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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 156
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Layan’s Retum Chapter 2: Jara

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Councilman Jason better get his head out of his ass, and he better do it before I have to pee again. He

was there, at least after the fact. He should know how traumatic this is for Layan. And he wants her to

face the five of them alone? I don’t think so.

The Luna council had discussed it a couple of weeks ago. We all knew we needed to be here for Layan.

We’ve been there for her throughout the last year, and we aren’t going to let her down now. I, especially,

won’t let her down. She was there for me during my darkest time, refusing to let me push her away, so

there isn’t anyone that’s going to tell me that I can’t be here to support her.

“Now, Layan. We all know what happened last year. And we all understand that it was terrible for you.

We want you to know, first, that we have no intention of letting anything like that happen again.” Gia


“How can you ensure that it won’t happen again? We all know that the claiming territory is huge. Even if

Layan is in there with only twenty claimants, you won’t know if anything is wrong until it’s too late.” I say,

wondering how Gia can say that. She’s been in the claiming, she should know better.

She turns and looks at my father. “In the past, that was true. But this year, not only will we be setting a

no-kill policy for the claimings, but we’ll also be putting guards in place for each claiming. They will be

instructed to not interfere in any way, nor to give any indication of where the female is to any male.

However, if it appears that a fight becomes a battle to the death, they will be instructed to step in and

shoot tranquilizers into those that are not abiding by the rules. Those claimants will be removed from the

claiming territory for the rest of the year.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He pauses, looking at the others. “In addition, if any of the claimants were


I’m shocked. Never before has anyone except the female and her claimants been allowed inside the

claiming territory.

“These guards, they will be mated males, I’m assuming.” Hana says.

“That’s correct, Luna.” Brooks says.

“And you can ensure that they won’t give away any of the female’s locations to their own pack

members?” Annabel asks.

“They will be under Alpha command.” Jason says.

Brynn looks at Layan. “What do you think, Layan?”

She looks up at the council members. “What if I want to choose my mate? Can I do that instead of going

back in.”

I feel the tension ramp up behind me. Elijah and Alpha Davis have both been obvious in their intention of

claiming Layan.

Gia looks at her. “What would you say, Layan, if I told you that every available Alpha intends to enter

your claiming, if you choose them?”

“Why would they want me?” She asks quietly.

“Why wouldn’t they?” Gia asks her. “You have shown that you are strong, you are loving and caring, we

know that you helped Luna Jara after the loss of her child, those are the actions of a Luna, Layan.”

“But…” She looks down, wringing her hands in her lap. I reach over, covering her hands with mine. Hana

does the same.

She looks at me, then at Hana before turning back to the council. “But

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what if I can’t have children?”

I hear two snarls behind me. Obviously, the men in this room that intend to claim her don’t care about

that, other than the lasting effects it has on


Jason looks behind us before returning his attention to Layan. “Each Alpha was asked that question. And

while they would hope that you could have and would want to have children with them, none of them said

it would exclude them from entering your claim if you choose them.”

Layan turns her head slightly to look at Alpha Davis out of the corner of her eye. His eyes are focused on

her, unwavering. He doesn’t care if she can have children. He wants her. She blushes prettily before

turning back.

“How many?” She asks quietly

“How many what, Layan?” Brooks asks her.

“How many claimants will I have to choose? Will it still be twenty?” She


“Can’t we make an exception this year, considering everything that happened?” Mignon asks.

“What do you suggest?” My father asks.

“Well, the Luna Council came up with a suggestion, if you weren’t willing to allow Layan to choose her

mate. We think that she should be allowed to choose as few as five claimants for her claiming.”

Councilman Jason scoffs. “That’s not enough. That’s not even one percent of the remaining wolves.”

“But not every wolf is eligible for the claiming process, so that number isn’t accurate, Councilman.” I tell


“Given the positive state of our packs, we’re anticipating 300 wolves that will be eligible for the claiming

and pass assessment.” Gia says.

“Three hundred? That’s more than last year.” Hana says.

“Our packs are more stable. They aren’t going feral like they used to. When’s the last time anyone had to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

put a pack member down?” Brooks


It’s true. I haven’t heard of a single male that’s even showing signs of feral-fever.

“Fifteen.” Jason says.

“Seven.” I say. “That’s over one percent.”

“Ten.” Jason says.

I turn and look at Layan. It’s the best we can get. Half of the usual claiming size and she gets to choose

all of them.

She nods.

“Ten.” I agree.

Elijah POV

I watch as Luna Jara bargains for Layan to have fewer claimants in her claim. I grit my teeth, knowing

that she would choose me if they would just let her.

“Easy.” Mason says in the mind link, stretching out the word. “You aren’t helping her if you’re all riled up.

This is hard enough for her. Be her support.”

He’s right, I know he’s right. When they finally call an end to the meeting, I stand, wanting to pull her into

my arms.

Layan’s Return Chapter 2 Jara

Alpha Davis beats me to her. It takes everything in me not to snarl at him when he wraps his arms

around her. Ever since Layan spent time in our pack, my feelings of protectiveness and possessiveness

toward her have become stronger.

Mason’s hand on my shoulder settles me and I wait, impatiently, for Alpha Davis to step back. When

Layan turns to me, I open my arms and she smiles, stepping into my hug.

I lean in, kissing her cheek. “I don’t care if I have to compete against nine Alphas, I’ll defeat them all and

claim you, Layan.” I say, hugging her tightly against me.