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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 284
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Chapter 0284

When the doctor toldthat Angel was pregnant, | was concerned that she had kept it frombefore the war.

| was happy to learn that she hadn’t known until her strange walk with Clint who apparently brought her back to

me. I'm not sure what that means or why it happened, but I'm forever indebted to him for bringing my Angel


Dustin had prepared the funerals and pyres for our pack members. He had talked it over withwhile Angel

was unconscious, and we had agreed to have three days of funerals. There was so much sadness and pain

among the pack members, but each of them deserved to have their tto say goodbye to their loved ones.

| had spoken to Rik about the loss of his pack members. After Cara’s show of power, | wasn’t sure how many in

his pack had survived. He lost nearly 100 pack members after losing the mates of those lost in the war.

Thankfully, Cara’s power surge only seemed to knock their warriors out, not kill them as it had the vampires.

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Her strength was chilling. I've never seen or felt such power. It makeswonder how much power Angel really

has. If something as emotionally painful as losing Clint would cause her to have an explosion of power like Cara

did. Does she just need to find a way to unlock it? When things settle down, it’s definitely something that we

should discuss with Ailduin.

After a long week of saying goodbye to pack members, we are headed to Canyon Ridge pack. They are having a

special funeral ceremony for Clint. | know Cara has been in the hospital since the battle and Anders, who was

also injured, needed to heal before they had said this final goodbye. | know Angel is planning to talk to Cara

while we are here. She wants her to know that Clint cto her after his


The funeral is attended by everyone in Canyon Ridge pack and sof my pack members as well. In the last

month or so, many of my warriors got to know Clint. He was a good man, a great Guardian and a wonderful


After paying his respects and speaking of Clint’s life and sacrifices for his family and the pack, Rik opens the floor

to anyone who wants to say something about Clint. Many of the older warriors recount times in their youth when

he helped them or times when he would defeat them in sparring or mock battles. Other warriors talk about

meeting him more recently and how much they learned from him.

| can see Anders in the front row between Cara and Luna Calista. His head is

bowed and | know if | could see his eyes that they would be red-rimmed. The bond they shared was a

brotherhood, not quite as strong as a mate bond, but pretty close.

I'm surprised when Angel gets up and goes to the podium. She hasn't said. anything toabout speaking, not

that needs to.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I haven't known Clint very long, at least not as the person | am now. When | got here, | had cfrom a dark

place where | had been abused for years. | was a broken shell of the person | had been, not even able to access

my wolf or my Guardian spirit. Clint didn’t care. He tookunder his wing and he pushedto be a stronger,

better version of myself. He helpedto regain my wolf and the power of my Guardian spirit. He treatedlike

family and tookin as if | was another daughter to him. He helpedfind my way back to the person | am


She stops, regaining her composure before looking at Cara and smiling. “He even foundwhen | lost my way

after the battle.” | see Cara's head shoot up to look at Angel. “I woke up in a strange forest, alone. | had no idea

where | was or how to get home. He found me, toldit wasn’t my tyet and helpedfind my way back to

Liam. As was his way, he didn’t leaveuntil he knew that | was where | was s

to be and that | would be okay.”

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