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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 67
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Chapter 0067

| look around, hoping for a scrap of anything that may givea clue of where they have taken her, but there is

nothing. | look back at Liam. “Okay. I'll call my father and let him know we're on our way back.”

| arrive hthe next day. I'm exhausted but | can’t sleep. | go to my father’s office to see what is happening. It

looks like a war room. There are maps. everywhere with color coded pins indicating areas where trackers are

searching, areas that have been eliminated and areas that still need to be searched.

My father and | argued aboutgoing back to school. | told him I'd never be able to focus, so he compromised

and toldhe’d agree to not havinggo to school if someone could bring my schoolwork hand if | would

go to training. in the mornings.

| agree to training solely because Mr. Nelson had started training the warriors. I'm not sure if he was

disappointed that no one was able to help his daughter or if he needed something to take his mind off her

temporarily as well.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

It's been a week and we're no closer to finding her than we were when Liam and | left the forest. I'm kicking

myself for not following through with my plans to try and follow her faint scent.

I'm currently in training taking my frustration out on my body. Mr. Nelson drills us to the point of exhaustion and |

need it every day. | can’t sleep, | can’t eat, I'm consumed with finding her.

“Get your asses moving! You call yourselves warriors? My daughter could run circles around you and then take

every one of you down like a bowling ball knocking down pins.” Mr. Nelson is drilling the team this morning.

“With all due respect sir,” Trevor speaks up, bent over with his hands on his knees sucking in air like his life

depends on it. And maybe it does. “Your daughter already does that.”

“Yeah.” Dean pipes in. “Every day.”

“Then buck up and get your sorry asses moving! When my daughter returns, she’ll need a real challenge and so

far, I'm not seeing anyone that can give her one.”

Mr. Nelson continues to drill us until he’s decided we're done. When he releases

| head up to my room for a quick shower then back to the search.



When | walk into my father’s office, the mood is tense. My father looks up and | freeze. “What is it?”

“Have a seat.” My father gestures to a chair while Beta Charles and Mr. Nelson. continue to watch me. | look at

my father for a long moment before sitting down.

“We have an idea, but it's a long shot. All our trackers and many warriors are out searching different areas for


I nod, “What's the idea.”

Beta Charles answers. “We think it’s a possibility that Eli has taken Cara back to the Silver Dawn Pack.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

My brow furrows with his answer. That pack died out 18 years ago when Liam's father killed Alpha Jerand

any wolves that would not submit to him. The other pack members joined the Shadow Falls Pack.

“I thought that pack was decimated?” | ask the three of them.

Mr. Nelson givesan intense look. “It was. But......if Eli is calling himself an Alpha, he will need two things. He

will need a pack....”

“And a Luna” | finish for him. Kai pushes forward. “He will never have her. Sho



Mr. Nelson wheels himself over to me. “We have no intention of leaving her there. | don’t know what he is

thinking but he may not realize that she’s not yet 18. That works in our favor.”


Chapter 0068