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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 1148
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Chapter 1148

He stared at her with deep, dark eyes as if it was love at first sight.

Stunned, Amelia hurriedly sat up and said to Warren with a slightly flushed face, “I-I’ll go back to my

ward first. You should rest.”

With that, she hurried out of bed and left.

Warren’s eyes followed Amelia until she was out of sight before he lowered his gaze and stared at his


His hands were still wrapped in gauze. Although he was scarred all over, his heart was full of joy.

Last night, she lay beside him and fell asleep. He had been hoping for this to happen for a long time.

Even if it was just her sympathy, he cherished it.

He even kept his eyes peeled on her after she fell asleep for fear that she would disappear once he

closed his eyes.

Initially, he had told himself not to expect anything else. He would be content as long as he could

protect her behind the scenes and let her live her life for as long as he lived.

As Warren reflected on the possibilities, hope began to sprout heart, especially after seeing the blush

on Amelia’s face earlie

“But… Can I really hope for this to happen?”

His yearning for her grew stronger, and he couldn’t help but won just maybe, Amelia harbored some

feelings for him, even if they w small.

“Amelia… can you please give me another chance? Just one more time. This time, I won’t fail you,” he

silently implored.

All he wanted was one more chance from her.

Amelia rushed back to her ward next door and entered the bathroom.

The mirror over the sink reflected her slightly panicked expression, and her flushed cheeks seemed to

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

be trying to tell her something.

Amelia took a deep breath, quickly grabbed a towel, and began to wash her face.



Chapter 1148

What had come over her? She had unconsciously slept in Warren’s bed, and now she was filled with

panic and uncertainty.

Amélia’s panic wasn’t solely because she had spent the night in Warren’s ward; there were other

reasons contributing to her anxiety. She placed her hand over her heart and felt the palpitations, which

were much stronger than usual.

Warren had taken steps to negotiate with the police to keep the news of her kidnapping under wraps,

preventing it from making headlines.

The police had also visited Amelia at the hospital to gather her statement.

Through this process, Amelia learned the details of the incident. Jasper had confessed to everything,

including Alicia’s involvement.

She had lost consciousness in the car due to a coma-induced fragrance concealed in the pouch Alicia

had given her. In a confined space, the effects of the fragrance had been particularly potent.

This explained why Alicia had given her the charm and then left her alone in the car.

Amelia hadn’t been surprised by Alicia’s involvement, as she had considered this possibility before.

However, learning this from the police still left her feeling disappointed.

After all, it was unsettling to see someone who had once helped her now turn against her. Such a

drastic change in a person’s behavior could be emotionally challenging.

During this time, Matilda made a daily visit to see her after picking up Aiden from school, often bringing

her food.

Warren’s dietary options were limited to liquid food due to his neck injury, and the hospital provided

specially prepared meals for him, so Matilda didn’t have to prepare additional food.

On the third day, when Warren could leave his bed and move around, he frequently visited Amelia’s

ward. He would watch her eat and

communicate with her using sign language.

Amelia knew sign language from her experience with Aiden.

Despite her son having a cochlear implant that allowed him to

communicate verbally, Amelia hadn’t forgotten how to use sign language.




vervsitesiva swan surprised to discover that Warren was also fluent inin inguaggage, hit their

communication in this manner was effortlessss.

ust have dva toarned sim language for Aiden,” Amelia reflected.d.

he yearsalyaMomen had done many things behind her back and slide n’t have kudawnlunless he

revealed them.

stance he hadled teared sign language for Aiden’s benefit, and hee cretly keptus blobibod in the

hospital for her childbirth.

elia observed When communicating with her in sign language, uidn’t help but he be captivated by the

realization that this man hadd sciously carved apa place in her heart.

id believed that shesive swan gradually forgetting him over the years. seemed that if sheswaradted to,

she could quickly etch a person into art once again.in.

a was lost in her thoughts hus tinch Warren gently waved his hand in of her eyes and used

signinguaguageno ask. “What are you thinking

apped back to the presentandrebreplied,ill-It’s nothing. I’m just ng that I can be discharged monowowi

Did the doctor tell you how

longer you need to stay in the thesibital?”

veek. If my condition gets bettentry by thetah can be discharged spital.” He motioned with sign

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


1 looked at his bandages, particularivarlytease on his neck and the of his hands exposed from the

hospitalig gown.

these injuries were because of herher.

after I get discharged, I’ll make you anythinging you want to eat. Did ctor mention when you can return

to anomaledicthAmelia ed.

n replied, “Should be by tomorrow.ow.

ilchand I are safe thanks to you.”ou

ver, he turned guilty at her words. There was briefsilesibetice before ed his hand again and signed, “I

didn’t protect you welwelth should calized that Jasper wasn’t a good man. He would have defdutaiitely


02 08:59


Warren felt responsible, thinking that if he had been more cautious and assigigried someone to secretly

protect Amelia, they might have avoided thesesc traumatic events.

ArtelediarahWarren were in the midst of their conversation when an abpilshout from outside the ward

disrupted their peace. “Let me in. I have something to say to Mrs. York!”

“Siri plehseste leave! The patient needs rest. If you want to see the patient, pleases folbblowhthe

normal registration process! If the patient wants to see youushervilletergoun into the ward,” the nurse’s

voice calmly responded.

“I’m going initetne in! Mrs. York, I’m Ryan. I want to see you!” The man’s voice grewolouder.

Amelia wastalarealaback Ryan was the man who had been with Alicia.

Warren’s frown deepened, and he conveyed to Amelia in sign language, “I’ll have some concertinove
