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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 1127
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Following her agreement with Quincy, Dorothy arrived at a restaurant nestled in the suburbs of Eldorria City.

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The area, although suburban, wasn't exactly deserted. A few neighborhoods were scattered around, giving it a somewhat lively feel.

Stepping out of the taxi, Dorothy glanced at the restaurant's sign, puzzled as to why Quincy would choose such a location. However, determined to uncover the truth, especially regarding rumors of Everett's terminal illness, she proceeded inside. She found a seat and waited nearly ten minutes before Quincy finally appeared. Unlike their tense encounter at the hospital, Quincy approached with a smile, exuding the sgentle and seemingly naive charm as before.

"Ms. Sanchez," she greeted.

"Mhm," Dorothy responded, not in the mood for confrontation but keen to get to the point. "What did you want to talk about?" Quincy pulled out a chair and sat down. "You calledfirst, so why don't you start? What's this about?" Dorothy frowned slightly but decided to be cautious, not diving straight into her concerns. "What else could it be about? Everett." "I knew it was about Mr. Lopez!" Dorothy nodded. "So, you two are getting married?" Quincy's smile widened. "Yeah, Jonathan has been pushing for it, eager to see us tie the knot!" "That's wonderful. Congratulations." "Save it, Ms. Sanchez. I highly doubt that's sincere! Otherwise, why would you callif not to congratulate me?" Quincy eyed her skeptically, then continued, "I assyou're here to ask about Mr. Lopez's condition?" Dorothy nodded again, dropping the pretense.

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"What's wrong with Everett? Even the doctors seem baffled." "And why are you so concerned? As an ex-girlfriend, or-" "The mother of his children," Dorothy stated firmly. "We may have parted ways, but Everett is still the father of Abigail and Langston. You can't change that. They adore their dad, and I'm here on their behalf "Then rest easy. Withby his side, nothing will happen to Mr. Lopez. I'm about to marry him; I hardly plan on bing a widow so young!" Quincy then ordered a coffee for herself.

Dorothy observed Quincy's demeanor, which seemed genuinely unconcerned.

"Everett's not in life-threatening danger, then? But what about other concerns?" "Those aren't for you to worry about! And just so you know, even after marrying Mr. Lopez, I won't try to take your children or meddle in their affairs without Mr. Lopez'seir You needn't worry aboutharming them." "That's reassuring." Quincy chuckled and shrugged.

"Why would I bother with your children? Mr. Lopez and I will ha our own, and they'll be the rightful heirs of the Lopez family." Her insinuation about Abigail and Langston being less legitimate was clear.

Dorothy's expression darkened, tempted to throw her coffee at Quincy! "Anything else? If not, I've got something to discuss with you." "Go ahead." "Mr. Lopez askedto help find a cure for your condition, so I've been researching a medication that could potentially treat your illness."