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The CEO’S Unplanned Heir novel (Aurelia and Leopold)

Chapter 573
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Chapter 573 The chubby kid's parents were shocked to see their son get defeated in a tussle for the first time. The chubby kid was the neighborhood bully, often leaving other kids with bruises and tears. So when their son got a taste of his own medicine, it was a big blow.

The defeated father, red with embarrassment and rage, swung at William furiously. But before his hand could meet its mark, Skyler shoved him away with the strength of a linebacker.

The man stumbled and fell with a thud onto the grass.

At that moment, Leopold, with the urgency of a quarterback rushing to the end zone, sprinted over with his security team. He scooped William up in his arms, shielding him from further harm.

The chubby kid's father clambered to his feet and was blue in the face. Assessing the sudden crowd of towering figures around him, he realized he was no match for them, and his bravado deflated like a ballaon.

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He glanced at his wife, who quickly took the cue, hoping to get some syrnpathy or perhaps a bit of cash.

She plopped onto the ground, hugging her son, and cried out theatrically, “Help! They beat my boy up! They're going to kill my boy!" Skyler, clearly annoyed, covered his ears. “Cut the , lady. Your kid started it, and we were defending ourselves." “Yeah, William chimed in, nodding furiously. “Your son hit me first. I'm only three and a half. Even if the cops come, they won't take your side." The chubby kid's mom paused, taken aback. She hadnt realized William was only a preschooler.

So, was her twelve-year-old son bested by a toddler? Aurelia cast a knowing look at the woman. "Ma'am, you better keep an eye on your boy. Don't let him go around picking fights.

There's always a bigger fish, and it's clear that your son met his match today" The couple, their bravado deflated and their son no longer in pain skulked away defeated.

After the commotion had settled, Skyler and William headed to the miniature train ride.

Leaning close to the boy, Skyler whispered, "You wanna give that bully a Reaper's Stamp?" William shook his head. “I already kicked him. He's got the punishment. He's a brat, sure, but we can't brand him over a little dispute. Who knows? He might turn out alright when he gets older.” “And what if he gets worse?" Skyler queried.

William scoffed. "The way he acts? A coward to the core. He won't amount to much trouble." Skyler shrugged. "Alright, we'll let it slide, as you say." By noon, they took a bathroom break. As they emerged, William heard sobbing from a nearby hedge.

Peering over, they saw two high schoolers bullying a younger kid.

The bullies, decked out in designer clothes, were the offspring of the well-heeled and influential.

The tall teen was slapping the younger kid relentlessly, whose face was swelling red, blood trickling from his nose and mouth.

The kid was shaking, too scared to fight back.

The other hefty teen delivered a kick to the younger kid's head, sending him sprawling to the ground, wailing in pain.

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The bullies laughed out loud as they continued their assault.

Bystanders watched but did nothing, which was the apathy of society.

Skyler, with a deep hatred for bullies, charged in like a knight. A few well-placed punches later, the high schoolers were eating dirt.

“Who the hell are you? Mind your own business! Do you know who my dad is?" the larger bully bellowed.

Skyler grunted. “Don't care who your dad is. You're in for it now-" He pulled out a Reaper's Stamp and marked the bullies.

Bullying was unforgivable.

The high school kids scrambled up and fled, shouting threats over their shoulders.

William helped the little boy up and called for an ambulance.

"Let me call your parents, buddy." "My parents are dead. | live with my grandma,’ the child replied, his voice small.

The boy's grandmother was a cleaner there, and he was out helping her pick up trash when the bullies from high school decided to pick on him again.