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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 150
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Chapter 0150

*#*This is Book Two of the Guardians Trilogy. While it can be read as a standalone book, there are references to

events that happened in Book 1. It is recommended that you read the first book, The Broken Warrior's Daughter,

before reading this



| was almost to my car, almost didn’t have to face that she chose him over me.

It had been a long shot. | knew Cara wanted to find her fated mate. It was an even longer shot when | realized

that Rik was her mate. But | still had to try. She is an incredible woman. She will make an amazing Luna. Just not

my Luna.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| stop. | have to do this. | have to let her know that we can still be friends. Just not

now, not for a while.

| turn to her. Even in the dark | can see the tears in her eyes. She just found her mate but she’s worried about

me. Of course she is. That's one of the many

reasons | wanted her.

“I'm sor..."

| cut her off. “Don’t. You were always honest with me. | knew you wanted to find your mate and see if it would

work. It was a risk | was willing to take.”

I look up and make eye contact with Rik. He's

with me. It’s more than | would be able to do Landing back, giving her this time

if I were in his shoes.

| look back at her and put my hands on her shoulders. “You always wanted to find your fated mate. Rik is a good

man. He'll be a good Alpha and a good mate to you. And if he isn’t,” | look back at him, “You know where to find


She sniffs, trying to rein her tears in. | wipe them off her cheeks with my thumbs before reaching into my pocket

and pulling out her birthday present. I'd had to really dig to find the pictures for the locket, but | found them.

“Happy birthday.” | say, handing her the box.

She unwraps her present and opens the box. She pulls out the locket and looks at me. “It’s beautiful.”

“Open it.” | say to her and | watch as she opens it to find the pictures. One of her parents before she was born

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

and one of them together holding her as a baby in their arms.



Her hand goes to her mouth and the tears start to fall again. “Liam...”

| kiss her forehead. “I have to go away for a while. Take care of yourself.”

| step back as Rik steps up behind her, wrapping his arm around her waist, looking at my gift. | see the surprised

look on his face. “Thank you. | know it. means a lot to her. To both of us.”

I nod and turn back to my car. Without another word, | get in and begin backing out. They continue to stand

there as | pull away, but | don’t look back. Now that I've lost my Luna, | need to focus all my attention on finding

Eli Gunnar. It's tfor the Banished Beta to pay for killing my mother.