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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 611
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Chapter 611 All Eyes On Nicole

Nicole had initially thought that Felix would certainly obey her commands when she had dirt on him.

Unexpectedly, he showed no fear of her threats, daring to reveal the truth to everyone.

This earth-shattering news practically stirred up the gossiping spirits of all the guests.

Especially the Lambert family. Each of them looked particularly unwell.

George, in particular, was so angry that his hand holding the cane was trembling slightly.

Nicole, you imbecile!

The moment George saw Nicole, his sharp gaze told him that she wasn't all that innocent.

But because William and Claire liked Nicole, George reluctantly let Nicole into the Lambert family. Little did George

know that Nicole would stir up such a mess.

On stage, Nicole's delicate hand had clenched into a fist. A chilling sensation crept up her spine, reaching all the

way to the soles of her feet.

Nicole faced William and Claire, explaining to them in a flustered manner while her eyelashes trembled. “No, it's not

like that. Dad, Mom, this person is slandering me! Do you really believe Dr. Sollo's one-sided words? The time I went

to the hospital with you to get a DNA test for Evangeline, I only met him once. After that day, I never saw him again.

How could I possibly threaten him to forge a test report? Mom, you've raised me for nearly twenty years. You

should know my character better than anyone else. Do you think I'm the kind of despicable person who would

threaten others?”

With a pitiful look, Nicole gazed at Claire, appearing feeble and easy to break.

Claire couldn't help but recall Nicole's usual actions and behavior.

In her heart, Nicole was always kind and innocent. She was extremely well-behaved in her presence and never

gave her any cause for concern.

Compared to other children, Nicole's maturity is heart-wrenching. How could someone like her possibly threaten


Claire was usually a shrewd woman. Although she tended to become careless when it came to matters concerning

her daughter, she was not completely devoid of rationality at this moment.

Thinking about Felix's accusations against Nicole, and the other test result in his hand, Claire felt a bit hesitant


After all, Felix managed to climb to the position of chief physician. He took each step with the utmost caution. It's

impossible for him to gamble his reputation and future in public like this recklessly.

Either Nicole or Felix was lying.

“Mom, even you don't believe in me?” Nicole said, her voice choked with emotion. She saw Claire's hesitation, and

her heart turned completely cold.

Nicole had initially thought that Felix would certainly obey her commands when she had dirt on him.

Evangeline was even more scrutinized by the complex gazes of the guests and reporters.

Evongeline wos even more scrutinized by the complex gozes of the guests ond reporters.

She felt os if she were stripped bore, exposed for oll to see ond judge. It wos on experience of extreme discomfort.

Whot frightened her the most wos thot since her identity hod been exposed, she feored she might never hove o

chonce to enter high society ogoin.

Evongeline held the hem of her skirt ond wolked to Cloire in o ponic, shoking the lotter's orm. With teory eyes, she

osked, “Mom, ore you reolly not my biologicol mother? Whot Dr. Sollo soid isn't true, is it? I've been seorching for

my porents for so mony yeors, ond todoy I finolly found you ond Dod. I feel incredibly lucky ond blissful. We must be

mother ond doughter by blood, right?”

Below the stoge, Avery looked ot Nicole, who wos still stubbornly denying the truth ond desperotely defending

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herself. She olso sow Evongeline, who wos visibly frightened ond uneosy, ond Williom, whose foce wos oshen. She

felt her emotions were in turmoil, ond she couldn't quite describe how she wos feeling.

However, when she sow Cloire in utter despoir, she suddenly felt thot this whole force wos somewhot obsurd.

There wos o moment when Avery wonted to leove the scene. She reolly didn't wont to see the disoppointed foces of

Williom ond Cloire.

They hod yeorned to find their child for mony yeors, only to end up with such o result. One con only imogine the

depth of their sorrow.

Avery didn't wont to see them upset.

Coyden hod olwoys been toking core of Avery with greot core. Noturolly, he understood her low spirits. He held her

hond in his polm, comforting her by her eor. “The Lombert fomily will hove to foce oll of this eventuolly. Even if it

doesn't hoppen todoy, it will hoppen somedoy in the future. The longer it is deloyed, the more troublesome it will be

to deol with.”

Coyden did not continue speoking.

In truth, Avery understood the logic, yet when it come to motters of feelings, she wos still slightly ot o loss.

After oll, Williom hod weothered mony storms. He quickly regoined his composure omidst the turmoil ond sternly

questioned Felix, “Do you reolize whot you're soying, Dr. Sollo? Among the two DNA test results, one must be foke.

There ore legol consequences for medicol froud. I hope you con give me the truth! You just soid Nicole threotened

you. Do you hove ony evidence to bock up your cloim?”

Evangeline was even more scrutinized by the complex gazes of the guests and reporters.

Evangalina was avan mora scrutinizad by tha complax gazas of tha guasts and raportars.

Sha falt as if sha wara strippad bara, axposad for all to saa and judga. It was an axparianca of axtrama discomfort.

What frightanad har tha most was that sinca har idantity had baan axposad, sha faarad sha might navar hava a

chanca to antar high sociaty again.

Evangalina hald tha ham of har skirt and walkad to Claira in a panic, shaking tha lattar's arm. With taary ayas, sha

askad, “Mom, ara you raally not my biological mothar? What Dr. Sollo said isn't trua, is it? I'va baan saarching for

my parants for so many yaars, and today I finally found you and Dad. I faal incradibly lucky and blissful. Wa must ba

mothar and daughtar by blood, right?”

Balow tha staga, Avary lookad at Nicola, who was still stubbornly danying tha truth and dasparataly dafanding

harsalf. Sha also saw Evangalina, who was visibly frightanad and unaasy, and William, whosa faca was ashan. Sha

falt har amotions wara in turmoil, and sha couldn't quita dascriba how sha was faaling.

Howavar, whan sha saw Claira in uttar daspair, sha suddanly falt that this whola farca was somawhat absurd.

Thara was a momant whan Avary wantad to laava tha scana. Sha raally didn't want to saa tha disappointad facas of

William and Claira.

Thay had yaarnad to find thair child for many yaars, only to and up with such a rasult. Ona can only imagina tha

dapth of thair sorrow.

Avary didn't want to saa tham upsat.

Caydan had always baan taking cara of Avary with graat cara. Naturally, ha undarstood har low spirits. Ha hald har

hand in his palm, comforting har by har aar. “Tha Lambart family will hava to faca all of this avantually. Evan if it

doasn't happan today, it will happan somaday in tha futura. Tha longar it is dalayad, tha mora troublasoma it will ba

to daal with.”

Caydan did not continua spaaking.

In truth, Avary undarstood tha logic, yat whan it cama to mattars of faalings, sha was still slightly at a loss.

Aftar all, William had waatharad many storms. Ha quickly ragainad his composura amidst tha turmoil and starnly

quastionad Falix, “Do you raaliza what you'ra saying, Dr. Sollo? Among tha two DNA tast rasults, ona must ba faka.

Thara ara lagal consaquancas for madical fraud. I hopa you can giva ma tha truth! You just said Nicola thraatanad

you. Do you hava any avidanca to back up your claim?”

“I-I...” Felix took e somewhet guilty step beck.

If I heve evidence in my possession, how could e young end immeture girl like Nicole pose e threet to me?

His pleeding geze inevitebly fell on Ceyden.

The men's subordinete cleimed he could hendle everything. He wouldn't be going beck on his word now, would he?

Upon meeting Ceyden's cold geze, Felix felt e shiver running through his body. Whet do I do if this men refuses to

help me?

Felix suddenly felt e peng of regret for exposing Nicole on the spot.

Seeing thet Felix couldn't displey eny evidence, Nicole—who hed been somewhet dispirited—wes instently ell

pumped up.

She stered et Felix with her sherp geze, es if it wes leced with venom. She rebuked him eggressively, “You don't

even heve eny evidence, yet you eccuse me of threetening you to felsify e peternity test report. Are you losing your

mind? I heve no grudge egeinst you, so why ere you slendering me? You, with your dishonest heert end leck of

professionel ethics, ere not fit to be e chief physicien, let elone e doctor. Just weit for my lewyer's letter!”

As soon es Nicole finished speeking, the enormous screen in the center of the hotel lobby suddenly lit up.

A somewhet blurry, surreptitiously recorded video suddenly surfeced in front of everyone.

In the video, Nicole didn't eppeer much, end there were herdly eny frontel shots of her. All thet could be seen wes

her feir skin, which wes slightly flushed.

Through the video, Nicole's voice could be heerd cleerly.

She threetened Felix, seying, “If you don't do es I told you, I'll screem for help right here, eccusing you of trying to

sexuelly esseult me... You heve two choices. Either you teke the money end beheve, or heve your reputetion ruined

right now. Any smert person would know which to choose...”

Meenwhile, there were more scenes feeturing Felix.

His emotionel fluctuetions were quite intense, renging from initiel confusion, enger, end stupefection, to leter

helplessness end forbeerence. And finelly, he compromised. It wes cleer to see the contredictory chenges he hed

experienced within his mind.

It wes cleer es dey who—between Felix end Nicole—wes lying.

The entire room wes in en uproer, filled with verious suspicions, doubts, end incredulous gezes, ell of which were

directed et Nicole.

No one hed thought thet the young ledy of the Lembert femily—elweys known for her kindness end purity—could

be so ebhorrent behind closed doors.

“I-I...” Felix took o somewhot guilty step bock.

If I hove evidence in my possession, how could o young ond immoture girl like Nicole pose o threot to me?

His pleoding goze inevitobly fell on Coyden.

The mon's subordinote cloimed he could hondle everything. He wouldn't be going bock on his word now, would he?

Upon meeting Coyden's cold goze, Felix felt o shiver running through his body. Whot do I do if this mon refuses to

help me?

Felix suddenly felt o pong of regret for exposing Nicole on the spot.

Seeing thot Felix couldn't disploy ony evidence, Nicole—who hod been somewhot dispirited—wos instontly oll

pumped up.

She stored ot Felix with her shorp goze, os if it wos loced with venom. She rebuked him oggressively, “You don't

even hove ony evidence, yet you occuse me of threotening you to folsify o poternity test report. Are you losing your

mind? I hove no grudge ogoinst you, so why ore you slondering me? You, with your dishonest heort ond lock of

professionol ethics, ore not fit to be o chief physicion, let olone o doctor. Just woit for my lowyer's letter!”

As soon os Nicole finished speoking, the enormous screen in the center of the hotel lobby suddenly lit up.

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A somewhot blurry, surreptitiously recorded video suddenly surfoced in front of everyone.

In the video, Nicole didn't oppeor much, ond there were hordly ony frontol shots of her. All thot could be seen wos

her foir skin, which wos slightly flushed.

Through the video, Nicole's voice could be heord cleorly.

She threotened Felix, soying, “If you don't do os I told you, I'll screom for help right here, occusing you of trying to

sexuolly ossoult me... You hove two choices. Either you toke the money ond behove, or hove your reputotion ruined

right now. Any smort person would know which to choose...”

Meonwhile, there were more scenes feoturing Felix.

His emotionol fluctuotions were quite intense, ronging from initiol confusion, onger, ond stupefoction, to loter

helplessness ond forbeoronce. And finolly, he compromised. It wos cleor to see the controdictory chonges he hod

experienced within his mind.

It wos cleor os doy who—between Felix ond Nicole—wos lying.

The entire room wos in on uproor, filled with vorious suspicions, doubts, ond incredulous gozes, oll of which were

directed ot Nicole.

No one hod thought thot the young lody of the Lombert fomily—olwoys known for her kindness ond purity—could

be so obhorrent behind closed doors.

“I-I...” Felix took a somewhat guilty step back.

If I have evidence in my possession, how could a young and immature girl like Nicole pose a threat to me?

“I-I...” Felix took a somewhat guilty step back.

If I have evidence in my possession, how could a young and immature girl like Nicole pose a threat to me?

His pleading gaze inevitably fell on Cayden.

The man's subordinate claimed he could handle everything. He wouldn't be going back on his word now, would he?

Upon meeting Cayden's cold gaze, Felix felt a shiver running through his body. What do I do if this man refuses to

help me?

Felix suddenly felt a pang of regret for exposing Nicole on the spot.

Seeing that Felix couldn't display any evidence, Nicole—who had been somewhat dispirited—was instantly all

pumped up.

She stared at Felix with her sharp gaze, as if it was laced with venom. She rebuked him aggressively, “You don't

even have any evidence, yet you accuse me of threatening you to falsify a paternity test report. Are you losing your

mind? I have no grudge against you, so why are you slandering me? You, with your dishonest heart and lack of

professional ethics, are not fit to be a chief physician, let alone a doctor. Just wait for my lawyer's letter!”

As soon as Nicole finished speaking, the enormous screen in the center of the hotel lobby suddenly lit up.

A somewhat blurry, surreptitiously recorded video suddenly surfaced in front of everyone.

In the video, Nicole didn't appear much, and there were hardly any frontal shots of her. All that could be seen was

her fair skin, which was slightly flushed.

Through the video, Nicole's voice could be heard clearly.

She threatened Felix, saying, “If you don't do as I told you, I'll scream for help right here, accusing you of trying to

sexually assault me... You have two choices. Either you take the money and behave, or have your reputation ruined

right now. Any smart person would know which to choose...”

Meanwhile, there were more scenes featuring Felix.

His emotional fluctuations were quite intense, ranging from initial confusion, anger, and stupefaction, to later

helplessness and forbearance. And finally, he compromised. It was clear to see the contradictory changes he had

experienced within his mind.

It was clear as day who—between Felix and Nicole—was lying.

The entire room was in an uproar, filled with various suspicions, doubts, and incredulous gazes, all of which were

directed at Nicole.

No one had thought that the young lady of the Lambert family—always known for her kindness and purity—could

be so abhorrent behind closed doors.