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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 153
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Read The Consortium’s Heir Chapter 153 – Darius and his grandfather both had shocked expressions on their faces when they

heard Maxwell’s words. They understood the gravity of his words which was they were so shocked.

According to what Darius knew from his research, the Finn conglomerate had groomed Michael Finn

from when he was a kid to be the heir to their conglomerate. Disowning Michael now and kicking him

out of the Finn family meant that they wanted nothing to do with him anymore, and that their years of

grooming and training him had gone down the drain.

You could see why both Darius and his grandfather were shocked at the situation. It was a brutal and

heartless decision.

Darius turned back to look at Maxwell Finn after his statement. He now re evaluated Maxwell Finn’s

ruthlessness as this decision showed that Maxwell Finn was even more ruthless than his son.

Behind the humble and friendly face was a man who would do whatever was necessary to protect the

interests of the Finn Conglomerate, and even his own blood was not spared.

“Are my words enough to convince you now, Mr. James, Mr. Reid?” Maxwell asked, breaking the

silence among the three of them.

: “Of course, that is not all. We will also concede three of our most crucial contracts to the Reid

consortium, including the Saris Aquarium mega project and the Venus oil well project.” Maxwell

acquiesced, a pained expression on his face.

Darius was not yet in charge of the core operations of the Reid consortium, so he wasn’t too surprised

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by Maxwell’s words. However, it was a different case for his grandfather who was almost stupefied.

James Reid knew that the Saris Aquarium was a project worth more than 800 billion dollars, and was

destined to bring in an annual profit of more than a trillion dollars!

The Venus oil well project wasn’t far behind the Saris Aquarium project, and it was estimated to bring in

a bi-annual profit of more than 500 billion dollars.

These two projects were extremely crucial to the Finn conglomerate and the fact that they were willing

to concede three of their most crucial projects just to appease the Reid consortium showed how


the Finn conglomerate was, and also how powerful the Reid consortium was.

“I see. Well then, since you’re being sincere enough, we’ll call a spade a spade.” James Reid said after

a brief moment of silence.

Maxwell Finn let out an audible sigh of relief at James Reid words. He was relieved that he managed to

appeal James; otherwise the consequences would have been very dire. Even though the conditions for

the appeal were very crucial to him, it was surely worth it.

“The documents concerning the projects will be sent to your desk the next morning.” Maxwell added

after a few seconds.

Darius’ grandfather nodded his head in approval at Maxwell’s words before standing up from his chair.

“We’ll be taking our leave now.” James Reid said calmly before walking out of the dining room, with

Darius following him closely.

Maxwell remained in his seat as the two members of the Reid consortium exited the dining room; and

there was only one thought in his mind.

‘If I ever see Michael again, I’ll make sure to skin him alive!

Meanwhile, while Maxwell was cursing his son for making him lose three crucial projects, Darius and

his grandfather were seated comfortably in the back seat of the white Rolls-Royce.

There was an awkward silence in the Rolls

-Royce as both Darius and his grandfather had complex expressions on their faces, but for different


Darius wanted to ask what the problem was, but later refrained from doing so, opting to wait until his

grandfather felt the need to talk before asking.

He didn’t have to wait long, as after five minutes had passed; James Reid spoke up, breaking the

awkward silence in the car.

“Something doesn’t add up.” Darius’ grandfather said in a puzzled tone.

“What doesn’t?” Darius couldn’t help but ask.

“I don’t know what it is exactly, but I can’t put my finger on it.” Darius grandfather said; and he looked

extremely uncomfortable.

Darius didn’t say anything after that, but he was also worried as to what was wrong. He racked his

brain hard but couldn’t come up anything. Eventually, he sighed and stopped thinking about it.

Darius’ grandfather noticed that and sighed too. In the end, he stopped thinking about it and fell silent

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once more. However, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that he had overlooked something very vital and


After the dinner with Michael Finn’s father, Maxwell Finn, everything returned back to normal. As

Maxwell promised, the ownership of the 10 star hotel IUV Xenon Hotels was transferred to Darius.

Darius then decided to change the name from IUV Xenon Hotels to simply Xenon Hotels, and the 10

star hotel became one of the many properties under Darius’ name.

As for the details regarding the Saris Aquarium mega project and the Venus oil well project, it was

handled personally by Darius’ Reid grandfather. The projects were far too important, and it was certain

Darius didn’t have the experience to handle such important projects yet.

Finally, two days after the dinner with Maxwell Finn, Darius departed from the Reid mansion returned

back to his villa.

By this time, it had been more than a week since the kidnapping incident, and classes were in full

swing. He had been unable to attend classes for obvious reasons, but now that he was perfectly okay,

it was time for him to resume classes.


Hello! Author here! I’m incredibly sorry for the lack of updates. I fell ill and was unable to write, and

when I recovered a bit, I had to edit some of the previous chapters due to some mistakes of mine, and

this inevitably held back the updates of the chapters. Please pardon me. Also, thank you for the

support you’ve given this book so far. I really appreciate it!