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The Billionaire’s Maid Bride

Chatper 541
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Chapter 541

Robbie had even borrowed five grand from Hughes for sustenance. Otherwise, he’d have trouble making ends


Hughes, puffing on a cigar, said, “If you’ve got nothing else, you might as well leave. Robbie ain’t gonna be back

anytime soon. Look elsewhere, will you? I’ve got a modest business to run here.”

Emma realized that it wasn’t a member of the Flanagans who had come. Then she heaved a sigh of relief. She

continued her inquiry. “Apart from here, where does Robbie often hang out?”

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One of the employees, mopping the floor nearby, overheard and chuckled. “Well, that’s a lengthy list. Half the joints

on this street are Robbie’s regular hangouts. Lady, how much does Robbie owe your boss? You better prepare for

the worst. That guy’s sly as a fox. God knows where he’s hiding now.”

Emma turned to Hughes, instinctively feeling that he might know Robbie’s whereabouts. She placed a stack of bills

on the table, saying, “Thanks for the info. Consider this as my tab for a drink. I’m not here to collect a debt from

Robbie. If you can get in touch with him, tell him I can help him pay off the 80 grand he owes to Blackwell.”

After saying that, Emma turned and walked out.

Hughes looked at the cash on the table. “Hey, Miss, come back at 7 tonight. I’ll dig up some info for you.”

Without turning back, Emma said, “Thank you.”

Hughes wiped a wine glass on the table and picked up the bills. Six hundred dollars in total. As he held the money, a

faint scent of jasmine hit him. Startled, he squinted his eyes. “Hey Junior, find out where that rascal Robbie is.”

Junior, fixing a lamp on the other side of the room, took a puff from his cigarette. “Robbie? Last time you lent him

five grand, and he lost it all at Guy’s casino. He’s probably hiding at his girlfriend’s place.”

Hughes ordered, “Find him. I want an answer by 7.”

Junior climbed down from the stool, put down the lamp in his hand, took a puff and cursed under his breath.

“Where am I supposed to find him in two hours?”

Noticing Hughes fixated on the money in his hand, Junior chuckled. “Hey, are you smitten by that woman just now?

She may not be a beauty, but she’s got a killer figure, especially her boobs.”

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Hughes snapped, “Shut up and go.”

“Alright, alright. For the success of your love life, I’ll start sniffing around right now.”

In the evening, Grace arrived home to find her housekeeper preparing dinner. Several times, Grace had thought of

letting the housekeeper go, feeling capable of living alone, but the housekeeper insisted she needed the job.

Grace’s daughter was paying her salary, so she pleaded with Grace not to fire her. Grace agreed.

“Ms. Grace, I’ve prepared a light dinner tonight. There’s shrimp soup and some pastries. I’ve also washed some

fruits for you. Please, have a taste.”

Grace sat on the couch, flicking through channels on the TV. She nibbled on some fruit while watching a show.

During a commercial break, she checked her phone and noticed a news alert pop up.