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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 684
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Chapter 684

Rosalie accompanied Amelia to the hospital and queued up for registration. Amelia’s expression did not look very

well. While they were waiting in line, Rosalie said, “Amelia, what Mrs. Haab suggested about finding the person who

received your bone marrow transplant to donate their liver might not be a bad idea.”

Amelia forced a smile and replied, “Aren’t you thinking just like my mom?”

“After all, the most practical choice for ensuring survival now is getting a liver transplant,” Rosalie answered.

Amelia said, sighing, “It’s impossible. Previously, my mom secretly contacted the hospital to find the person who

received my bone marrow years ago. She then explained my situation to the hospital, and the hospital tried to help

in making contact. They called back a few days ago and said that the person had refused to donate their liver.”

Rosalie was taken aback. “How is that possible?”

“Why not?” Amelia was rather open-minded. “That person is neither a relative nor a friend, and there’s no reason

for them to risk their life for me.”

Rosalie pursed her lips tightly and suddenly uttered, “But what if that person is Warren? What if the one who

received your bone marrow transplant back then was Warren?”

Amelia was stunned and stared at Rosalie in a daze. After a long pause, she finally asked, “Warren? Rosalie, what

are you talking about?”

Rosalie exhaled deeply and shared with Amelia what Jonathan had found out. She then continued, “So, I suspect

that the person who received your bone marrow donation back then was actually Warren. As for Irene, it’s highly

likely that she never actually donated her bone marrow.”

Amelia felt as if she were listening to an unbelievable tale. It was the first time she realized that she, Warren, and

Irene all shared that rare blood type and were perfect matches.

The odds were simply too slim.

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Amelia mused, “Was I the one who saved Warren years ago?

She recalled the details shared by the doctor during their phone conversation. The recipient was a young man

slightly older than her, and they were from the same city. He was the only child of his family, henceforth they held

high hopes

for him.

Amelia did not dwell on those simple details at that time. After all, there were many people who could fit that


However, it would fit just as perfectly if she considered Warren.



She mused, “Is that even possible? Is it possible that such a ridiculous thing could be true? The person I had saved,

but who now hated me to the point of sending me to prison?”

Amelia suddenly felt a sense of absurdity.

“Amelia?” Rosalie could not help but break the prevailing silence.

With a bitter smile, Amelia sighed softly. “Even if Warren were indeed the one who received the transplant back

then, he and I bear a family feud. Warren deliberately approached me to make me fall in love with him. He even

went as far as to testify against me to send me to jail all as a part of his revenge. How could he possibly take the

risk of donating his liver for my sake?”


“Besides, the hospital had called and informed me that the previous organ recipient has refused to donate their

liver.” Amelia paused for a while and continued, “Besides, many of those things are just your speculations. There is

no concrete evidence. If I were to go to Warren now and ask him to donate his liver, it would merely intensify the

mockery, and I would only be ridiculed.”

And now, Amelia wanted to preserve her last shreds of dignity. Even if she was going to die, she didn’t want to have

anything to do with that man anymore.

Rosalie remained silent and thought, “It seems that finding truly concrete evidence is the way to go!”

Amelia obtained her prescription in the hospital. On her way back, Rosalie was adamant about taking her to the

mall, proposing that Amelia should serve as a reference when choosing toys for Aiden.

“Aiden already has quite a few toys, and Mr. Graham even sent him some gifts,” Amelia said.

Rosalie responded with a smile, “Children never complain about having too many toys. By the way, let’s also get a

few sets of winter clothes for Aiden. The weather is getting colder, and winter is approaching.”

After picking out the toys, Rosalie and Amelia ventured to the children’s clothing


Just as the two of them had finished picking out children’s clothing, Rosalie settled the bill and was ready to leave

with Amelia when two people approached the

counter area.

Rosalie’s expression froze when she saw them.

She thought, “What a small world. I didn’t expect to meet Warren and Irene here.”

The other party appeared momentarily startled too, as if they hadn’t expected to encounter them there.,

Warren’s gaze fell on Amelia, and he frowned subconsciously. Her complexion today appeared far from healthy,

and her face was sallow. Amelia draped her slender frame in a coat that appeared far from cozy.



That kind of clothing might suffice indoors, but it offered scant protection against the relentless wind once outside.

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Warren mused, “Doesn’t she know how to wear thicker clothes when going outside?”

“What a coincidence. I didn’t expect to run into you here,” Irene remarked with a snort and wrapped her arm even

more affectionately around Warren’s as if she were asserting ownership. “Even though we’ve had our

disagreements before, I’m not one to hold grudges. Besides, Aiden will be my son soon. I’ll buy him some clothes

here shortly. Amelia, you can take them back. It wouldn’t do for the child to be without several decent clothes.”

Although her words appeared to express genuine concern for the child, her tone carried a noticeable air of


“No need,” Amelia stated coldly.

“Amelia, I’m only trying to help…”

Amelia interrupted, “You’re trying to help? Irene, neither my son nor I require your so-called goodwill. I will

relinquish Aiden’s custody, but he will never be your son!”

She would never let her son address that woman as his mom.

“You…” Irene glared at her. If it weren’t for the need to maintain a favorable impression in front of Warren, she

would have rushed up and hit her. Irene thought, “However… she doesn’t have much time left to live anyway!”

Irene continued thinking viciously, “As long as the truth remains concealed, Amelia is destined to die!”

And when Amelia was gone, that would be the moment when she could finally be free from any worries.

“Are you done? Irene was only acting out of goodwill,” Warren scolded.

Amelia raised her eyes and firmly fixed her gaze on Warren’s face. She thought, “If I had indeed saved him years

ago, then the man I had saved is currently scolding me on behalf of another woman who had harmed me. Isn’t it


Her current gaze carried a self-deprecating sadness, causing an uncomfortable sensation to well up in Warren. It

was as if her gaze were a colossal mountain, weighing down on his chest and making it hard for him to breathe.

“Why? Did I say something wrong? Irene has been tolerant of you in every way. How have you repaid her?” Warren

retorted coldly, trying to shake off the heavy feeling.