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The Billionaire Alpha’s Contract Lover

Chatper 1799
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Chapter 1799

After Carson brought Brook Thorin and Tara Thorin back, he knew that Taya was not dead and wanted to bring the

news to Griffon, but he did not have the authority to go to the biochemistry area.

The biochemistry area was not within his jurisdiction, nor did it involve his interests. In the past, he had not planted

any hands, which led to the current passive situation.

At this moment, Carson also learned from other operatives that Griffon was the leader of S, and the other

operatives in Erebus hoped that Matty would kill Griffon.

However, Matty had not killed Griffon yet, only keeping him locked up in the biochemistry area, and Dylan even

notified the doctor to

treat Griffon.

They said that keeping Griffon was to extract the founder of S from him, a reason that could convince other

operatives, but not

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


According to reason, the most reasonable way to extract the founder from Griffon would be to use severe torture.

So why send a doctor to treat him?

Carson felt that this was not Matty’s usual style. He usually

personally punished the members of S he captured, especially the

Chapter 1799

leader of S.


Carson felt that Matty kept Griffon for other reasons, but what

those reasons were, he did not know.

While Carson was sorting out his thoughts, he received a call from

Dylan, asking him to meet Matty.

After hanging up the phone, he was puzzled.

Normally, for the sake of secrecy, he would not have any private

dealings, only handling Erebus affairs. What was going on this

time that he was asked to go to Arcadia to meet?

Carson couldn’t understand, but he still put aside his current

affairs and went to Arcadia. Following the evasion method

provided by Dylan, he quietly entered the Lawrence pack’s

backyard and then went to Matty’s study.

At this moment, Matty was making coffee.

When he saw Carson come in, he waved at him, motioning for him to sit on the sofa and poured him a cup of

coffee. “I called you here to ask you something.”

After sitting down, Carson took the coffee handed to him by Matty and said, “Boss, what do you want to ask?”

Matty replied, “This isn’t Erebus, you don’t have to call me Boss.”

Chapter 1799

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Carson immediately changed his tone, “Okay, Mr. Lawrence.”


In fact, whether in Erebus or privately, Matty was quite oppressive.

Talking to him face to face, Carson couldn’t help but feel a sense

of respect and awe.

Matty never beat around the bush and said directly, “The other day, I saw Taya in the surveillance video. She looks

a lot like my

first love.”

Carson had just taken a sip of coffee and almost spat it out,


Matty didn’t care about his reaction and continued, “I had Dylan get a strand of her hair for a paternity test. She is

my granddaughter.”

Carson was stunned and it took him a while to react, “She is my sister’s pup. How did she become your


Johnny had told him before that Sumasa was not part of The Clark pack, but he never expected her to be Matty’s

daughter. Based on his memory of his sister’s appearance, he carefully examined Matty and could indeed sense

some resemblance