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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92 Suspicion.

Elias returned to the car with troubling thoughts in his mind. He stayed in silence as he

processed the thoughts.

Yacob didn’t dare interrupt Elias’ train of thought, so he waited in the driver’s seat without

speaking up.

There was no other sound in the car other than the sound of the rain beating against the


A long while later, Elias began in a low voice. “What do you make of Grace? Can I trust her


Yacob pondered for a moment before answering. “As far as I remember, Miss Murphy is

pure and innocent. At worst, she prioritizes her beau over everything. She has no ambition

other than staying by your side. I believe that you can trust her words.”

Yacob remembered Grace as a little girl who wasn’t worth their time.

Elias watched the raindrops slide down the window. The complex situation gave him a

headache, so he used his slender fingers to massage the bridge of his nose.

If Amanda and Grace speak the truth, then I slept with both women during the dinner.

That’s not possible.

The thought only worsened his headache.

Yacob noticed Elias discomfort and commented in concern. “We should go to the hospital,

Mr. Winters. Pushing yourself too hard won’t do you good. Old Mr. Winters will blame me if

anything happens to you.”

He could imagine the scene in which Howard went mad when he discovered that Yacob

helped Elias to be discharged from the hospital. What if the discovery sends Old Mr.

Winters to the hospital this time?

“Shut up. Just drive me home.” Elias continued to massage his forehead as he leaned

against the seat with his eyes closed. He didn’t seem well to Yacob.

“Please listen to me. Mr. Winters. It was a serious car accident. Besides, I think somebody

is behind the accident.” Yacob spoke his mind.

His words put Elias on alert. “Come again?” he asked with his eyes wide open.

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Yacob hesitated. A frown formed between his brows. “It’s just a guess, but I think

somebody must’ve planned it”

“And what proof do you have?”

Yacob didn’t answer as Elias’ words got him thinking. At first, he didn’t plan to trouble Elias

with his guesses without solid evidence. However, the details in the crash site suggested


“There are no cameras to monitor the situation in the section. Besides, according to the

films in the drive recorder, you lost control of the car before the accident. Therefore, I

gave the car a thorough inspection and found that the steering wheel and brake weren’t in

good condition. However, one usually won’t pay attention to them.”

Elias narrowed his eyes as he tried to recall the details before the accident.




Chapter 92 Suspicion

It rained heavily that day. He had always been blaming himself for not watching the road

with attention. which resulted in him running the car off the road and into the forest.

However, Yacob’s words allowed him to see things from a new perspective.

With Elias’ driving skills, he shouldn’t have overturned his car in the forest. There should

only be a few scratches here and there. I can’t even remember what made the car turn


“Mr. Winters, I don’t have solid evidence for the time being, so I shouldn’t blame anyone, I

might be imagining things.” Yacob did not want to jump to conclusions.

Elias watched the rain running down the window in silence. His thoughts remained

unknown to Yacob.

It was raining again. The rainy spell frustrated Amanda.

She slept in because it was a weekend and woke up when it was almost 12.00PM.

Meanwhile, Selina had taken Aiden to the amusement park and the gesture eased

Amanda’s burden. She was glad to have some alone time to herself on the weekend.

Suddenly, her stomach rumbled. She went downstairs and turned to head to the kitchen,

intending to make noodles for brunch.

She was meeting up with a client in the afternoon for business, so she decided to grab a

light meal.

Her phone rang when she was cooking the noodles. She picked up her phone with one

hand while she continued to stir the noodles in the pot with a ladle.

Simon’s voice rang out from the other end of the line. “What are your plans for the


“Enjoy it, of course. What’s the matter? Boss, is it a call from work?” Amanda teased

“It isn’t. Are you free later? I want to treat you and Aiden to lunch. The fish I ordered has

arrived and it is very fresh. Aiden loves having fish, so I’ll make lunch for you”

Amanda giggled. It’s okay. That little brat is having a fun time with his babysitter in the

amusement park.”

“Oh, I see. What about you? Do you have any plans for lunch? Why don’t you join me?

Cooking for myself is demotivating.

She felt bad for turning him down not once but twice. However, she insisted on her stance.

“Don’t worry about me. You can ask Miss Gowen to join you for lunch, though. I’m making

noodles for brunch. I’m going to meet up with a client this afternoon.

“There’s one thing you need to know, Amanda. What happened between me and

Lunabelle is all in the past. I’m not interested in picking up where we left off.”

“Whatever. You’re not obliged to explain to me, you know? It’s none of my business. If you

don’t have feelings for her anymore, you should move on to another woman. After all,

you’re at the age to find the woman of your life.”

Amanda recognized the undertone in Simon’s words. However, she didn’t see a future with

him even if Lunabelle didn’t exist in the first place.



Chapter 92 Suspicion

Simon Nicholson was an excellent man, but Amanda was a divorced woman with a child to

take care of. Moreover, he proposed a marriage without love, and she couldn’t agree with

him on that term.

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She could tell he hadn’t moved on from his ex-girlfriend. I guess he can’t get over the fact

he got ditched by her back then, which explains why he rejected her suggestion to

rekindle the flame.

Amanda didn’t need more words to get her point across. Simon understood them and he

changed the topic to lighten the mood. “By the way. I heard that Elias was involved in a

car crash. Aren’t you going to visit him?”

His words put a frown between her brows. “Words sure travel fast, huh? Even you have

heard of the news.”

“People in our social circle have been talking about the accident. I heard that it almost

killed him. Is he all right?”

“He’s fine overall but needs some time to recover.

“It seems like you did visit him.” Simon’s disappointment was evident in his tone.

She couldn’t help but chuckle. “Don’t pull that trick on me, Mr. Nicholson. You won’t hear

the answer you expect. Visiting him in the hospital doesn’t mean there’s anything

between me and him. After all, he found my child and brought my child back to me. I’m

grateful for that.”

“That’s not what I mean. I was told that there were no cameras in the certain section, let

alone capturing what happened. The police couldn’t find anything at the crash site.”

Amanda’s heart skipped a beat at the innocent statement. Her smile froze on her face as

she recalled eavesdropping on Grace’s call at the hospital.

The thought deepened the frown between her brows as she recalled the situation.

She remembered that Grace was talking to somebody on the phone in the hospital that

day. Grace mentioned that there weren’t any cameras around the section, alongside

exuding confidence that the police wouldn’t suspect her.

Now that he mentions it, something was not right with Grace. Is someone responsible for

the accident and the person is none other than Grace? Besides, it was Elias’ birthday that

day. Everyone calls it karma and it can be traced back to Grace’s brother, Yelan. Does it

have anything to do with Grace? Is she behind all this nonsense of trying to make people

believe that Elias had it coming?


