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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85

The crowd present dll let out surprised gasps when the young man alighted from th e car. He was incredibly handsome!

With a very attractive face, a well built body, and very clear skin, he was even more handsome th an the male celebrities and models that

arrived earlier.

They were not just shocked by his attractive appearance, but also by his classy entrance. The car that he drove to the gathering looked

incredibly expensive, and one glance told them that it was a class above the other cars the businessmen and celebrities came with.

The paparazzi and the media people present hurriedly took pictures of the incredibly handsome young man. Although they had not seen him

before, the fact that he was present at the gatherin g, and with such a dazzling car nevertheless proved that the young man was of

impressive backg round. Of course, the young man in question was none other than Darius.

Darius was the last person to arrive to the gathering, as he had driven a very far distance. He loo ked at the crowd with an impassive

expression on his face before walking towards the hotel lavis h doors, ignoring the loud cheers behind him.

When Darius stepped inside the hotel, a surprised expression crept onto his face. The hotel truly was a prime location to host several top

businessmen and celebrities in the country. The interior of the hotel was duly decorated with the best of materials, and it was extremely eye ‐

catching. The chandeliers were cut from the most exquisite of jewels, and the floors were polishe d to perfection.

As Darius walked around, the businessmen spared him some glances, but it was only for a few se conds before they continued their prior

activities. Even though Darius was very attractive, most o f them didn't know him.

The hall was soon very busy, as people moved from one place to another, while those that remained in one pl ace were engaged in business

related discussions.

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Everyone knew the purpose behind the gathering. It was a gathering to bring several top businessmen

together, and also to make connections. Of course, one could also conclude some business or project

deals on person al terms in the gathering. It was especially so for the celebrities

The actors and actresses, musicians and movie directors were all here to search for top business men

to invest in their movies, record label or projects. As such, the hall was very busy, as everyon e was

moving around with different purposes.

It was exactly why the businessmen present paid little attention to Darius. They were not present when

he arrived in such a dazzling sports car, otherwi se they wouldn't have hesitated to strike a

conversation with bim. His presence and the car he dr ove proved that his background was a very

strong one, and they would be sure to benefit from it

Darius wasn't bothered about their indifferent behavior to him. He expected it since the people present

didn’t know his identity; and he was only here because of his grandfather, he didn’t plac e much

attention to their behavior.

He took a glass of sparkling wine from a server that passed by him and took a sip before resting his

back against the cool wall. As he was relaxing amidst the loud chatter, he noticed several of the

businessmen and male celebrities glancing frequently towards a direction.

Having his curiosity aroused, he also stole a glance at the said direction. A smile unknowingly br oke

out on his face when he saw the cause of their unrest.

It was his personal assistant, Erin Chrysalis!

Erin looked completely astounding and breathtaking. Her

white hair was styled to perfection, and she was dressed in an equally stunning white gown. The white

gown showed a bit of cleavage, exposing a bit of her well rounded breast s, while there was a slit on

the gown, showing off her long legs and fair skin.

The males present in the building found themselves flaring with lust. They had never seen such a

perfect combination of sexy and innocent. Even Darius himself found himself heating up at how outfit.

However he quickly controlled himself. He didn't want to have such dirty thoughts about his personal


There was also another beautiful

and charming lady beside Erin. Although the lady wasn't as beautiful and sexy as Erin, she was n ot far

off. She had blonde hair which was styled to perfection, and an hourglass figure that could set off the

primal lust in men, just like Erin. The lady and Erin conversed freely, creating a pleasa nt sight to watch

in the hall.

Darius felt that the lady was incredibly familiar to him, but couldn't place where he had seen her before.

Nevertheless, he started walking over to where Erin stood conversing with the other lady.

When Darius began walking, the businesspeople and male celebrities took note and began watc hing

him with interest. Their looks of interest however changed to those of scorn and sneers whe n they

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discovered that his aim were the two extremely beautiful females in the hall.

The reason for their scorn was quite obvious. Several of the businessmen and celebrities had gon e up to strike a conversation with Erin, but

she turned them all down.

Her actions put the businessmen and celebrities who were not used to rejection in a sour mood, but since they knew nothing of her

background, and which group she worked for, they dared no t start trouble and left. They knew that before you could be present in the

gathering, you had to be of impressive background.

Besides, Erin was too beautiful. They didn't want to be on the bad side of such a beautiful lady.

As a result, it was obvious why they looked at Darius unfavorably.

"Some people are just too full of themselves. Do they think that because they're a bit good looki ng everything would bend to their will?" A

businessman questioned scornfully

The businessman who asked the question was Alan Roberts, the director of Dream Investment Gr oup, a very outstanding investment group

in s country. He was a well known figure in the busine ss world, and had several pretty ladies at his command to service him

He was among the businessmen who walked up to Erin to strike a conversation with her. Even th ough he was balding and had a potbelly, as

the director of Dream Investment Group, he expecte d his name to hold some weight, and even impress her. Contrary to his expectations,

Erin didn't s pare him a single glance!

Dejected, he had no choice but to leave. Her actions dealt a severe blow to his self esteem. There fore, he was especially angry when he

discovered Darius'aim.

Everyone felt the same way Alan did, because even the most attractive male celebrities had faile d to capture Erin's interest. They expected

a repeat of earlier failures, but Erin's actions completely surprised them!