we pretend? The fact is you wanted to dump me. Why would I want to

dump you for no reason?”

Cicely’s eyes, tinged with a cold smile, grew chillier as she murmured

thoughtfully: “For no reason, huh?”

The sound of a knock on the door interrupted them, and Seth turned to open it

himself. Charlie stepped in, “Mr. Diaz, the company matters are pressing.

Everyone’s waiting for you; it can’t be delayed any longer.”

After the events of the previous day and losing an entire building, Diaz

International’s shareholders and executives were restless.

Charlie’s work phone had been bombarded with calls, including the one Mr. Diaz

had handed off to him. Mr. Diaz had first gone to the Ellis Group, then straight to

the hospital, staying by his wife’s side, cool and composed as if nothing had

happened. But Charlie didn’t believe Mr. Diaz was unaware of how bad the

situation truly was.


Cicely withdrew her gaze and slowly closed her eyes against the back of the


Seth straightened up and grabbed his jacket from the couch. “I’ve got to head

out. It’s a mess out there, and you won’t gain anything from roaming around.

Stay put in the hospital to avoid unnecessary trouble.”

Cicely remained silent. She could hear Seth’s footsteps fading away, followed by

his detached voice at the door. “Keep a close eye on her. Don’t take her

anywhere but the hospital.”



Someone came in to clear the table and tidy up the room, removing the

remnants of the meal.

Cicely slowly stood and left the ward. Two burly men followed her as if it were

the most natural thing in the world.

She rode the elevator up to Creighton’s intensive care unit. The medical staff

inside were busy, so she waited outside for a good fifteen minutes before she

could enter.

The doctor’s report was still not optimistic. Creighton needed to stabilize and

make it past the critical forty-eight hours to be truly out of danger.

Cicely nodded and thanked the doctor. She then sat beside the bed, gently

holding Creighton’s hand, and rested her cheek against its back.

“Dad…” Cicely closed her eyes, pushing down the sourness and fear welling up

inside her.

“Don’t worry about what was said in those recordings. Yes, I said it, but it was

just to trick Ray. Joel gave me that USB drive. He’s part of a computer club at

school, and that drive is a bit special. It can fry a computer, but all the data

transfers onto the drive and hides automatically. As soon as someone cracks it,

there’s no issue. Joel and his team are working hard on the decryption software.

Once that’s ready and we retrieve the files, I’ll be vindicated.

“You really don’t need to worry. I’m your daughter, after all. How could I let

myself be mistreated? I agreed to go to the justice department because I have

solid evidence of my innocence. If they dare to bring me in for questioning, as

soon as I prove I’m clear, I’ll tear the place apart.

“I’ve caused plenty of trouble growing up, but I’ve never actually dismantled a

justice department. The thought of it makes my hands itch to do it. But that’s

likely to be a mess to deal with later, and I’ll definitely need your support.

“But since you don’t want me to get arrested, I won’t. However, I still intend to

smash the place up. Dad, you’ve got to recover quickly and be my strong


Cicely stood up and wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes. She stroked

Creighton’s graying hair. Her heart was full of pain and tenderness. Right now,

she had so much to say to someone, so very much.

She wanted to talk about Issac’s situation, her desire to divorce Seth, and the

possibility that she might be pregnant. But everyone who should know was

indifferent, detached bystanders. Even if someone died, it was just a bit of

excitement for them.

When one person’s tragedy becomes another’s entertainment, the thought itself

is infuriating.

The people who truly cared for her would react the most, and offer her the

utmost support. That was why she couldn’t bring herself to tell Creighton about

these issues.

Creighton knew how much Issac meant to her, how heartbroken she’d be over

divorcing Seth, and how ill-timed a pregnancy would be now. Creighton must be

disappointed in Seth too, so she couldn’t tell him any of it.

Cicely talked to Creighton about trivial things, carefully avoiding any mention of

the aftermath of the Diaz International explosion.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the ICU doctor came in to ask her to leave.

After leaving the unit, Cicely went to the hospital’s park and sat on a bench near

the fence. Beyond the fence was the parking lot. Her mind was a blur. All she

could think about was hoping for Creighton to wake up; she couldn’t figure out

anything beyond that.

As she stared blankly at the distant parking lot, watching people come and go,

some leaving with large bags and happy faces, others rushing in with somber

expressions, she recognized a familiar figure carrying things from a car towards

the hospital. At that moment, her phone rang.

It was Grandpa calling. He asked about her dad and Danielle’s condition.

Cicely’s eyes narrowed. Danielle.Seth stood behind her, his expression somber as he

watched her silhouette.

Her head turned slowly from side to side, disbelief etched on her face as she

took in her surroundings, unable to accept what had happened. After what felt

like an eternity, she spun around, her eyes bloodshot with distress. “Issac’s


She spoke directly, confronting the cruel, ruthless reality she least wanted to


Seth’s deep-set eyes flickered slightly as he replied, his voice cool, “I don’t


Enter title…

Cicely suddenly stepped toward him, and up close, the resentment in her gaze

was unmistakable. She pushed against his chest with both hands.

A woman’s strength isn’t much. Seth thought she might slap him in fury, as she

had done the day before, but instead she pushed him, and caught off guard, he

swayed almost imperceptibly.d2

Cicely persisted, “Is Issac really dead?”

Seth met her gaze, “No.”

Cicely’s eyes widened, holding back restraint and forbearance. “Why didn’t you

let me go out last night?”

“Because you needed to have dinner, take a shower, and get some sleep.”

“Because Issac’s gone.” She cut him off, her eyes shimmering with a layer of

unshed tears.

Seth’s face darkened, his voice suddenly turning cold, “He wasn’t dead!”

Cicely’s gaze drifted upward, studying Seth’s stern face in silence. Then, as if a

thought struck her, she pulled out her phone and dialed Brody’s number,

pressing the phone to her ear.

The call was cut off the moment it started to ring. She tried again, with the same

result. After five or six attempts, she gave up and walked away.

The hospital director’s office was in chaos, but the director could only plead with

her to calm down.

“Where is he? How can someone just disappear?”

“Ms. Cicely, the patient was taken by his father. We couldn’t stop it.”

“So what good are you? You can’t save a life, and you can’t stop someone from

leaving? What’s the point of this hospital?”

The director could only let her vent her frustration. Seth stood by, allowing her to

make a scene. In the end, exhausted and without any answers, she staggered

out of the director’s office, like a zombie devoid of thought, nearly drifting away.

Leaning against the hallway wall, she mechanically dialed Brody’s number again

and again, but the result was the same. The call was disconnected as soon as it


She put away her phone, her hand resting on her eyes, her slender shoulders

curled into a ball. She seemed to be crying, soundlessly, but her helplessness

and sorrow were palpable.

Seth approached her and gently pulled her into his arms, his hand cradling the

back of her head, his deep and gentle voice emanating from above her. “Let’s

go have lunch.”

Cicely let him hold her, making no attempt to struggle or resist. She didn’t

respond immediately, but after about a minute of silence, she spoke softly. “I

want sour plum juice and Tom Yum soup. I don’t want meat or anything from the

restaurants outside.”

Seth paused, surprised. Her current calm and compliance, compared to her

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

earlier hysteria, seemed far too out of character.

Cicely closed her eyes, “I’m tired.”

Seth bent down and picked her up. Cicely did not refuse, her body showing the

extreme fatigue as she leaned on him, her eyes closed, unresponsive.

Seth instructed Charlie to prepare lunch.

Cicely was laid on the bed, and Seth handed her a glass of water, which she

obediently accepted. After she drank, she nestled into the covers.

An hour later, Charlie brought dinner.

Cicely always ate with a slow, distinctive elegance. Eventually, she set down her

cutlery, dabbed her mouth with a napkin, and looked at Seth with a calm

expression. “Do you not want to divorce me?”

Seth’s grip on his cup tightened slightly.

Cicely, who was leaning on the couch, her tone as cold and indifferent as her

complexion. “So you think, by taking Issac away, making me unable to see him

again, I’ll just think he’s left, not that he’s dead, and that I won’t choose to

divorce you over him?”

Seth remained silent. After setting the glass down, he said, “It sounds like you

might be right.”

Cicely tugged at her lip, “Why? What else do you want? Aren’t the Ellis Group’s

shares in my hands good enough? Or is it because I was the one who spoke up

first, giving you a feeling of being dumped, and you feel that your supreme

dignity has been trampled on, and you can’t get over it, so you won’t divorce?”

Seth’s jaw was tightly clenched, his thin lips pressed into a straight line. He was

restraining himself, and after a long while, he hooked his lips and piled the

leftover food in front of him. “So no matter what, this marriage… might not be

able to be ended for now.”

Cicely’s lips curled in a sardonic smile, “Can’t you just pretend you dumped


“How can we pretend? The fact is you wanted to dump me. Why would I want to

dump you for no reason?”

Cicely’s eyes, tinged with a cold smile, grew chillier as she murmured

thoughtfully: “For no reason, huh?”

The sound of a knock on the door interrupted them, and Seth turned to open it

himself. Charlie stepped in, “Mr. Diaz, the company matters are pressing.

Everyone’s waiting for you; it can’t be delayed any longer.”

After the events of the previous day and losing an entire building, Diaz

International’s shareholders and executives were restless.

Charlie’s work phone had been bombarded with calls, including the one Mr. Diaz

had handed off to him. Mr. Diaz had first gone to the Ellis Group, then straight to

the hospital, staying by his wife’s side, cool and composed as if nothing had

happened. But Charlie didn’t believe Mr. Diaz was unaware of how bad the

situation truly was.


Cicely withdrew her gaze and slowly closed her eyes against the back of the


Seth straightened up and grabbed his jacket from the couch. “I’ve got to head

out. It’s a mess out there, and you won’t gain anything from roaming around.

Stay put in the hospital to avoid unnecessary trouble.”

Cicely remained silent. She could hear Seth’s footsteps fading away, followed by

his detached voice at the door. “Keep a close eye on her. Don’t take her

anywhere but the hospital.”



Someone came in to clear the table and tidy up the room, removing the

remnants of the meal.

Cicely slowly stood and left the ward. Two burly men followed her as if it were

the most natural thing in the world.

She rode the elevator up to Creighton’s intensive care unit. The medical staff

inside were busy, so she waited outside for a good fifteen minutes before she

could enter.

The doctor’s report was still not optimistic. Creighton needed to stabilize and

make it past the critical forty-eight hours to be truly out of danger.

Cicely nodded and thanked the doctor. She then sat beside the bed, gently

holding Creighton’s hand, and rested her cheek against its back.

“Dad…” Cicely closed her eyes, pushing down the sourness and fear welling up

inside her.

“Don’t worry about what was said in those recordings. Yes, I said it, but it was

just to trick Ray. Joel gave me that USB drive. He’s part of a computer club at

school, and that drive is a bit special. It can fry a computer, but all the data

transfers onto the drive and hides automatically. As soon as someone cracks it,

there’s no issue. Joel and his team are working hard on the decryption software.

Once that’s ready and we retrieve the files, I’ll be vindicated.

“You really don’t need to worry. I’m your daughter, after all. How could I let

myself be mistreated? I agreed to go to the justice department because I have

solid evidence of my innocence. If they dare to bring me in for questioning, as

soon as I prove I’m clear, I’ll tear the place apart.

“I’ve caused plenty of trouble growing up, but I’ve never actually dismantled a

justice department. The thought of it makes my hands itch to do it. But that’s

likely to be a mess to deal with later, and I’ll definitely need your support.

“But since you don’t want me to get arrested, I won’t. However, I still intend to

smash the place up. Dad, you’ve got to recover quickly and be my strong


Cicely stood up and wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes. She stroked

Creighton’s graying hair. Her heart was full of pain and tenderness. Right now,

she had so much to say to someone, so very much.

She wanted to talk about Issac’s situation, her desire to divorce Seth, and the

possibility that she might be pregnant. But everyone who should know was

indifferent, detached bystanders. Even if someone died, it was just a bit of

excitement for them.

When one person’s tragedy becomes another’s entertainment, the thought itself

is infuriating.

The people who truly cared for her would react the most, and offer her the

utmost support. That was why she couldn’t bring herself to tell Creighton about

these issues.

Creighton knew how much Issac meant to her, how heartbroken she’d be over

divorcing Seth, and how ill-timed a pregnancy would be now. Creighton must be

disappointed in Seth too, so she couldn’t tell him any of it.

Cicely talked to Creighton about trivial things, carefully avoiding any mention of

the aftermath of the Diaz International explosion.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the ICU doctor came in to ask her to leave.

After leaving the unit, Cicely went to the hospital’s park and sat on a bench near

the fence. Beyond the fence was the parking lot. Her mind was a blur. All she

could think about was hoping for Creighton to wake up; she couldn’t figure out

anything beyond that.

As she stared blankly at the distant parking lot, watching people come and go,

some leaving with large bags and happy faces, others rushing in with somber

expressions, she recognized a familiar figure carrying things from a car towards

the hospital. At that moment, her phone rang.

It was Grandpa calling. He asked about her dad and Danielle’s condition.

Cicely’s eyes narrowed. Danielle… Erik said, “Go check on her for me.”

Cicely’s gaze followed the man as he disappeared, then she withdrew her

attention. It was a familiar face, one that had clashed with Seth in heated

debates before.

Shane. Another assistant working alongside Seth.

“Grandpa, take care of yourself.”

With such a calamity befalling the family, Erik was bedridden. There was a

family doctor in the house, and she had not even returned home to visit.

“I’m fine. Just go see how Danielle is doing, I heard she’s in a bad way.”d2

Enter title…

“Grandpa.” Cicely got up and walked over to the railing and watched the people

coming and going in the parking lot, “Issac is dead.”

The silence on the other end of the phone was long and heavy.

Cicely’s slender hands gripped the rusted railing tightly as she spoke in a flat

tone. “If only Patty and Danielle hadn’t dilly-dallied and just gotten on the rescue

chopper quicker. It wouldn’t have taken much, maybe just a minute sooner, no,

perhaps thirty seconds, or even ten might have been enough. We could’ve

avoided the blast, and Issac wouldn’t have left me.”

A deep, gravelly voice filled with helplessness and a choke of emotion came

from the phone, “Cicely…”

“Grandpa, do you know what Issac meant to me? He was like the air to me,

barely noticeable when around, but now that he’s gone…”

Danielle was the old man’s granddaughter. So was she.

If it wasn’t for Patty wasting so much time for the sake of Danielle, Issac

wouldn’t have died.

After a long pause, Cicely took a deep breath, “Alright. I’ll go check on Danielle

for you.”

Hanging up, Cicely put away her phone and turned, expressionless, towards the


Shane hadn’t been in Danielle’s room for long before Cicely arrived. Charlie was

holding a bag of fruit and some lunch. The two following behind Cicely

automatically stood to either side of the hospital room door, not entering with


Patty was there in Danielle’s room, looking haggard with sunken, swollen eyes.

Patty sat at the edge of the bed, peeling an apple Shane had handed her,

starting at the top, when she heard a knock and turned to see Cicely in the


Before Shane could react, Patty had already jumped to her feet, looking at

Cicely warily. “What are you doing here?”

Shane quietly left the room. These were matters among women, especially

when it came to love and hate. It was best for him to keep out of their delicate


Cicely cracked a wry smile, “Ms. Patty, Danielle has Ellis blood in her veins.

Strictly speaking, I’m closer to her than you are, so why wouldn’t I come?”

With that said, she approached the bed.

Her eyes fell on the person wrapped up so tightly on the bed, only eyes and

mouth visible.

Danielle’s mouth was crusted with dry skin. Those bloodshot eyes were filled

with intense hatred, as if all her strength were focused there, wishing she could

tear Cicely apart.

Suddenly, Cicely laughed, “Grandpa’s not well, and he asked me to come check

on you. So I came to see just how pitiful you are. Covered in burns, your face

disfigured, huh? Your legs had just healed, and now you’re back in bed. What’s

the point of living like this?”

“Cicely, have you got no humanity? That’s your cousin you’re talking about, do

you really wish her dead?!”

Patty could no longer hold back, shaking with rage. Her voice exploded in

Cicely’s ear, yet Cicely remained indifferent, her gaze fixed on Danielle. The

eyes that peeked out from the bandages looked both comical and pitiable. Right

now, those eyes glared at her with a fury that seemed desperate to convey her


“Why are you glaring at me? Seems like, Issac and I have rescued an ungrateful

viper. Danielle, were you born under a cursed star? Why does everyone around

you suffer misfortune?”

Danielle’s lips trembled, “You are the cursed one.” Her voice was hoarse, and it

seemed as if speaking was pulling at her wounds, causing tears to well up in her


Cicely’s smile slowly cooled. “Danielle, if you hadn’t returned to the Ellis family,

so many things wouldn’t have happened. I wouldn’t have met you or Seth. You

two together make no more difference to me than if you were stray dogs.”

“Cicely!” Patty suddenly shouted beside her, “Do you not hear how ridiculous

you sound? Danielle and Seth are like stray dogs to you? And what does that

make you? Have you forgotten how you used to cling to Seth?”

At that, Cicely slowly turned her head, her detached and icy gaze making Patty

instinctively step back. “What do you want?”

“Are you out of your mind?” Cicely finally said, “Can’t you understand plain

English or are you deliberately picking a fight? Everyone knows how I feel about

Seth. He always thought I was heartless and ungrateful, but somehow I always

felt that it’s actually you who are the most ungrateful?”


“If we hadn’t come to save you, do you think you’d still be alive to argue with me

about these petty things? I don’t expect gratitude, but is a simple ‘thank you’ too

much for your oh-so-superior upbringing?”

Patty paused, the anger in her eyes intensifying. “You saving us? Wasn’t it you

who ruined Diaz International, trying to curry favor so I wouldn’t stand in the way

of you and Seth? Otherwise, why would you bother to risk your lives to save us?

What a joke! If you hadn’t come, we would have missed the explosion, and

Danielle wouldn’t be like this. You have the nerve to come here and take credit,

but I haven’t even begun to settle the score with you.”

Cicely felt the absurdity of it all. How twisted must one’s morals and worldview

be to be so thankless, to be unable to distinguish right from wrong, and to so

blatantly distort the truth.

Cicely turned slowly, her eyes narrowing with a dangerous glint as she took two

steps closer. “If we hadn’t come along, Danielle would be nothing but ash right

now, and so would you. Your fate? Nothing more than two charred corpses.”

Patty seemed to shrink back at her words, her shoulders tensing with fear.

“Patty, I never expected you to be falling over yourselves with gratitude, but you

have to understand something. Your lives? They were saved by Issac. So, you

owe him. Even if you scrape by every day from here on out, you live with that

debt of gratitude. If it weren’t for you two, he wouldn’t be dead.”

There was a brief silence in the hospital room. “Dead? Ha.”

Patty’s sneer made Cicely’s temples throb with a sudden pulse.

“What does his death have to do with us? Got what he deserved, didn’t he?” The fury that

had been brewing now crashed over Cicely like waves in a

tempest, and she felt as if the explosion that had rocked her world was

detonating once again inside her head. “You think he got what he deserved?

You say his death was justified?”

Patty, shaken by the wild rage emanating from Cicely, trembled from head to

toe. In her panic, she raised the paring knife she’d been nervously gripping,

“What are you trying to do?”

Cicely froze, her figure rigid as a statue. Patty’s heart steadied, and her face

relaxed into a cold, mocking smile. “Am I wrong? I didn’t ask you to come save

me. You made that choice on your own, dragging that spineless lapdog up here

to his doom. If you hadn’t come, how could he have possibly died?”

Enter title…

The veins on Cicely’s forehead stood out starkly against her skin, distinctly

outlining the extreme anger she felt. “Even if I did come up because I was being

stupid, but if you hadn’t stalled me for Danielle, Danielle would have been fine,

and Issac wouldn’t have died. No one in their right mind would have said

something like that.”

Even Danielle, lying in her bed, sensed the dangerous mood that Cicely was in,

especially upon seeing the sharp