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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 125
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Chapter 0125

Last night when Rik droppedoff after professing his love for me, | thought I'd have a really hard tgetting

to sleep. | had worried when he’d mentioned his room needing to be big enough for his Luna. It had reminded me

that it might not be me. And it made my heart hurt to think of another woman in his room, smelling his delicious

scent, having him to herself. But when he toldhe loved me, it madethink, maybe all these feelings that

I'm having, that Artemis is having, are because WE are his mate. The thought hadfalling asleep with a

contented smile on my face.

| wake on Sunday feeling refreshed. Turns out, sleeping in Rik’s hoodie and having his scent surrounding me,

helpedget the best sleep I've had in a long time. Artemis is feeling stronger as well and is ready to shift. Rik

agreed to cwith us and wait while | shifted in case it takes longer than normal or is painful. Dad has me

swim laps today. While that doesn’t sound difficult, two hours of back and forth in the pool has my muscles

screaming. After a hot shower and breakfast, I'm ready to let Artemis out.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I walk out back headed to the forest, just as | see Rik jogging up. “Hey beautiful.’ He jogs right up toand

kissesgood morning. | don’t hesitate. | wrap my arms around him and lean into the kiss, running my fingers

through his hair. My body tingles all over from the contact and | feel him getting hard before he pulls


“Little Guardian, unless you wantpleasuring you until you are screaming my nright here, we'd better

stop. “I smile at him and step away. As tempting as it is and even if | was ready for that, Artemis would never

wait that long. She was ready to run with Kai.

However, that didn’t mean that | couldn't tease Rik a little before we shifted. I'd have to be naked in front of him

anyway to shift. And it’s not like shifters aren't used to nudity, it’s common to see others when they are shifting.

But this feels different. | know Rik is attracted to me, and his body is already responding tojust from a kiss.

So, yeah, this will be a tease.

Rather than going behind a tree, | lift my sweatshirt over my head. | wasn’t wearing a bra since | knew I'd be

shifting. His swift intake of breath is enough forto know that my plan is working. Before he can see my

wicked smile, | turn and bend at the waist, slowly sliding my yoga pants to my ankles. | might take an extra

minute to step out of them when | hear a growl rumble in his chest.

| yelp when he comes up behind me, pulling my hips against his now very hard


length. His voice is rough and raspy when he says, “Feeling playful little guardian?”

| turn my head, looking at his sapphire eyes, dark with Kai's presence. Artemis has already pushed forward,

enjoying our game. “Maybe.”

His hands slide up my waist, across my stomach and up to my breasts. He takes one in each hand, tugging on

my nipples that have already gone to hard peaks.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| gasp and lean back against him, feeling the zings of pleasure pulsing straight to my core, my arousal pooling

between my legs. He nips at my shoulder before releasing me, pulling back and smacking my ass, hard. “Last

warning little guardian. Keep it up and I'll have you on this forest floor screaming my nfor everyone to


| step away from him, unsteady on my feet, before nodding. Damn this man and his ability to turnto a pool

of sloppy desire.

I crouch down, preparing for Artemis to shift. As Artemis starts to push forward, | see Rik stripping from the

corner of my eye. But I'm too focused on the pain. It's harder than it should be to shift. I grit my teeth against

the pain.

‘Relax, let it come. We know how to do this, I'll be as fast as | can.” Artemis says. | try to relax, but | can feel each

bone breaking and rearranging. I'm about to cry out when | feel fur sliding against my body. Kai has shifted and

he’s here, givingsupport while Artemis shifts. Just like when | was in the hospital, wherever he touches me,

the pain vanishes. My panting slows and | relax enough to let Artemis finish her shift.