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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 1358
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Chapter 1358

As soon as Queena said that, the atmosphere becweird. Everyone who was chatting and laughing just now

suddenly becquiet and turned to look at them.

Hanna felt embarrassed. She didn’t expect to be asked this on such an occasion. She could clearly feel that the

woman in front of her was looking at her with no kindness in her eyes.

Hanna didn’t want to embarrass Calvin. She was his nominal girlfriend now, after all.

Taking a deep breath, Hanna looked into Queena’s eyes and said, “The trending topic you mentioned is about

me. | am that cartoonist. But the content isn’t true.”

“Really? So it was a rumor? Ms. Zimmerman, why don’t you tellwhich part is unreal in case I'm misled,”

Queena said with a smile. She was waiting for Hanna to jump into the trap so that she could embarrass Hanna


“If even such nonsensical reports can lead to misunderstandings, then I really ought to reconsider the project

where the Gunner Group collaborates with the Stapleton Group” Calvin's voice suddenly sounded.

Queena’s expression changed slightly. Calvin glanced at her coldly. Then he turned his head and said to Hanna,

“You must be thirsty. What would you like to drink? I'll get one for you.” Then Calvin took Hanna to the bar.

Because they didn’t like to have staff of the club in the private room, there was no service staff at the bar. But

there were all kinds of drinks and wines in the bar. They could do it themselves.

“Well... Coke is fine.” Hanna couldn’t help but miss the past when she saw the vintage Coke bottle on the bar.

When she was a child, the Coke her parents bought her was in this kind of glass bottle. But now, it was hardly

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seen on the market.

Calvin slightly raised his eyebrows and said, “Okay.”

He took a bottle opener and opened the cap quickly. Then he put a straw in the Coke bottle and handed it to


Many people looked at this scene meaningfully.

Queena’s expression becmore and more sullen. Alan pulled Queena to the corner and whispered, “What are

you doing? It’s so rare for Calvin to bring his girlfriend here. Why did you embarrass him like that?”

“That woman is just a cartoonist. How could she be Calvin's girlfriend? Is she qualified?!” Queena said angrily.

“That's Calvin's business. Calvin loved Rosalie before. Is she a big shot?” Alan said patiently. “But Rosalie just

made Calvin and Jonathan both fall in love with her. There's no qualification in love!”

But Queena’s expression looked more resentful.

Alan patted Queena on the shoulder and said, “I thought you had already let it go. It's been so many years. If

Calvin really wanted to be with you, you would have been together long ago.”

“Is there anything wrong with me? Why would he choose a woman like Hanna as his girlfriend rather than me?”

Queena said angrily.

Queena knew that Calvin loved Rosalie before. Rosalie was the one he had been looking for for so many years,

and she had nothing to say

about that.

But even if Rosalie and Jonathan were together later, Calvin still loved Rosalie and no longer dated other women.

Queena could only stay with Calvin as a friend and a business partner. She thought, “As long as he’s not gonna

be with any other woman, I'll the most suitable woman for him in the end!”

Unexpectedly, Hanna suddenly cut in.

“Alright, stop being so stubborn,” said Alan. “Don’t make trouble on purpose as you did just now. If you really piss

Calvin off, you and you family will not be able to solve it.”

Alan’s words were also warning Queena not to do something stupid, let alone target Hanna.

Queena pursed her red lips and said nothing.

At this moment, someone suggested, “Guys, it’s rare for Calvin to bring his girlfriend here today. How about

playing Truth or Dare? Those who refuse to tell the truth have to complete the tasks said by the winners! Don’t

deny it!”

Everyone agreed immediately. “Okay. Let's do it to celebrate Calvin having a girlfriend.”

But Hanna hesitated for a while. She was afraid that if the winners ordered sstrange tasks. What if she

couldn’t do them?

Calvin seemed to know Hanna's worry. He said, “Don’t worry. If they ask you squestions that you don’t want

to answer, then you can just ignore them. | will do the tasks for you.”

Calvin didn’t only say that to Hanna but also to others. Hearing this, speople whistled again.

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“You really care about your girlfriend. Are you that reluctant to see her lose and do the tasks?”

“Yeah, I'm reluctant to let her do that,” said Calvin.

The room was suddenly quiet again. Others were not used to Calvin's frank answer. Alan said, “Alright, let's get

started. Anyway, if the loser doesn’t want to complete the task, he or she can ask for help. But if no one is willing

to help that person, he or she has to complete the punishment task by himself or herself”

They made a circle and sat down. Hanna's face was rosy. Even though she knew that Calvin was just acting by

saying that he was reluctant to let her lose, her heart still couldn't help but stop for a second when hearing that


Hanna could only warn herself in her mind repeatedly that they w just a nominal couple, nothing else.

“What's wrong? What are you thinking about?” Calvin's voice sudde sounded in Hanna's ears. She saw Calvin's

face as soon as she looke He was so close that she could even see his thick eyelashes clearly.

“Ah!” Hanna's face suddenly turned redder. She leaned back

subconsciously, but she becunstable and then was about to fall


Then Hanna saw the look on Calvin's face change. He immediately pounced towards her. His big hand firmly

protected the back of her head, while her inertia pulled him backward together.

With a bang, the two of them fell to the ground together, but Calvin's hands were protecting Hanna's head and

her waist. Their bodies clung to each other tightly. Hanna could only feel Calvin's aura which surrounded

“Are you alright? Does it hurt?” Calvin's voice sounded in Hanna's ears