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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 192
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Chapter 0192

I shiver as he runs his nose across my jaw before kissing the corner of my mouth.

He stands, taking my hand in one of his and shifting his jeans with the other before turning and guidingdown

the stairs to the front door. His pack members flock to him again and | notice that he moves so that I'm standing

in front of him. He lets them know that we have to be somewhere but that he’ll be back later if they need to

meet with him about anything.

He walksto a giant truck, opening the passenger door and liftinginside. He leans over and clicks the

seatbelt into place before pecking my lips again and winking before closing the door and coming around to climb

into the driver's


The last t| was in a car was when the vampires hadin the trunk. Before that, it was when | was still part

of a pack. It’s weird being back in a car again.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

As we start to pull away, | look at my surroundings. It’s pretty here, in a different way than it was back in my

childhood pack in Minnesota. | much prefer the warmer climate here.

| turn to look at Liam. “Taking care ofis keeping you from your work with the pack, isn’t it?” | ask him.

He looks at me, reaching over and taking my hand, pulling it to him so he can kiss my knuckles before setting it

on his thigh. “My pack is the largest in the country. | have 832 pack members with another 27 pregnant females

that will be adding to my numbers within the next five months. My work is never done. So, no, you aren't

keepingfrom my work, it's always there, no matter what.”

“When did you becAlpha?” | ask. | don’t know much about Liam and I'd like to get to know him better,

especially if Alessia feels that we can trust him.

| watch as his face takes on a tense look. | jump in before he says anything. “It's none of my business, you don’t

have to tell me.”

He looks over at me, pulling my hand to his lips, kissing it again, before putting it back in his lap. “I told you

before you can askanything. It’s just, not all of my answers are happy ones.”

He looks atagain. “To help you understand, | need to go back to before | took over from my father. When |

was six years old, my mother was murdered. We were attacked by another pack that wanted the strength of our

numbers and our land. My father defeated their Alpha, but not before my mother was killed.” My


hand goes to my mouth, | understand all too well what it feels like to have your mother murdered. He reaches

over and brushes him knuckles over my cheek. before taking my hand again.

“My father was never the safter that. He moved out of the packhouse and he barely managed the pack at

all. Dustin's father, my father’s Beta, basically took over, only getting my father involved if needed. When | was

ten years old, he started includingin the decision making for the pack. He and | made all the decisions

together for the pack and the company that | own from the t| was 10 to the t| was 16. The day after my

16th birthday, my father died. There was no reason, he wasn't sick, or not any sicker than he'd been for the

previous 10 years. That day, it becofficial. A week later, | laid my father to rest and the day after that, we

had my Alpha ceremony.”

He turns to look at me. | can see the pain in his eyes. | turn my hand in his, intertwining our fingers and rubbing

my thumb over his hand. | want him to know he’s not alone. | know what it’s like to feel alone, like you have no

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

one. | want him to know I'm here.

“My Alpha ceremony was a somber affair, not like most of them which are a celebration. And honestly, it didn’t

matter. I'd been running this pack long before my father died and it becofficial.” He shrugs, looking at me

before looking back at the road.

“How old are you now?” | ask him.

“Nearly 25.”

“So, you've been taking care of your pack and its members for almost 15 years?” He nods.

“Aren’t you tired?” | ask, because really, it's got to be a huge burden for him to carry, day after day. The lives of

over 800 people depend on him and him alone. He has to be everything to everyone.

“Sdays more than others. Honestly, before all this,” he gestures with hist hand between us, “it was

becoming overwhelming.”

“I make it less overwhelming for you?” | ask confused.

“You givehope.”