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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2001-2010
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Watching them leave, Danielle’s hands clenched a little tighter, the stiffness

betraying her anxiety. She wished she hadn’t rushed back, longing instead to

present the birthday gift she had carefully chosen for him in person. Even a

chilly acceptance would have been preferable to having Cicely snatch it away

like she just had.

Seeing Cicely punch in the door code with practiced ease, as Seth Diaz stood

by, a chill shot through Danielle. Birthday, late night, two people and the scent of

alcohol on their breath…All these elements seemed to weave a narrative she

didn’t dare to read.

Maybe things were moving too fast between them. She couldn’t imagine Seth,

with his frosty demeanor, ever getting cozy with Cicely.

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How could someone so cool and detached treat a woman with tenderness?

Danielle bit her lip hard, squashed down those thoughts, and stepped into the



Back at home, Seth helped Cicely onto the couch.

Kicking off her shoes, Cicely watched as Seth came over to help her out of her

coat. It seemed like a routine she was well accustomed to. She lifted her arms

and tilted her head, her attention on the gift box in her hands.

“She came back just for your birthday, huh?”

Seth unzipped her down jacket, slid off one sleeve, and gave her a look that

was as unreadable as ever.

She switched the gift box to her other hand so he could remove her coat. As he

went to hang it up, she leaned back into the couch, inspecting the box, turning it

over in her hands. “You know, with her putting in so much effort and openly

making advances towards you, can I pretend not to care?”

Should she continue the charade, even when Danielle had already abandoned


Seth approached her, looking down from his greater height, “There’s nothing

between her and me.”

Cicely gave a half-laugh, “You expect me not to worry about her?”

She rattled the box in her hand. “Even if you’re clear about it now, receiving gifts

on every special occasion is a bit much.”

His gaze finally landed on the box in her hands. Moments later, he snatched it

away and tossed it into the trash with a clang. “Satisfied?”

Cicely glanced at the trash can, smirked, and looked up at him with eyes that

twirled with mischief. “I’m dizzy.”

He smirked, “Are you trying to tell me that the dizziness from drinking comes

and goes?”

Cicely didn’t care, she just stretched out her arms towards Seth, “Take me to the


Seth’s eyes narrowed, pausing on the skin of her neck.

Her arms moved slightly, urging him on. He looked away and finally lifted her in

his arms. He laid her down on the bed and Cicely curled up, supporting her

head with a slender arm. The hem of her burgundy dress had ridden up

carelessly, revealing the elegant lines of her legs. She gazed up at him, smiling.

“Seth, I’m drunk tonight, so you can take advantage of me if you want.”

The dark fire in his eyes was barely contained, even as they roamed over her.

Her beauty tonight was more striking than usual, the dress accentuating her

flawless figure.

At eighteen, she had the kind of allure that stirred envy in women and desire in

men. The way those men had looked at her tonight when she had taken off her

coat had left him feeling unsettled.

Cicely’s teasing had been light-hearted at first, but now the intensity of Seth’s

gaze was making her surprisingly nervous.

“Shall we take a shower?” His voice was huskier than she expected.

She nodded, “Sure.”

He continued to watch her. She didn’t move.

Finally, Seth bent down and carried her into the bathroom.

He had never intended to rush things now that she was of age. She must have

known that, which was why she felt so bold in teasing him.

He hadn’t been with a woman before and, at his age, men were particularly

vulnerable to such temptations. Perhaps she overestimated his self-control. Or

maybe, it was just her self-control she overestimated.

After the shower, Cicely felt like a cooked shrimp, her body limp and energy

sapped. She’d been seen entirely, touched almost thoroughly. Now in the soft

embrace of her bed, she breathed a sigh of relief, thinking her only task was to


But she was wildly mistaken.

Seth pinched her chin, “Sobered up yet?”

She nodded, “Yes.”

His eyes swept her exposed skin and his lips curled into a slight smile. “Even if

you weren’t drunk, you know our relationship is such that I could take liberties

with you whenever I wish, right?”

Cicely blinked, “Yes, I know. So, is it time to sleep now?”

Seth raised an eyebrow, “Do you think the episode in the bathroom was

enough?”Cicely’s eyelids fluttered twice, betraying her effort to seem indifferent. “Or


Seth’s gaze drifted to her lips, “I think I made a mistake.”

Cicely furrowed her brows in confusion.

“I shouldn’t have just thought about keeping you like some naive doll, hidden

away. You need to see the harsh realities of the world to understand the

dangers that exist.”

Cicely was no fool; she could see through some people and situations better

than they could ever imagine. She always maintained a sense of vigilance,

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aware of potential threats at any given moment. “There’s no need, I’m well


“Are you?”d2

As he spoke, Cicely suddenly gasped, her eyes darting towards Seth in a slight

panic. His hand had stealthily slipped under the covers, his intentions crystal

clear. She instinctively recoiled.

“You not gonna let me touch you?”

“You are you serious?”

She was convinced he wouldn’t really sleep with her now.

“Isn’t your idea of ‘impropriety’ a bit naive?”

Cicely bit her lip, her beautiful eyes filled with timidness, “I’ve heard it hurts, and

I’m afraid of the pain.”

“So you’re planning to spend your life just letting me look and touch?”

Cicely’s eyes darted about, and before she could utter a word, Seth leaned in

closer, his presence enveloping her. “Don’t you want to have kids? Just looking

and touching won’t make that happen.”

Her grip on the covers relaxed slightly, and the tension in her body eased.

Seth’s lips curled into a satisfied smirk.

“Seth.” Cicely suddenly spoke up, “You’re raping me, aren’t you?”

Seth’s expression darkened instantly, “You’re saying what?”

Cicely repeated, “Raping.”

“Cicely.” The hand under the covers suddenly grasped her leg, his voice deep

and icy, “What do you think the purpose of that marriage certificate you’re

holding is?”

“To legally live together.”

“That includes legally having sex with you.”

Seth’s words were ground out through clenched teeth, each syllable as if

chewed up and spit out. His frankness was unexpected, almost shocking, but it

was precisely this rawness that made it all the more enticing.

Cicely had likely angered him; his words hit her like a physical force, stealing

her breath away. Before, she might not have thought much about it, but the topic

that just irked him was a sensitive one, and she felt a surge of nervousness.

Cicely was fresh from a bath, her skin soft and scented.

Underneath the covers, the restraint from the bathroom was returning with a

vengeance. The kiss was forceful, wandering down her neck to the tender spot

behind her ear, teasing her earlobe.

Cicely whimpered softly. Seth paused, staring at her flushed ear before bending

down again. When she shivered once more, a low chuckle escaped Seth.


Cicely felt he was mocking her inexperience. So she clenched her teeth,

determined not to be the butt of his amusement anymore. Seth seemed to be in

a playful mood, his kisses searching for her most sensitive spots.

The covers were pushed down, sparks slowly nearing the summit. Cicely,

sensing something, tried to escape, but Seth was ahead of her, anticipating her


A sensation shot through her. Her arms, which had been propping her up,

suddenly lost their strength, and with a soft exclamation, she fell back into the


This was madness. The feeling was foreign and uncontrollable. Her heart felt

like it was about to leap out of her chest.

The man before her was the man she loved, yearned for, the one she had

schemed to win over.

Unlike with Ray, she enjoyed his touch, even craved more. She truly loved him.

But why did she love him so much? She couldn’t even understand it herself. She

just wanted him, and no one else would do.

Slowly, she raised her hand to caress his damp hair, her palm resting against

his face, that handsome face lifting to meet her gaze. As if under a spell, she

leaned in closer to him, closing the gap between them. “Seth, why do I love you

so much?” she asked.

Seth threw aside the covers, realizing that tonight wouldn’t be so easily endured.

He was somewhat relieved she was of age. Perhaps if she weren’t, she wouldn’t

be able to escape him tonight.

Boundaries? Her specialty was pushing him to break them, time and time again.

“Why?” he asked as he pulled her into his embrace.

Cicely wrapped her arms around his shoulders, shaking her head, “I don’t know.

Do you know how much I love you?”

“How much?” Seth inquired.

Cicely tilted her head, giving the same answer, “I don’t know.”

Seth looked up at her, “You don’t know why you love me, and you don’t know

how much?”

She nodded, “Yeah. I don’t know. If I did, maybe one day I could avoid loving

you so much.”

Seth paused for a moment, “Even if you knew, it’s too late.”

He pressed her back down into the bedding.

One of the reasons they didn’t live together and he refrained from getting

physically close to her was because of her young age. He also considered the

possibility that she might regret and want to exit the marriage at any time, but he

had never truly hoped for such a day.

As he struggled internally, he gave her enough time. Now, her words suddenly

reminded him that he couldn’t allow it. She might not love him as much as she

did now, and she might truly disappear from his life.

He wouldn’t permit such a thought, not even for a second. So he decided he

wouldn’t leave her that option anymore.Seth never thought he’d see the day when Cicely would scare

the living

daylights out of him. It happened in a moment of breakthrough.

Cicely’s scream nearly pierced his eardrums. Then came a convulsion, her face

turned as pale as a ghost, almost translucent.

“Ouch. Seth, are you trying to kill me?” Tears cascaded down Cicely’s cheeks, a

relentless torrent.

Sweat beaded on Seth’s forehead as he gritted his teeth, staring at her

seemingly lifeless form, torn between staying and fleeing. But then, she

furrowed her brow and uttered a pained cry.

“Ouch, don’t move.”

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Seth, restraining himself, remained still. His hand found her forehead, his head

lowered to hers, his voice strained and husky. “Does it hurt that bad?”d2

Cicely bit her lip, eyes closed, with eyelids and lashes trembling together. She

nodded randomly, perhaps feeling overwhelmed by pain, and choked back a

sob with a couple of stifled sobs.

Time passed, and perhaps the pain had ebbed slightly, Cicely opened her eyes,

her cheeks flushed with a returning rosiness, but her eyes were rimmed red with


“Feeling better?”

Cicely gave a tiny nod, followed by a sniffle, “Is it this painful for every girl the

first time, or is it just your lousy technique ?”

Seth fell silent. The urge to throttle her surged within him.

After a moment of silence, Cicely inhaled sharply.

Seth rose and headed to the bathroom.

Cicely felt uneasy, the foreign sensation still distinct, the pain all too real. She

lay in bed, afraid to move. Watching Seth leave, her worry gnawed at her—had

their utterly unromantic “first time” left him utterly disillusioned?

Had he gone for good? Was he unsatisfied? Angry?

Alone in bed, she spiraled into helpless speculation. Would he seek comfort with

other women now?

Cicely blinked. This was serious.

When Seth returned from the bathroom with a towel, he found the woman in bed

biting her finger, lost in thought. He frowned, “What’s on your mind?”

Cicely turned quickly, shaking her head. “Nothing.”

Seth gave her a long look and then sat down beside her. His hand reached for

her leg.

Cicely protested with a whimper, trying to evade, “What are you doing?”

“Don’t move.” His tone was indifferent. He leaned down with the towel, and the

warmth of it touched her skin. Cicely’s initial resistance melted away, but then

came the flush of embarrassment.

“If you don’t have the guts, stop talking big. You were quick to talk about having

kids, and now you’re even shy for me to have a look?”

Indeed. But she couldn’t help it.

“It’s the first time…” her voice was barely audible.

“Yeah, I’ll give you time to adjust.”

Seth wiped carefully, the pure white towel now marked with stark red stains.

After he was done, Seth checked her over carefully, then looked up, his dark

eyes heavy with an emotion that seemed too thick to dissolve. “Still hurts?”

“It’s better.”

Hearing that, Seth stood up, picked her up, and placed her on the couch nearby.

Cicely was puzzled, lying there as Seth draped a blanket over her and turned

away without a word.

She grabbed the edge of his bathrobe, her expression pitiable, “You’re not

making me sleep on the couch as punishment for not satisfying you, are you?”

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Seth grimanced, and he gently removed her hand, “Yeah, indeed it was less

than satisfying.”

“So once I’m not in pain…” Cicely’s gaze followed Seth anxiously.

Dissatisfaction in bed could spell disaster for a marriage.

“Of course, that’s how it is. You think you’ve fulfilled your duty in one go?” Seth

cut her off, but paused at the bedside to strip the sheets.

Cicely watched as he skillfully replaced the bedding with fresh linens. This was

a task so distant from his usual repertoire, yet he executed it with surprising


Hmm… The way he appeared all domestic was strangely attractive.

Once the bed was made, he carried her back and laid her down. Cicely’s eyes

crinkled with a smile, “Punishment over?”

Seth shot her a glance, “Next time, the punishment will last longer. Get some

sleep.” With that, he pulled the covers over her.

Taking the soiled linens, he disappeared into the bathroom. Before long, the

sound of running water filled the room.

A few minutes later, Seth emerged from the bathroom. He had taken another

shower and saw the woman lying there, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at

him, “Why haven’t you slept yet?”

“Waiting for you.” Cicely patted the empty spot next to her.

Seth was not surprised. After all, they had sex and sharing a bed was natural.

He lifted the blanket and laid down. Cicely immediately snuggled up to him. She

rested on his arm, leaned into his chest, and wrapped her arms around his


Seth paused for a moment, looking down at her head for a few seconds, and

then he gave her his arm, his embrace, and his hand.

Cicely was particular about her bed and had never shared it with anyone. Seth

woke up before her, and she could feel when he got up. She felt disturbed and

frowned, but soon there was a sound at the door, and she was left alone in the


All Cicely wanted now was peace, so she fell asleep again.

After some time, the door opened again. Hearing the noise, Cicely’s mind began

to vaguely remember the events of the previous night. She turned over, burying

half of her face into the soft pillow, lazily peeking through a slit in her eyes,

watching Seth dressing in front of the wardrobe.

Hearing her movement, he turned to her, “Stay home and rest today if you’re not

feeling well. I’ll call in sick for you.”


She hummed softly and closed her eyes again. Only when the rustling by the

wardrobe seemed to stop did she roll over and lazily lift her eyelids to look at


The man was already impeccably dressed, his tall frame adorned with a crisp

white shirt and a dark suit, exuding an air of detached elegance.

Cicely sighed inwardly. He was every bit the man she adored.

“You’re not going to class today?”

“Clearly not.” Seth’s voice was cool as he approached, leaning in close, his

handsome face bringing a fresh, clean scent as he hovered over her.

His voice was a seductive whisper, his breath lightly caressing her face. “Does it

still hurt?”

Cicely’s ears turned pink, “Not anymore.”

A slight smirk graced Seth’s lips, “Are you sure?”

“I’m not too sure,” Cicely admitted with a touch of uncertainty.

Seth’s low chuckle rumbled from his throat, “Finally learned to back down, huh?”

“It’s called being wise,” Cicely retorted with a smirk.

“Uh huh, you always have the best excuses,” he teased.

Cicely smiled, reaching up to adjust his tie. “Got plans for today?”

“Not sure. If time allows, I might swing by the set for a bit.”

Cicely’s eyebrows arched as she recalled his recent flurry of activities. She

knew he’d been busy with his company and prepping for a shoot, but she had

no clue what project he was actually working on. She’d asked before, but Seth

had been evasive.

“Alright then.” That world was foreign to her, and she had little interest in it.

Seth caught her hand and bent down to kiss her. “Breakfast is warming on the

table. Make sure you eat.”

“Did you make it?”

He stuffed her hand back under the covers and stood up, “Do you really think

there’s a third person in this house?”

“Call me if you need anything. And don’t go wandering off.”

“Mmm-hmm,” Cicely nodded obediently.

Satisfied, Seth finally turned and left.


Cicely planned on catching some extra sleep, but the restlessness won. She got

out of bed and found a clean set of pajamas laid out for her. She slipped them

on, careful of the piercing pain from last night’s ordeal. She tiptoed gingerly to

the dining room, where a plate of sandwiches, milk, hard-boiled eggs, and a

vegetable salad waited under the warming lights.

Leaning on the table, she took a sip of milk and nibbled on an egg. A smile

spread across her lips as she pictured Seth, alone in the kitchen, methodically

preparing breakfast – even meticulously peeling eggs for her.

The man who used to be so cold and distant, who seemed impossible to warm

up was now unexpectedly affectionate and thoughtful. She had said she didn’t

expect Seth to love her, but maybe now she could star t to hope a little?


After breakfast, she settled on the living room couch and flipped on the TV to

watch a movie. Around eleven, her phone chimed with a message.


By noon, Charlie stood outside the door, carrying bags from a prestigious

restaurant. When no one answered, he called Seth directly. “Mr. Diaz, Ms.

Cicely seems to be out.”

Seth was at his desk, poring over documents with a stern focus. Hearing

Charlie’s words, a frown flickered across his brow. He dialed Cicely’s cell from

the landline, but it went straight to voicemail. He tried the apartment line too,

with no answer. “Use the code to check inside,” he instructed.


Charlie entered the code Seth had given him and stepped inside. After a

thorough search, he confirmed, “Mr. Diaz, Ms. Cicely isn’t in the apartment.”

“Find out where she went.”

Seth hung up and grabbed his coat and keys, leaving the company in a swift


Charlie sent Seth the location he’d uncovered within ten minutes and hurried

over himself. The address was a high-class restaurant, a setting that seemed to

match Ms. Cicely’s dining style. Yet, the idea of her dining alone in such an

atmospheric venue seemed unlikely. It was either that, or perhaps Ms. Cicely,

unpredictable and independent, simply enjoyed the cuisine and chose to savor it

solo – not impossible.

Charlie considered these possibilities, but when he arrived at the restaurant and

caught sight of Ms. Cicely, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Following shortly after, Seth’s typically stoic expression also betrayed a hint of


“Mr. Diaz,” Charlie whispered, approaching discreetly, “I didn’t disturb Ms.

Cicely, but I’ve spoken with the owner. As you can see, she’s the pianist here.

For the past month, she’s come in every afternoon. Ms. Cicely has been working

here. She took an advance on her pay yesterday, and she’s still obligated to

work for another month.”

It was astonishing – a daughter of the affluent Ellis family, who lacked for

nothing, especially not money, working a job like this. If word got out, people

would think Charlie had lost his mind.

Seth watched the woman behind the piano, playing with practiced grace. Even

with half her face masked, he recognized her instantly. No other woman

possessed even a fraction of her innate elegance and pride.

Ballade pour Adeline… A beautiful love story that, according to legend, moved

the god of love.

He glanced down at his watch, the hands moving silently. Beneath the band, his

pulse connected to his heart, beating in an erratic rhythmCharlie followed Seth around, busy with

various tasks, naturally aware of why

Ms. Cicely, who lacked nothing, would be working here.

It must be for Mr. Diaz’s birthday, she probably wanted to give him a gift. Though

Charlie had no clue what the gift was.

He truly hadn’t expected that a woman who always seemed so nonchalant and

indifferent to others would stoop to working just to afford a present for someone.

Her fondness for Mr. Diaz wasn’t just superficial, was it?

They stood in a corner behind Cicely, out of her line of sight.

Seth’s gaze lingered before turning towards the observant restaurant manager

beside him. “Has anyone asked if she’s had lunch yet?”

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The manager paused, recalling Seth’s intense focus on the pianist earlier, and

quickly replied with a smile, “Not yet. Today’s been hectic. She started playing

as soon as she arrived. She won’t have a break until after two.”d2

Seth frowned slightly.

“She ordered her meal for after two. All signature dishes from the restaurant.

Odd, considering every meal she picks is pricey and she’s always dressed to

the nines. Can’t fathom why she’d need to work for cash. To say she just loves

playing piano doesn’t seem quite right.”

When she first came in, she was upfront about the pay.

Charlie sighed inwardly. He might not know if Ms. Cicely enjoyed playing the

piano, but she definitely had a thing for Mr. Diaz.

Seth knew better. Someone as pampered as Cicely wouldn’t suffer for anything,

not even for something she loved. Yet there she was, clearly not at her best,

choosing to sit there.

When had her love for him become more important than her love for herself?

Seth glanced back at Cicely’s silhouette, then said indifferently, “Don’t tell her

we asked about her today. Act like we were never here.”

The manager didn’t get it, but the authoritative aura around Seth was

unmistakable, so he nodded, “Sure thing.”


At two, the patrons had left and Cicely made her way to the restroom. As she

washed her hands, two young servers came in, chatting and laughing—they had

just finished lunch.

Cicely was stunning, her grace undeniable. Initially, her aloof demeanor had

kept them at bay. But after an incident where one of them accidentally stained

her dress and she didn’t make a fuss, they realized she was just naturally

reserved. Gradually, they started chatting more openly with her.

Seeing her emerge, they greeted her cheerfully and picked up their


“Emiliana really hit the jackpot this time, landed a part in a huge project. The

buzz alone says it’s going to be a hit. Even a small role is a huge step up from

the extras work she’s been doing. Oh, hey, did you get Emiliana’s message?

She’s treating us to dinner tonight.”

Cicely shook her head, “Haven’t checked my phone, but she probably wouldn’t

invite me.”

“Why not? You’ve covered her shifts so she could audition. She’s mentioned

how grateful she is. Don’t worry, she’ll definitely invite you.”

Cicely caught their reflection in the mirror, “She said she’s grateful?”

They nodded, “More than once.”


Cicely turned off the tap, tore off a paper towel, and dried her hands. She wasn’t

fazed; it was no skin off her back to swap shifts.

Back in the locker room, she pulled out her phone and saw a missed call from

Seth and a message from Emiliana.

She opened Emiliana’s message first. [Hey, I landed a great role in a major

series! I’m thrilled. I owe a lot to the help I’ve received at the restaurant,

especially from you. I know you’re busy, so I sent this message. Please come

tonight. Here’s the address…]

Emiliana had actually invited her.

Cicely smiled faintly but didn’t text back. Instead, she returned Seth’s call.

The phone rang for a while before he picked up. Cicely’s mood was good, her

voice light. “You called?”

A calm voice came through, “Where are you?”

Cicely locked her locker and headed out with her bag, “Out for lunch, why?”

Seth paused, “Charlie was going to bring you lunch, but you weren’t there.”

“Had you told me you’d arrange lunch, I wouldn’t have left.”

“I wanted you to stay home.”

“I thought I was sorting out lunch myself.”

“And what did you have?”

Cicely approached her table, where a server was setting down her meal. “A

baguette with foie gras, shrimp with cheese gratin, and a steak with red wine


“Sounds good. How was it?”

“Not bad.”

Another pause on the line.

“Does it still hurt?”


Cicely didn’t catch on at first, but when Seth repeated the question, she got it. “If

you hadn’t mentioned it, I would’ve forgotten. Now it hurts again.” Her tone was


“I’ll bring medicine home tonight. Finish up and rest early.”

Cicely settled into her chair, “Okay, what time will you be home?”

“Around six-thirty.”


She hung up with a noticeably good mood, her meal suddenly more appealing.

After eating, she paid and left.


As the workday wound down, Seth prepared to leave the office when Patty

called, insisting he come home for dinner. His brow furrowed, but he agreed. He

told Charlie to deliver Cicely’s dinner.

Cicely felt a twinge of disappointment learning Seth wouldn’t be back, but she

didn’t dwell on it.

“Have you had dinner?” she asked Charlie.

“No, not yet.”

“Then this meal’s on me. Since he’s not coming back, I’ve got plans myself.”

Charlie seemed to hesitate, the events from lunchtime still hanging between

Cicely and Seth, a misunderstanding nearly taking root. He wanted to ask her

who had invited her out, but couldn’t find the right words.

Cicely, as if reading his mind, replied with a gentle smile, “You’re awfully loyal,

aren’t you? Don’t worry, it’s a female colleague. She nailed her audition, and I’m

just going to cheer her on. After all, she made a point of inviting me.”

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly offered, “If it’s any trouble for you, I

could give you a lift.”

Cicely thought for a moment before nodding, “That would be great, actually.”

Charlie grinned; he really liked her forthright nature.

At the Diaz household.

Seth strode into the living room where Danielle and Patty were deep in


Patty’s smile faded as she saw him, “Why didn’t you come home after your


Seth, still carrying the chill of the outdoors, handed his coat to the butler, his

voice indifferent and responses brief. “Had a few drinks.”

“Were you with Cicely last night?”

Seth didn’t reply, his expression darkening.

“You’re still seeing her? You promised me it wouldn’t go any further.”

Impatience flickered in Seth’s eyes as he looked up, his gaze sweeping past


Danielle stiffened, her hands clenched together, her face paling.

“Cut to the chase. Why did you want me back here?”

Patty, incensed by his attitude, pressed on, “So, your relationship with Cicely is

suddenly non-consequential to you, is that it??”

Seth’s voice was cold, “Are you just realizing that she and I never really split


“So when are you going to end things with her?!”

Seth remained silent. This was his typical response to Patty. He didn’t want to

lie, but he knew the truth was something Patty couldn’t accept. Silence was his

best recourse.

Sensing the barely concealed irritation and anger in Seth’s eyes, Patty’s own

heat diminished, “I know you’re sensible, and I trust you won’t break your word.

Danielle came to see you last night with a request, but you didn’t give her a

chance, which is why I’ve called you here tonight. I heard you’re investing in the

film industry, and there’s a blockbuster series in the works? Danielle wants to

act. She’s familiar with the source material and has her eye on a minor role.

She’s hoping you can pull some strings for her.”

Finally, Seth’s gaze rested on Danielle, “You’re looking for an easy way in

through me?”

Danielle bit her lip, “I feel I’m perfect for the role.”

“If you’d been following the news, you’d know that the cast is already set. The

director was involved in every step of the casting process, from open auditions

to final selection. Tell me, which of the actors do you think is unfit? And if you

were so interested in the role, why didn’t you audition in the first place?”

Confronted with Seth’s intensity, Danielle’s voice trembled, “I… I was focused on

stage plays at the time, and by the time I found out, it was too late.”

“Then the role isn’t for you,” Seth said, rejecting her bluntly.

This series was his first ace in the film industry, and he couldn’t afford any

mistakes, not even with the smallest supporting role.

“Seth!” Patty objected to his tone, “I may not understand all the ins and outs, but

I’ve heard the role Danielle wants is a minor one, and she wouldn’t intentionally

hold you back. Please, as a favor to me, let her have the part.”

Seth’s expression had turned icy, the tension palpable in the room.

Patty felt a twinge of fear and softened her tone, “If you agree to this for

Danielle, I’ll lay off the topic of you and Cicely for a while. I won’t bring it up

again anytime soon. I trust you’ll handle things appropriately and not disappoint


With that, Patty reiterated her point, a reminder to Seth that the situation with

Cicely was only on hold, definitely not resolved.

TSeth had declined the offer to dine at the Diaz’s residence.

By the time he got home, Cicely was still out. Charlie briefed him on Cicely’s

whereabouts, and after freshening up, it wasn’t until 9:30 that he called her.

It was probably the first time Cicely had accepted an invitation to this kind of


Emiliana seemed genuinely thrilled, a change from her usual reluctance to miss

even a day’s work at the diner, saving every penny she could to send back to

her folks in the countryside, with just a little left for her own pocket money.

Since the allowance she sent home was fixed, any slack on her part could mean

she wouldn’t make ends meet for the month. Inviting everyone out for dinner

Enter title…

tonight must have been a tough decision for her, biting the bullet as she did.

The eatery wasn’t upscale by any means, just a local joint known for great value

and a clean environment, clearly chosen with care.d2

For Cicely, the cost of such a place was nothing to write home about. The food

was plentiful, but the drinks were a considerable expense.

Cicely caught Emiliana sneaking glances at her wallet while topping up the

drinks, a look of subtle unease and worry on her face.

The private room was alive with fun, but Cicely put down her glass and stood up

to leave. Someone spotted her and called out, asking where she was headed.

“Bathroom,” she replied nonchalantly. However, she walked straight to the bar

and handed her card to the bartender. “Charge the room 206 tab to this card,

please. Whatever they want to eat or drink, just keep it coming.”

The bartender couldn’t help but take a second glance at the black card in front

of him.

“Sure thing.”

“Cicely.” A soft call came from behind her; it was Emiliana, who had followed,

concerned about her being alone.

She caught the moment Cicely was about to pick up the tab. “There’s really no

need. I have enough money, and you’ve helped me too many times already.

Tonight, I just wanted to properly thank you all.”

“Thanks?” Cicely’s tone was indifferent, “Let’s not talk about it. I have money to

spare, and spending it is my pleasure. It makes me happy.”

Emiliana was slightly taken aback. She couldn’t truly believe Cicely found joy in

spending money. It was merely a way for Cicely to help her save her dignity.

“You work hard every day to earn money too.”

Cicely smiled faintly, “To be honest, I’m not short of money, but I lack money that

I’ve earned with my own hands. It’s different.”

Emiliana had a moment of realization, “You’re saving to buy a gift for someone

special, aren’t you?”

Cicely paused, “How did you know?”

Emiliana smiled gently, “Because a lot of people think that way, right? A gift that

you made or bought with money you earned feels more meaningful to give to

the one you love.”

“A lot of people think that?”

When Cicely asked again and saw Emiliana nod, her expression showed a

touch of frustration. So, many people thought the same way.

“If you really like someone, that’s when you’d come up with that kind of idea. If I

received such a gift, I would treasure it for a lifetime.”

At her words, Cicely’s furrowed brow and eyes relaxed. “This might be the only

time in my life I’ll have to work like this, so naturally, he has to treasure it for a

lifetime.” She had told him not to take it off.

Emiliana was a little lost in thought as she watched Cicely’s happiness and

smugness that couldn’t be hidden in her little proud face.

Cicely was truly beautiful. Usually so cool and detached, this expression

showed just how much she cared for him.

The two headed to the restroom together, and as they washed their hands,

Emiliana remarked casually, “Wearing a ring on your ring finger means you’re

married. Seems like he’s quite possessive, locking you down so early.”

Cicely glanced at the ring on her finger and smiled, “Isn’t wearing a wedding ring

when you’re married normal?”

Emiliana was caught off guard for a moment, “Married? You’re already


Cicely dried her hands and made a shushing gesture.

Emiliana couldn’t hide her surprise, but being on the fringes of show business,

she knew all too well the value of keeping quiet.

Returning from the restroom, Cicely checked her phone just as Seth called. The

party was in full swing, and Cicely stepped aside to take the call.

“Are you not coming back yet?”

“You’re home, huh? I’ll head back now.”

“Send me the address. I’ll come get you.”


Cicely left the gathering early, and Seth’s car was waiting right outside the diner.

As she buckled herself in, Seth cast another glance at the unpretentious local

eatery. “I thought I was at the wrong place.”

Cicely could tell what he meant, “It’s a decent spot for a young girl without much


As Seth merged into traffic, he mused, “Seems you really like her. You’ve had

your fair share of invitations over the years, but I’ve rarely seen you attend.”

“Yeah, she’s alright, quite easy on the eyes.”

“A rarity,” Seth said flatly, “Just being easy on the eyes is enough for you to

endure discomfort and go to that kind of place. If you really liked someone

special, I wonder how far you’d go?”

“I think you’re probably the only person in the world who knows the answer to

that question.”

Seth was silent, neither confirming nor denying.

Cicely seemed to ponder the question herself, then said after a few seconds,

“I’m not quite sure how far I’d go for you. I guess we only find out when it


“Mrs. Diaz, what do you think we might encounter in the future?”

“Who knows. I’d prefer to live a peaceful life as Mrs. Diaz for good.”

Seth smiled slightly, “Is that a hope?”

Cicely glanced at his hand on the steering wheel, the watch on his wrist

catching glints of light, changing with the streetlights they passed. The watch

remained firmly on his wrist, its colors flickering in the passing lights. Many

things, the reasons for changes, besides subjective factors, were mostly

influenced by objective factors.

So even the most ordinary of desires, while hopeful, may one day become a


“It is.”

She had nothing more to ask for.

But the smile on Seth’s lips gradually faded. “If that’s what you’re hoping for,

what kind of life do you think being married to me would be? Struggling to make

ends meet, or constantly on the move?”

“I never really thought about all that,” Cicely said with a bright tone, deliberately

stirring the slightly somber atmosphere inside the car. “I like you, a lot. I want

you to be all mine. I want to live together with you and do a bunch of things with

you. You know, the life I picture with you is all rainbows and sunshine. I never let

the bad stuff creep into the fantasy. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have chosen to marry

you without hesitationIdle chatter filled the air as Seth and Cicely made their way home. They touched

upon various trivial matters before realizing they had arrived at their doorstep.

“Go take a shower. I’ll whip up some pasta for you,” Seth suggested as they

entered their cozy apartment.

Cicely chuckled. “How’d you know I haven’t eaten much tonight?”

“Did the last food poisoning episode not teach you anything?” Seth retorted with

a knowing look.

Indeed, she had learned her lesson well.

Enter title…

The memory of being rushed to the hospital with a terrible stomach ache was

not one she would soon forget. Pain was something she feared, and hospitals

were her least favorite places. So, needless to say, she avoided eating

recklessly when out and about.d2

With an obedient “I see,” Cicely made her way to the bedroom.

Half an hour later, she emerged to find Seth reigniting the stove. In two minutes,

he had poured a hearty sauce over the perfectly cooked pasta and topped it

with a boiled egg before handing the dish to her.

The flavor was delightful. Cicely’s palate, refined over the years, was hard to

please. But tonight, she relished every bite, unsure whether Seth’s culinary skills

had reached a peak of perfection or if it was simply because Seth had made it

for her.

After watching her eat for a while, Seth stepped out onto the living room balcony

to answer a call on his phone. “Send me the blueprints, and check the progress

on the last two set designs. We need to stay on schedule with the shoot.”

By the time Seth finished his call and came back, Cicely had put down her fork

and knife. Noting the half-eaten plate of pasta, he asked indifferently, “Full


She nodded, “Yeah, I can’t eat anymore.”

Seth sat across from her, pulled the plate toward himself, and started eating with

her utensils.

Resting her chin on her hands, Cicely asked, “Didn’t you have dinner?”

“No,” was his simple reply.

She watched him in silence, not mentioning anything about the Diaz family or

Patty. There was an unspoken agreement between them. If Seth didn’t bring it

up, she wouldn’t ask. Not about their secret marriage or anything else. Only the

Ellis family, themselves, and Emiliana, whom Cicely had met that evening, knew

they were husband and wife. Their hidden marriage was another silent pact

between them.

Perhaps Cicely had an inexplicable trust in Emiliana, or maybe it was because

Seth had been called back home by Patty once agai, and she just needed an

outlet for her emotions. She had never went to visit her mother-in-law after they

got married, nor received any blessings from her. She even suspected Patty

preferred Danielle or anyone but her. The exact reasons were unclear, but her

intuition was strong.

Patty didn’t know that they had got the marriage license. As for the wedding ring,

Seth refused to wear it on his ring finger. Whenever he returned to the Diaz

family, he was always alone. Did she have any feelings about this situation?

Yes, she did.

However, she couldn’t appear in front of Patty. Since Seth chose to keep it a

secret, he must have his reasons. If Patty was another kind of obstacle, she

couldn’t provoke it, so she timidly hid herself and avoided causing any trouble.

She just wanted to be with him peacefully, to stay in their own little world of just

the two of them, without any third person interfering. Things were fine as they

were. She didn’t want to disrupt their harmonious relationship.

It seemed that she had never analyzed a situation in such detail before.

After Seth finished the pasta, he gazed at her and suggested, “Instead of

watching me eat, you should’ve gone to take a shower.”

She shook her head, “I’d rather spend every second I can with you than take a


A slight smile crept onto Seth’s lips. “Is that so?”


“Good to know.”

And by that, he meant that after cleaning up the dishes, he carried Cicely

straight to the bathroom and then to the bed, her cheeks flushing a vivid red.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

As Seth applied ointment to her injuries, Cicely’s initial resistance faded, and

she let him tend to her. She was content with his devotion and gentle care since

their got married. There were moments, in the thick of their intimacy, when she

almost asked him if he loved her. But she knew better than to risk the peace

they had, so she suppressed the thought, having played out the scenario in her

mind too many times already. She couldn’t imagine Seth ever saying those three

words to her.


Cicely rolled into Seth’s arms. Both of them had the scent of the same shower

gel, but she preferred the scent coming from him.

“This is nice. Can’t I just stay here all the time?” she mused.

“This place is not convenient. You will be better taken care of at the Ellis family. I

don’t think your father would want you to stay here. You still have two years, and

you can spend more time with him.” Seth reasoned.

Cicely took his explanation with a grain of salt. “Okay.”

“But since you’re injured, if you want, you can stay here for a bit. And in the

future, you’re welcome anytime.”


He looked down at her, his fingers gently playing with her hair. “Not happy?”

She took a deep breath and snuggled closer to him. “If I say I’m not happy, will

you let me move in?”

Seth was silent for a moment before changing the subject. “Did you enjoy the

party tonight? What show did that girl you took a liking to land?”

Cicely smiled subtly before settling back into a neutral expression. “She got a

part in a period drama with a complicated name I can’t remember. It’s been

heavily promoted lately; I’ve seen it all over the internet. Right, don’t you have a

series in the works? Maybe give her a shot. She must have some talent to

secure a role amidst such competition.”

“I’ll have her audition for the next project. There might be a role suited for her.

But the current project’s cast is already set.”

“I know. I wasn’t suggesting you have to cast her in this one.”

Seth’s lips curled into a smile as he teased her earlobe. “Already lobbying for

someone else’s interests on our second night together?”

Cicely arched an eyebrow playfully, “Consider this me doing you a favor by

hooking you up with some top-notch talent.”

“I guess I owe you one, then.”

With that, his long fingers gently tilted her chin upward as he leaned in, sealing

their conversation with a series of deep, lingering kissesCicely had always thought that Seth’s “a while”

meant just a few days, but three

days had passed since her arrival, and there was no talk of going home.

Emiliana, busy with her latest acting role, hadn’t been on set recently, but she

was still keeping up with her shifts at the restaurant.

Sometimes, during the lunch rush, she’d play a couple of tunes on the piano,

filling in for Cicely. Cicely would treat her to lunch in return.

Today, upon entering the restaurant at midday, Cicely noticed the waitstaff

looked unusually grim. Knowing Cicely had been getting along with Emiliana,

they approached her with hushed voices: “Cicely, Emiliana’s been with the

manager for a while now. Looks like she might be getting the boot.”

Enter title…

Cicely frowned, confused. “What happened?”

The waiters shook their heads. “Not sure, but Emiliana seemed off from the

moment she walked in. She missed a few notes while playing, and some

patrons complained. Our clientele is pretty particular, and a mistake here and

there is forgiven, but repeated complaints? The manager was livid.”d2

Another server, who had been at the same get-together a few days earlier,

joined the conversation with a worried look. “I heard that Emiliana’s role got

snatched by someone else.”

Cicely’s brows knitted together. It was clear to everyone that Emiliana had

pinned all her hopes on this role.

“Weren’t the roles already cast? Did some bigwig step in?”

The servers exchanged glances, a mix of anger and sympathy in their eyes. “In

showbiz, what’s abnormal has become the norm. Now, anyone can act, and if

they’re terrible, it’s because some women have sugar daddies backing them.

Poor Emiliana, even a minor role in the background isn’t safe. With all the

money those people have, why not fight for the lead roles? Just bad luck.”

Cicely’s expression darkened. “What’s the name of Emiliana’s production, and

her character?”

“Don’t you remember? We talked about it at the party – ‘Era of Elegance,’ a

period drama. Emiliana’s character is named Sue, a clever maid close to the

female lead’s strategist. Though a servant, her intelligence is unmatched, and

she meets a tragic end at the hands of the villain. It’s the kind of role that wins

audience’s hearts and leaves them grieving.”

Era of Elegance? Sue?

“I see.” Cicely murmured thoughtfully, then headed towards the dressing room.

Upon opening the door, she found Emiliana sitting on the floor, leaning against

the locker, lost in thought.

Hearing Cicely enter, Emiliana quickly stood up. “You’re here.”

Cicely walked straight up to her, stopping only inches away. She lifted Emiliana’s

chin, examining her face closely.

Emiliana, caught off guard by her sudden move, stammered, “Cicely, you—”

“Have you been crying?”

At Cicely’s question, Emiliana pursed her lips tightly, barely holding back her


“This face is still marketable. How about I become your provider?”

Emiliana’s expression froze in surprise. “What?”

Cicely withdrew her hand and tossed her bag onto a nearby chair. “If it’s really

about money, I can get that role for you.”

Emiliana was even more shocked.

Cicely smiled slightly, “Don’t want to be with me? Then how about you consider

me your ‘fairy godmother’?”

Emiliana was still stunned. “Ci… Cicely? What are you talking about?”

“I’m saying I’m loaded. If this role truly hinges on financial backing, I might just

sponsor you.”

Emiliana paused, her eyes widening in astonishment. “You… no… that’s not


“What’s not possible? You think I can’t do it?”

Emiliana shook her head. “Even if you could, it’s not right. I can’t repay you. I

don’t dare to take on too much. I live within my means and I don’t want to be in

debt. Being in debt feels terrible, especially when it’s such a large amount.”

“No investment, no return. In this business, financial intervention is the norm.

Without backing, you’re just waiting to be pushed out. Are you really going to let

go of a role you worked so hard to get?

“Emiliana, no one’s going to pity you. Roles aren’t irreplaceable – if not you,

then someone else. But miss this chance, and it won’t come back. You won’t

find another me. Each choice is a crossroads in life; ambition is necessary.”

Just like there wouldn’t be another Seth. She wanted to secure her place by his

side. Every step she took was aimed at that turning point. People always need

to have ambitions, just like her now, getting what she desired.

Emiliana’s eyes filled with tears. “Cicely, I love acting, but I’m starting to despise

this industry.”

Her voice broke with emotion, tears streaming down her face.

“This production was obviously aiming for the awards next year. How could they

allow such interference? Cicely, you get what I’m saying? The investors aren’t

short of cash, unless… unless it’s the investors themselves who want this. You

can’t fight a production’s backers with your own money, it’s not right, and I’m not

worth it.”

Cicely understood. The person replacing Emiliana wasn’t just anyone; it was the

investors behind the show.

She frowned, asking, “Do you know who the investors are?”

Emiliana shook her head. “Not a clue. The promos only mention C&P

Entertainment, a company I’ve never heard of before. Must be a new media


Cicely’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “A new company?”

Emiliana nodded. “Yeah.”


The two had agreed to have dinner together at home.

For the past few days, Seth had been cooking dinner. The dishes were simple

but enough for both their appetites.

Today, Cicely got home early and headed straight for the kitchen. She swung

open the fridge, scrutinized the contents, and, after a bit of picking and

choosing, gathered an assortment of ingredients.

She then pulled out her phone, scrolled through a few recipes, and methodically

began prepping the food. Once everything was ready, Cicely placed the pan on

the gas stove, crossed her arms, and stood watching over it, motionless.

After what seemed like an eternity, she sidled over to the microwave, slipped on

some oven mitts, then finally reached out to turn on the burner.

When the flames leapt up, she took two pale-faced steps back, but then, holding

her breath and bracing herself, she moved closer and sprinkled in some salt.

Without much regard for the proper order, she dumped in all the seasonings

followed by the vegetables.

After all, it was all going to be stir-fried together; when they went in didn’t really

matter – or so Cicely thought.

She wasn’t a gourmet chef; if the food was edible and went down the hatch,

she’d consider it a resounding success.

The moment Seth opened the door, a smoky haze and an inexplicable

mishmash of cooking smells greeted him in the apartment. He frowned,

changed his shoes, and walked in to find three barely recognizable dishes on

the dining table, with a soup so clear that only a few sprigs of parsley were


Raising an eyebrow, he looked towards the kitchen, only to hear a voice from

behind, “You’re back?”

Turning around, there was Cicely, fresh from a shower, in her pajamas, toweling

her hair, standing at the dining room entrance.

Seth went around opening every window in the apartment he could find. “You’re

banned from the kitchen.” One of these days, he was sure, the place would go

up in flames along with her culinary experiments.

“Here I am, slaving away to make you dinner, and you’re complaining before

you even taste it?”

Seth looked at her, “You think I shouldn’t?”

“Not going to eat?” Cicely wrapped her hair in the towel, securing it on top of her

head, and lazily leaned against the table, watching him.

Shedding his jacket, Seth sat down and noticed the rice was actually fluffy and

fragrant. Rice was easy. Just follow the smart cooker’s instructions, measure the

water as the internet says, and it’s a no-brainer.

As Cicely watched him pick up his fork, she couldn’t help but smirk from across

the table.

Seth took a bite and his expression froze momentarily. He managed to swallow

and Cicely watched, amused, but kept silent.

Halfway through the meal, Seth looked up, “Aren’t you eating?”

Cicely glanced at the dishes on the table, her eyes betraying unmistakable

disdain. “They don’t look appetizing, so they probably don’t taste great either.”

He stopped eating and looked at her. “And you let me eat this?”

Cicely quirked an eyebrow, picking up her fork. “If you’re feeling lonely, I can

keep you company.”

Seth’s fork paused mid-air, hovering over Cicely’s. “Is this your way of throwing

a tantrum?”Cicely furrowed her brow and glanced at her arm. “Hurt myself just to spite you?

What would that get me?”

When Seth’s gaze followed to the red marks on her wrist, he reached out to hold

her hand, examining the small, prominent spots. “Why the sudden urge to cook?

You do know your own limits, right?”

Cicely withdrew her hand, “Is it a crime to want to make you dinner?”

Seth stood up, fetched a first-aid kit, and sat next to her. “It stopped hurting a

while ago.”

“I don’t like scars.” Seth gently held her dodging hand and began to carefully

apply antiseptic from the kit. “This first-aid kit wasn’t this stocked before. Ever

Enter title…

wonder why that is? Hmm?”

Apart from the standard emergency supplies, most of it was for Cicely’s frequent

minor injuries.d2

Watching his tender care, Cicely cracked a smile, “Who knows? Maybe I had it

too easy as a kid, and now life’s paying me back with interest.”

“If you could just stay out of trouble, none of this would happen.”

“Stay out of trouble?” Cicely chuckled lightly, “What exactly would that look like

to you?”

Even Seth, usually slow on the uptake, sensed something off at her laugh. He

looked up into her eyes, brimming with mirth.

“I think I’ve been way too tame compared to my old self, and you take it for

granted, or maybe you don’t even notice. I’ve held back and yielded where I

should, and any other woman would probably not be as patient. But what can I

do when I’m head over heels for you?”

A flicker crossed Seth’s brow as he finished treating the last burn and packed

away the medical kit. “So tell me, who’s got you upset today?”

Cicely glanced at the treated wounds and spoke indifferently, “No one else is

quite capable enough.”

“That leaves me.”

Not keen on beating around the bush, Cicely cut straight to the chase, “What’s

the name of the show you’ve recently invested in?”

Seth’s brow furrowed.

“I did some digging online, and there are a few shows with massive promotions,

but they’re all about to air. The one that’s not yet shot but is already the talk of

the town—Era of Elegance—is that yours?”

“You’ve never shown any interest in this stuff before. Why bring it up now?”

“Just got curious. It’s normal to be interested in things related to you, right?”

Cicely was always upfront with Seth, never hiding her feelings or thoughts from


“It’s mine.” Seth didn’t deny it.

“So, as the sole investor, C&P Entertainment is your company?”


Cicely smiled, confirming her suspicions.

“Did your company sign any new talent?”

“Not yet.”

“Got a mistress on the side?”

Seth looked at her coldly, “If there’s something on your mind, just say it. Don’t

beat around the bush and make me guess.”

Her smile slowly faded, “Just a few words and you’re this impatient with me? If

I’m not speaking my mind, it’s because I’m trying to save you some dignity,

Seth. And I don’t want to make things awkward between us.”

“So if you can’t f