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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 1365
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Chapter 1365

“No, these are enough,” said Warren.

“You have to take medicine before eating. I'll get you a cup of warm water,” said Amelia. Then she stood up and

left. After a while, she brought a glass of warm water. Then she took out the medicine from her bag and handed

it to Warren.

Warren swallowed the medicine with water. Then Amelia said, “Sit here for a while. I'll take a look at their

message wall.”

Warren frowned. As soon as they walked in, he saw that message wall at once. There were many small pieces of

paper on it, each with a sentence or a drawing on it. Most of them were left by customers. The restaurant took

this as a unique feature.

But Warren was not interested in this kind of thing.

He watched Amelia walk to the message wall. She seemed to be seriously looking at those messages on the


In Warren's memory, he vaguely remembered that when they chere back then, Amelia had also written a

message note. At that time, Warren was curious about what she wrote, but she refused to tell him and only said

that she would tell him in the future.

Warren thought, “Future... There's no future between us.”

Warren sneered.

Then he saw Amelia bend down and hold a pen. It seemed that she was writing something.

Warren thought, “Is she writing that kind of message note again? So... boring.” Warren curled his lips and then

stopped looking at Amelia.

After a while, Amelia returned to the table, and the waiters started to serve the dishes one after another.

“Alright, let's enjoy our lunch,” said Amelia. Then she lowered her head and started to eat.

But Warren didn’t move. Instead, he suddenly asked, “Why did youin the church?”

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Amelia paused. She hesitated for a while and then said, “Do | need a



Chapter 1365

reason to kiss you?”

“Why not?” Warren asked.

Then Amelia said, “If you think that there must be a reason for it, maybe it's because the atmosphere in the

church was too good at that moment so | failed to control myself.”

“You failed to control yourself?” Warren narrowed his eyes slightly.

Amelia smiled softly, “Warren, you think you're not charming enough to letlose control of myself?”

Warren pursed his lips awkwardly. “This joke is not funny.”

“I'm not joking. We are a couple now. Isn’t it normal for the wife to lose control of herself and kiss her husband?”

said Amelia.

Warren glared at Amelia. “Amelia, what tricks are you gonna do? I'm telling you, no matter what tricks you're

gonna do, it won't work. You have to sign the divorce agreement when today is over!”

“I know. Don’t worry, | won't go back on my word,” said Amelia. “I jus answered your question seriously. At that

moment, | lost control of myself.”

Amelia looked into Warren's eyes and confessed her feelings without dodging.

After a while, Warren looked away, picked up his fork and started to eat.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Amelia's eyes. In fact, in the church, she wanted to treat that kiss as their

wedding kiss.

Amelia fantasized that it was they who were holding a wedding in the church at that moment. And when she

kissed Warren, she also murmured in her mind, “I do.”

But Warren wouldn't know about it, and there was no need for Amelia to say that.

Amelia lowered her head and continued to eat.

It was really silent. They didn’t say anything until they finished eating. Amelia tried to force out a smile. “Well,

we're done eating. Pay the bill, honey.”

Hearing Amelia call him honey, Warren's heart trembled for a second. He


Chapter 1365

suppressed the strange feeling, called a waiter and then paid the bill.

Amelia continued to say with a smile, Now let's go to the cinema. I've bought the tickets for a movie that'll be on

one hour later. We'll be there at the right tif we walk there, and we can also digest the lunch we just


“Lead the way, then.” Warren got up and walked out of the restaurant.

Amelia hurriedly caught up with Warren and took the initiative to hold his hand. “Warren, can you smile? |

haven't seen you smile today.”

Warren looked at Amelia coldly. “I only promised to accompany you for one day today, but | didn’t say that |

would smile while doing that.”

“But no matter whether you smile or not, you still have to stay withfor one day. Won't it be better if you can

smile?” Amelia didn’t want to see him indifferent all the twhen she recalled today afterward.

“That's not necessary, Amelia. Don’t push your luck,” said Warren.

Amelia paused. What Warren said was like a sharp sword hacked her heart, making her so painful.

Amelia thought, “It turns out that it’s already hard forto see Warren's smile, and we're already so far apart

from each other. | was just unwilling to admit it before. I’ve always fantasized that he would still have some

feelings for me, after all.”

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“I see. Let's go,” Amelia said in a low voice and then took Warren to walk towards the cinema.

Watching the smile gradually disappear from Amelia’s face, Warren felt slightly suffocated. His body seemed to

be condemning himself as if he had done something wrong just now.

“I didn’t do anything wrong!” Warren said to himself in his mind.

Warren thought, “I don’t need to smile at Amelia, and | don’t care about how she thinks about it. After today,

we'll only be the parents of our kids. We won't have any other relationships except for that.”

The movie Amelia bought to watch was a romantic comedy. When they watched the movie, all the people around

were laughing, but Warren didn’t want to laugh at all.

All his attention was fixed on the slender hand that was holding his right



hand tightly

Since they cin and sat down, Amelia had been holding Warren's hand like this.

Warren could still bear it when they walked on the road hand in hand, but his feelings becmore clear when

they sat and held hands in such a dark environment.

Especially when Amelia's fingers moved and her fingertips touched his palm from tto time, Warren's whole

body stiffened. His blood all over his body seemed to be rushing to his hand, and the instinct of his body seemed

to be eager for more touches from Amelia.

When Amelia’s hand moved again and held his hand tighter, Warren suddenly moved his hand and wanted to

withdraw it.

“Don’t!” Amelia shouted in a low voice and then held Warren's hand tighter, as if she was really afraid that he

would withdraw it. “Lethold it for a while more, okay?”

Warren pursed his lips hard and hesitated. Then his phone suddenly vibrated. The next moment, he still withdrew

his hand hard and took out the phone. Then he walked out of the room hastily.