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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 151
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Chapter 0151

Thirteen Years Ago

It's my 10th birthday! I'm so excited! Today is the day that | will get my wolf! I've been waiting my whole life for

this moment. Okay, it's only 10 years, but it’s my whole life.

At any point today, | could begin to hear her, but | won't be able to shift until after dusk. Because it’s a school

night, we celebrated my birthday over the weekend with my friends and pack members. My father, the lead

warrior of our pack, The Great River Pack, has taken tonight off so he and my mother can be withduring my


My mom has kepthfrom school today. She is a teacher and also took the day off to spend with me.

We're currently sitting at the table, eating my favorite breakfast, french toast.

“Angel, honey, you need to calm down. She'll be here when it’s time. All wolves wake at different times of the

day.” I'm bouncing up and down in my seat, barely able to contain my excitement.

“I know, but Mom, what do you think she’ll be like? Will she be like me? Will she like me?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

My father walks in, kissingon top of my head. “Short stack, what's not to like?” My father is a giant of a man.

Six foot six inches, broad chest, solid muscle. I'm currently only five feet tall. Hence the nickname. My mother is

a decent 5'9” so I'm hoping to hit a good growth spurt in a few years and maybe get to her height or taller.

“Thanks Daddy.” He smiles and sits down to have breakfast with us before heading out to training.

“So, what are my favorite girls up to today?” He asks.

“Well,” my mother starts. “This morning, we're going shopping for scamping gear, so we can take a

weekend soon and all go camping in the woods. after Angel gets her wolf. Then because the birthday girl has

requested pizza for her birthday dinner and chocolate chip cookies for dessert, | think most of our afternoon will

be spent cooking and baking. And finally, before we go out to shift, we'll open presents.”/

My father finishes his breakfast getting up. He leans down to kiss my mom before coming back around and

givinga kiss on the cheek. “Sounds like a


great day! What tshould | be hfor dinner?”

Mom has followed my father with her eyes since he kissed her. | hope to one day have someone to love the way

they love each other. “We'll plan to eat at 5pm, then presents around 6 before heading out no later than 7pm.

“Ok, see you then. Take care of my girls.” He says as he heads out. He always says that to us when he leaves for


Mom and | spent the morning shopping. We got all kinds of camping equipment, sextra blankets to fight

against the Minnesota snow when we go camping in winter. Even with our wolves, the winters get really cold


We're making cookies and I'm getting nervous. | still haven't heard my wolf. What if | don’t get her. It happens

sometimes. It's rare, but it has happened that a person born of two werewolves doesn’t get a wolf spirit. As the

day has gone on, I've gotten increasingly worried that | won't get my wolf. What if the Moon Goddess doesn’t

think I'm worthy? What if | did something to make her mad and now | won't get my wolf. What if....

“What if you're worrying for nothing?‘ A voice says.

| stop and look at my mother. “What did you say?” My mother looks at me, then smiles. “I,” she stresses the

word, “didn’t say anything. Perhaps someone else did?”

It takes only a second forto understand what she is saying. “Are you my wolf?” | say it out loud. My mother

has stopped to watch me.

“You know I'm in your head and you don’t actually have to speak out loud, right? ‘My wolf asks me. | start

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

jumping up and down. “Oh my goddess, oh my goddess, oh my goddess. She's here mom, she’s HERE!” I'm

screaming at the end.

My mother hugs me, looking into my eyes. Her eyes darken, her wolf, Rain, coming forward. “What is your name,

little one?” My mother asks with Rain’s voice overlaying making it deeper.

| can feel my wolf push forward, wanting to answer. It’s a strange feeling, like I'm fighting myself for control.

‘Relax. We are one. | will never hurt you.’ My wolf tells me.

So, | relax and let her cforward. “I am Alessia.” My mother gasps.

“Mother? What's wrong?” Why does she look like that?

She gulps audibly. “Nothing sweetheart. It's nice to meet you Alessia. We can’t wait to see your wolf form this



She steps away from me, looking distracted. “Honey, can you keep track of the cookies while | step away for a

few minutes? I'll be right back.”

‘What do you think that was about? | ask Alessia, watching my mother walk into the next room. I'm already

loving having my forever best friend in my head. | feel her smile. ‘I love you too, Angel. And I'm not sure why our

mom is acting strange. She seemed happy to see me, but something is definitely wrong."