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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 160
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Chapter 0160

Trigger Warning: The chapter contains scenes of violence and sexual abuse.

The vampire leader carriedto a car and putin the trunk. He duct taped my mouth before closingin.

Once | am alone in the dark, | let the tears fall. | have no idea what I'm going to do, but | know no one is coming

to help me. My parents, my heart aches as | think them, Alessia howling mournfully in my head. My parents are

dead. The only person that knows aboutis Jude, and if my previous pack finds my parents, they will assume

that | am dead as well.

| have no idea why this lead vampire thinks the prince of vampires would want me. It’s well known that vampires

do not like the taste of werewolf blood, generally keeping us safe from them, unless we stumble into their

territory. But when that vampire tasted my blood, he didn’t seem repulsed. Just the opposite. And | don’t know

what it was that he said, but the way he said it gavegoose bumps. Whatever it is, it can’t be good for me.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| don’t know how long we drive before we stop. When the trunk opens, I'm ready to jump out, not that I'll get far

with my arms and legs bound, but I have to try. However, the vampire anticipatesand snatchesout of


“Not so fast, my tasty treat. | have big plans for you. And if you play your cards right, perhaps Prince Keenan will

keep you alive as a blood bag.” A blood bag? Death would be preferable.

He carriesover his shoulder again. We walk toward a building that you would expect to be owned by

vampires. It's dark, gloomy, and gothic looking. Gargoyles at the corners of what looks like an old castle. The

only lights that | can see from inside look red and cruel, like what I'd expect in a low-class brothel.

When we walk in, the screams that are coming from somewhere in front ofmake my blood run cold. It’s the

sound of pain and fear and death. Along with that sound is the sickening sound of lustful grunting, slurping and

flesh being ripped apart presumably by sharp teeth.

I don’t know what to expect, but when I'm put on my feet, I'm in a room filled with vampires and humans. The

smell of blood and death is nearly overwhelming to my sensitive nose. The fear is so palpable that it feels like

you could cut it with a knife.

I'm turned to face a vampire on a throne. Again, it feels so cliché that if | wasn't disgusted by what is going on

around me, Id laugh. The throne is metal the color



of pewter covered in a blood red cushioning across the back, seat and arm rests. | can’t tell how tall the vampire

is, I'm assuming he’s the prince, but the chair back sits about six inches higher than his head.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It takes the vampire prince a moment to acknowledge us. His eyes are closed and he is sucking on the wrist of a

young man who is going pale and having trouble standing while a female, | can’t tell her age, is being forced to

go down on him. He has a grip on her head and is shoving himself into her mouth at a brutal pace. | can see her

fists punching against his legs as | watch his body tense up and he holds her there until she stops fighting. Once

he’s finished, he pulls her off and she drops to the floor, dead. I realize he just suffocated her while he orgasmed

in her mouth.

His eyes track to mine as he continues to suck on the wrist of the man that is now on his knees, his eyes going

dim as the vampire drains him of his blood. He pulls his lips off the man’s wrist, his mouth making a sickening

suction sound. The man also falls to the floor, dead.

The vampire prince takes a linen napkin and wipes his mouth as if he just finished dining in a fine restaurant. He

looks at the leader behind me.
