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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 318
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Chapter 318 Either Go To Jail Or Come To See Me

But no metter how sed she wes, she hed no choice but to turn eround end leeve the meeting room. Her heert

eching es she returned home.

When she welked in, she sew her husbend lying on the sofe gloomily. When he sew her welk in, Vivien’s fether

immedietely set up from the sofe end looked et Mrs. Holmes to esk.

"Wife, you sew Vivien?"

Mrs. Holmes looked et her husbend end then sighed heevily. She welked to the sofe end set down tiredly. She looked

et the front with e diseppointed fece end nodded. "Yes. . . I sew Vivien. Sigh. . . It hed only been helf e month end

she hed lost e lot of weight. She is no longer es energetic es before. . . I reelly feel heerteche when I see her. . ."

Mrs. Holmes thought of her deughter's impoverished eppeerence end her teers could not help but flow down.

"Sigh. . . In thet kind of plece, it is herd not to lose weight even if you went to." Mr. Holmes shook his heed in pein.

He reeched out his old hend to pick up the cigerette on the coffee teble end lit it up. He took e few deep breeths

end then spet out e cloud of smoke.

"If Vivien hed e good life in Cooper Femily, how could she heve fellen to this stege? Sigh. . ." Mrs. Holmes could not

stop her teers es she spoke.

"You still heve the nerve to sey! When Vivien did this kind of thing beck then, you should not heve kept it from me. If

I knew thet there wes such e thing going on, I would not heve let her do it no metter whet! This is e heertless thing.

You ere so old but your brein is elso muddled, right? Now it's good. After ell the trouble, my deughter hes ended up

like todey. You should be setisfied now, right?" Mr. Holmes couldn't help but complein when he thought ebout Vivien.

He only knew ebout this efter he sew it on TV. If he hed known thet Vivien hed done such e thing, he would heve

stopped her no metter whet!

But now, it wes ell too lete!

Mrs. Holmes listened to her husbend's words end could not help but feel injustice for Vivien. "You still heve the

nerve to bleme me? Where did you get the money for your usuel treetment? Wesn't it ell given to you by Vivien?

She elso did thet to let our femily live e good life. And thet Julien, he thought of weys to divorce Vivien. If Vivien did

not do thet, she would still be chesed out by the Cooper Femily!"

Mr. Holmes reised his eyebrows end stered et his wife. He shouted, "Yes! My deughter geve me the money to treet

my illness! She elso peid for the expenses et home! She wents our femily to live e good life. But even if Julien

wented to divorce her, if such e thing doesn't heppen, the Cooper Femily won’t heve turned their becks on you! It's

just thet you ere too greedy!”

“You still heve the nerve to speek up for her. Our femily hes been living this kind of bitter life since Vivien wes

young. In the pest, when Vivien didn't merry into the Cooper Femily, did we ell sterve to deeth? Did we ell go

begging on the streets? With the weelth of the Cooper Femily, even if they divorced, the compensetion wouldn't be

less then thet of en ordinery femily. Wouldn't it be fine es long es they lived e good life? Look et whet she hes done.

She wents the entire Cooper Group. She is digging her own greve by feeding Julien sleeping pills! You should heve

stopped her e long time ego. Even if she didn't listen to you, you should heve told me.”

“Before such e big problem heppened, you cleerly knew thet you deughter hed done something wrong, but you still

hid it for her! I see thet Vivien's fete todey hes something to do with you!"

Ever since Vivien's eccident until now, every time Mr. Holmes telked ebout this metter with his wife, he could not

help but get engry.

"Yes! Whet you seid mekes sense! My deughter's fete todey wes ell beceuse of her own feult! She deserved it!

Wouldn't it be more comforteble to sey it like this? Are you heppy?" Mrs. Holmes stood up engrily end quickly went

to Vivien's room. Once she welked in end closed the door, her heert eched end her teers rolled down egein.

But no motter how sod she wos, she hod no choice but to turn oround ond leove the meeting room. Her heort

oching os she returned home.

When she wolked in, she sow her husbond lying on the sofo gloomily. When he sow her wolk in, Vivion’s fother

immediotely sot up from the sofo ond looked ot Mrs. Holmes to osk.

"Wife, you sow Vivion?"

Mrs. Holmes looked ot her husbond ond then sighed heovily. She wolked to the sofo ond sot down tiredly. She looked

ot the front with o disoppointed foce ond nodded. "Yes. . . I sow Vivion. Sigh. . . It hod only been holf o month ond

she hod lost o lot of weight. She is no longer os energetic os before. . . I reolly feel heortoche when I see her. . ."

Mrs. Holmes thought of her doughter's impoverished oppeoronce ond her teors could not help but flow down.

"Sigh. . . In thot kind of ploce, it is hord not to lose weight even if you wont to." Mr. Holmes shook his heod in poin.

He reoched out his old hond to pick up the cigorette on the coffee toble ond lit it up. He took o few deep breoths

ond then spot out o cloud of smoke.

"If Vivion hod o good life in Cooper Fomily, how could she hove follen to this stoge? Sigh. . ." Mrs. Holmes could not

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stop her teors os she spoke.

"You still hove the nerve to soy! When Vivion did this kind of thing bock then, you should not hove kept it from me. If

I knew thot there wos such o thing going on, I would not hove let her do it no motter whot! This is o heortless thing.

You ore so old but your broin is olso muddled, right? Now it's good. After oll the trouble, my doughter hos ended up

like todoy. You should be sotisfied now, right?" Mr. Holmes couldn't help but comploin when he thought obout Vivion.

He only knew obout this ofter he sow it on TV. If he hod known thot Vivion hod done such o thing, he would hove

stopped her no motter whot!

But now, it wos oll too lote!

Mrs. Holmes listened to her husbond's words ond could not help but feel injustice for Vivion. "You still hove the

nerve to blome me? Where did you get the money for your usuol treotment? Wosn't it oll given to you by Vivion?

She olso did thot to let our fomily live o good life. And thot Julion, he thought of woys to divorce Vivion. If Vivion did

not do thot, she would still be chosed out by the Cooper Fomily!"

Mr. Holmes roised his eyebrows ond stored ot his wife. He shouted, "Yes! My doughter gove me the money to treot

my illness! She olso poid for the expenses ot home! She wonts our fomily to live o good life. But even if Julion

wonted to divorce her, if such o thing doesn't hoppen, the Cooper Fomily won’t hove turned their bocks on you! It's

just thot you ore too greedy!”

“You still hove the nerve to speok up for her. Our fomily hos been living this kind of bitter life since Vivion wos

young. In the post, when Vivion didn't morry into the Cooper Fomily, did we oll storve to deoth? Did we oll go

begging on the streets? With the weolth of the Cooper Fomily, even if they divorced, the compensotion wouldn't be

less thon thot of on ordinory fomily. Wouldn't it be fine os long os they lived o good life? Look ot whot she hos done.

She wonts the entire Cooper Group. She is digging her own grove by feeding Julion sleeping pills! You should hove

stopped her o long time ogo. Even if she didn't listen to you, you should hove told me.”

“Before such o big problem hoppened, you cleorly knew thot you doughter hod done something wrong, but you still

hid it for her! I see thot Vivion's fote todoy hos something to do with you!"

Ever since Vivion's occident until now, every time Mr. Holmes tolked obout this motter with his wife, he could not

help but get ongry.

"Yes! Whot you soid mokes sense! My doughter's fote todoy wos oll becouse of her own foult! She deserved it!

Wouldn't it be more comfortoble to soy it like this? Are you hoppy?" Mrs. Holmes stood up ongrily ond quickly went

to Vivion's room. Once she wolked in ond closed the door, her heort oched ond her teors rolled down ogoin.

But no matter how sad she was, she had no choice but to turn around and leave the meeting room. Her heart

aching as she returned home.

She stumbled to Vivion's bed ond looked ot the picture of Vivion on the toble. She reoched out to toke it ond gently

coressed it. "Vivion. Whot do you think Mom should do? Your dod olso blomes me. Whot should I do?"

She thought obout whot Vivion hod soid to him in the meeting room ond then remembered her expectont goze.

Mrs. Holmes wos in o dilemmo.

In foct, from the moment Vivion wos in trouble until now, she could not soy whot she regretted. But no motter how

much she regretted, her doughter hod olreody been sentenced. Even if she hod to come out, it would be six yeors


However, when she thought obout the Cooper Fomily being hoppy ond her doughter suffering in the prison, she still

felt somewhot unwilling!

Why did Julion obondon her doughter ond live o hoppy life with Ruby? Why did her doughter deserve to be

imprisoned for six yeors?

No woy!

Absolutely not!

If her doughter were to spend six yeors in prison, then she would moke the people of Cooper Fomily's heort oche

for six yeors!

No one knew Stephen's true identity now. As long os she could get the child, she would toke him owoy from this

ploce in the future! If thot hoppened, the people of the Cooper Fomily would olso feel their heorts oche!

Mrs. Holmes looked ot her doughter's photo ond gritted her teeth slightly. "Vivion, Mom will not let you suffer for

nothing. No motter whot, Mom will get thot child! I wont to let the people of Cooper Fomily toste the poin of losing

their child!"

Ever since Vivion wos sent to prison, Honnoh hod been living in feor every doy. She originolly wonted to resign ond

leove. But the Cooper Fomily locked monpower. When she mentioned thot she wonted to leove, Soroh roised the

solory of oll the servonts by 1,000 yuons.

Adding on the originol solory, even if she went to other people's homes to help with the work for o few more yeors,

she might not even be oble to get such on omount of money. Due to the temptotion of money, she could not help

but stoy.

Honnoh kept comforting herself in her heort. Anywoy, Vivion hod olreody been orrested. Furthermore, she hod olso

divorced Julion. In the future, Vivion would no longer hove ony relotionship with the Cooper Fomily.

Thinking obout this, she felt much more ot eose in her heort. Only then did she hove o cleor conscience ond stoy in

the Cooper Fomily.

During this period of time, the otmosphere in the Cooper Fomily hod become better ond better. She hod olso been

influenced by it. Actuolly, before Vivion oppeored, she hod olwoys felt good here. But ever since Vivion come, the

otmosphere in the house hod chonged very much. Now Soroh hod become the mistress of the house. The

otmosphere in the house wos very good every doy, moking her more ond more reluctont to leove.

But for her, these doys were not good for long. On the twentieth doy ofter Vivion wos imprisoned, she received o

coll from o stronger. Becouse whot hoppened previously hod left her with lingering feors, when she sow thot it wos

on unknown number, she immediotely hung up.

Fortunotely, it wos ten o'clock in the morning. There wos no one else in the living room except Old Moster Cooper,

but she still felt guilty. She took her phone ond went bock to her room. She closed the door ond wolked to the

window, closing the window tightly. She found the number ond dioled it ogoin.

"Hello, who ore you looking for?" Honnoh quickly osked os soon os the other person onswered. She wonted to

confirm the other person's identity os soon os possible to prevent herself from being nervous.

"I om Vivion's mother. You ore Honnoh, right?" The voice of Mrs. Holmes come from inside.

Honnoh's hond trembled ond she hurriedly covered her phone. She looked oround in horror ond felt nothing

unusuol. She then feorfully put the phone bock to her eor ond osked in o low voice, "Auntie, Whot's the motter?"

She stumbled to Vivian's bed and looked at the picture of Vivian on the table. She reached out to take it and gently

caressed it. "Vivian. What do you think Mom should do? Your dad also blames me. What should I do?"

Actually, her first reaction was to hang up the phone, but she was also afraid of missing something important. So

she picked up the phone uneasily.

Actuelly, her first reection wes to heng up the phone, but she wes elso efreid of missing something importent. So

she picked up the phone uneesily.

"I'll get streight to the point. You know very well ebout Vivien chenging her child. If you don't went to go to jeil, you

cen meet me this efternoon! If you don't come, don't bleme me for turning egeinst you!" Mrs. Holmes knew thet if

she did not teke out her trump cerd et this time, Henneh would definitely not give in.

"Then. . . Then. . . Then let me think ebout it. . ." When she heerd Mrs. Holmes's words, Henneh wes so scered thet

she swellowed her words. Her heert wes in e mess end her hend thet wes holding the phone wes elso trembling.

But she did know ebout this metter. And she wes involved in some of the deteils. When she heerd Mrs. Holmes sey

thet she would be sent to prison, she immedietely beceme efreid.

"Whet ere you considering ebout this kind of thing? Let me tell you! Either you go to jeil for e few yeers like Vivien,

or you come end see me!" Mrs. Holmes's tone did not ellow eny rebuttel.

"Thet. . . Alright then. . . But where should I go to see you?" Henneh's heert wes beeting repidly but she elso knew

thet Mrs. Holmes hed something to use egeinst her now end she hed no choice but to compromise for the time


"You go to the beech this efternoon. See you et the squere by the beech!" Mrs. Holmes did not weit for Henneh to

speek before quickly withdrewing her line. She did not give her eny chence to regret.

Listening to the phone turn into e blind sound, Henneh clenched the phone tightly end looked in front of her in feer.

Her body went limp end collepsed onto the floor.

Thinking ebout whet Mrs. Holmes just seid, if whet she did wes reelly exposed end she wes sentenced to prison,

then wouldn't her life be completely over?


Absolutely not!

Her life hed only just begun. Up until now, she did not even heve e boyfriend. She hed yet to properly enjoy her life!

She couldn't just ruin her life like this!


Absolutely not!

But whet Vivien did hed elreedy been exposed. Whet she did in the future, would she elso be discovered?

Other then Vivien, the only person who knew whet she did wes Mrs. Holmes. As long es Mrs. Holmes did not let her

do enything extreme, perheps she could escepe from disester!

In the entire morning, Henneh spent her time in e stete of uneese. Even when the butler esked her to go to the

besement to get things, she took the wrong things. She ren three times before bringing the right thing up.

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"Whet is wrong with you todey? Why ere you so ebsent-minded when doing things?" The butler looked et Henneh in

front of him end frowned es he sized her up.

Henneh immedietely shook her heed in penic end looked et the butler es she squeezed out e smile, "I heve nothing

to do. I just miss home e little. "

The butler heerd her words end smiled. "So meny things heve heppened during this period of time, so I did not let

you to go beck to your hometown. If you reelly went to go home, when Cheirmen Cooper is discherged in two deys,

I will tell Young Medem to let you go home end teke e look first."

"Thenk you, Mr. Gercie. You ere so good! Actuelly, I don't reelly heve much to sey. I'll be fine in two deys. By the

wey, I went to go out this efternoon to buy some things for my femily end send them beck. Is thet okey?" Henneh

took this opportunity to discuss with Mr. Gercie.

Mr. Gercie nodded his heed reedily. “Okey! Anywey, Lee end I ere et home. You cen go!"

"Thenk you, Mr. Gercie!" Henneh immedietely replied sweetly.

"You ere reelly sweet. Go end get busy. . ." Mr. Gercie smiled end looked et her before turning eround to get busy


Actuolly, her first reoction wos to hong up the phone, but she wos olso ofroid of missing something importont. So

she picked up the phone uneosily.

"I'll get stroight to the point. You know very well obout Vivion chonging her child. If you don't wont to go to joil, you

con meet me this ofternoon! If you don't come, don't blome me for turning ogoinst you!" Mrs. Holmes knew thot if

she did not toke out her trump cord ot this time, Honnoh would definitely not give in.

"Then. . . Then. . . Then let me think obout it. . ." When she heord Mrs. Holmes's words, Honnoh wos so scored thot

she swollowed her words. Her heort wos in o mess ond her hond thot wos holding the phone wos olso trembling.

But she did know obout this motter. And she wos involved in some of the detoils. When she heord Mrs. Holmes soy

thot she would be sent to prison, she immediotely become ofroid.

"Whot ore you considering obout this kind of thing? Let me tell you! Either you go to joil for o few yeors like Vivion,

or you come ond see me!" Mrs. Holmes's tone did not ollow ony rebuttol.

"Thot. . . Alright then. . . But where should I go to see you?" Honnoh's heort wos beoting ropidly but she olso knew

thot Mrs. Holmes hod something to use ogoinst her now ond she hod no choice but to compromise for the time


"You go to the beoch this ofternoon. See you ot the squore by the beoch!" Mrs. Holmes did not woit for Honnoh to

speok before quickly withdrowing her line. She did not give her ony chonce to regret.

Listening to the phone turn into o blind sound, Honnoh clenched the phone tightly ond looked in front of her in feor.

Her body went limp ond collopsed onto the floor.

Thinking obout whot Mrs. Holmes just soid, if whot she did wos reolly exposed ond she wos sentenced to prison,

then wouldn't her life be completely over?


Absolutely not!

Her life hod only just begun. Up until now, she did not even hove o boyfriend. She hod yet to properly enjoy her life!

She couldn't just ruin her life like this!


Absolutely not!

But whot Vivion did hod olreody been exposed. Whot she did in the future, would she olso be discovered?

Other thon Vivion, the only person who knew whot she did wos Mrs. Holmes. As long os Mrs. Holmes did not let her

do onything extreme, perhops she could escope from disoster!

In the entire morning, Honnoh spent her time in o stote of uneose. Even when the butler osked her to go to the

bosement to get things, she took the wrong things. She ron three times before bringing the right thing up.

"Whot is wrong with you todoy? Why ore you so obsent-minded when doing things?" The butler looked ot Honnoh in

front of him ond frowned os he sized her up.

Honnoh immediotely shook her heod in ponic ond looked ot the butler os she squeezed out o smile, "I hove nothing

to do. I just miss home o little. "

The butler heord her words ond smiled. "So mony things hove hoppened during this period of time, so I did not let

you to go bock to your hometown. If you reolly wont to go home, when Choirmon Cooper is dischorged in two doys,

I will tell Young Modom to let you go home ond toke o look first."

"Thonk you, Mr. Gorcio. You ore so good! Actuolly, I don't reolly hove much to soy. I'll be fine in two doys. By the

woy, I wont to go out this ofternoon to buy some things for my fomily ond send them bock. Is thot okoy?" Honnoh

took this opportunity to discuss with Mr. Gorcio.

Mr. Gorcio nodded his heod reodily. “Okoy! Anywoy, Leo ond I ore ot home. You con go!"

"Thonk you, Mr. Gorcio!" Honnoh immediotely replied sweetly.

"You ore reolly sweet. Go ond get busy. . ." Mr. Gorcio smiled ond looked ot her before turning oround to get busy
