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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 503
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Chapter 0503

Clint gavehis word as a Guardian. Again.

This tit was about wanting to kiss me. | wish it didn’t make my heart flutter, but it did. | still hardened my

heart and told him, basically, that I didn’t believe. him, until he gavehis word. After that, all I could think

about was kissing him. again.

So, before he left for the night, | did.

Now, as | lay in bed, | want nothing more than to text him and go to the roof with him. But what if he thinks that

kiss gives him an opening to push for more. I'm not ready for that, and | still don’t trust him completely. At least

not in a relationship. As a Guardian and as my trainer, | trust him implicitly.

| go sit by my window, opening it to smell the night air, when it occurs to me. | don’t need to text him to sleep on

the roof. | can just do it. And secretly, | know I'll be able to sleep because the blankets will smell like him.

| climb out of my window, closing the window behindbefore I begin to shimmy over to the where | can get on

the roof. I'm almost there, when Clint slides down and nearly scaresoff the ledge I'm standing on. He quickly

grabs. me, pullingto him and covering my mouth to hide my scream.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“What are you doing?” He asksseverely.

“What are you doing?” | ask. | didn’t text him and the only reason he would be here is if he were coming to get


He holds up his hand and it has my clothes in it. “Returning your clothes and checking to see if you were able to

fall asleep tonight, since | didn’t hear from you.”


He's still holding on toand | can’t move without the risk of falling.

“And what were you doing?” He asksagain.

“I was going to the roof.” | say. My hands are pressed against his chest, and | can feel his muscles under my

hands. It’s taking too much effort not to run my hands. over his chest. His heat is permeating my skimpy night

clothes and | can feel the effect being this close to him is having on me.

“Why didn’t you text me?”


“Can we get off the ledge?” | ask, wanting to put sspace between us. His apple pie scent is starting to make

my brain short circuit.

“As soon as you answer my question.” He says and | look up at him. His eyes are. intense on mine, his mouth is

barely a breath away and | can’t help but look at his lips. | know they are soft and warm, and they do things to

my body that I've never felt before.

“I didn’t want you to think that just because I kissed you that | was going to sleep with you.” | whisper yell at him

and even | can hear the aggressive tone of my voice.

He looks atfor a moment, waiting for, what | don’t know. But | refuse to make eye contact. My cheeks are

burning with my statement. | stare at a point just below his eyes.

“You've been very clear about not wanting to have sex with me, Lily. And | don’t force women into sex.”

When | finally look up, | can’t tell if he’s irritated withor amused by me.

“Con. Let's get to the roof so we can both get ssleep.”

When we get there, he handsmy clothes. | set them aside to take back in the morning and help him set up

the blankets. I sit down and wait for him to lay down. He sits beside me. “What?” He asks.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I'm waiting for you to lay down so I can lay on your chest.” | say, as if this is the most obvious thing in the

world. It’s how we've slept every night.

“Can | get one more kiss before bed?” He asks me, leaning in and givingsuch a smoldering look that heat

slides south, warming my core.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” | say, my voice more breathless than | would like.

“Afraid you might jump my bones?” He asks, wagging his eyebrows.

“Are you always this arrogant?”

“Confident.” He says.

When I don’t move forward, he sighs. “I tell you what. I'll lay back and if you want to make my night and put a

happy smile on my face before I go to sleep, you can giveanother kiss. You'll be on top, so it will all be on

you how long or how deep the kiss gets. If not, I'll still sleep, | just won't be as happy.” He says before laying

down, putting his hands behind his head and watching me.


Here's the thing. | really want to kiss him. | want to drown in that feeling from earlier today.