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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90 Elias Blocked Her Car

For the next few days. Amanda was nowhere to be seen at the hospital.

No matter how many times Elias tried calling her, his calls were always met with a busy

tone. He began suspect that she had intentionally blocked his number.

As Elias gazed out of the window, he couldn’t help but notice the perpetually gloomy sky.

The rain had been pouring relentlessly, mirroring his own somber state of mind.

As the ward door creaked open, he turned around without a hint of emotion on his face. It

was none other than Yacob.

“Mr. Winters, did you need me for something?” Yacob asked.

“Help me with the discharge process. I can’t stand being cooped up in this hospital any

longer, Elias muttered. Each day felt stagnant and he found it impossible to accomplish


Yacob hesitated and replied, “But your injury hasn’t fully recovered yet. The doctor

recommended at least two more weeks of hospitalization.”

“No need. I’ll recover just fine at home, and tomorrow is the anniversary of Yelan’s death,”

Elias insisted.

Time seemed to fly by and once again, it was the anniversary of Yelan’s death-a day Elias

always reserved. for visiting the cemetery.

At the mention of Yelan, Yacob fell silent and quietly left the ward.

Elias pushed aside his blanket, got up, and walked over to the window. He stared at the

sky outside, which was covered in dark, ominous clouds. Gradually, tiny raindrops started

appearing on the glass.

It was raining again.

Undeterred, he summoned his resolve and dialed Amanda’s number once more, only to be

met with the same disappointing outcome-her phone remained stubbornly out of reach.

Without a shred of doubt, he concluded that she had indeed blocked him.

After completing her evening shift, Amanda eagerly looked forward to returning home and

spending time with her son. Today, there would be a new nanny in place as well.

It had taken a long search through the domestic service center to find someone who fit

her criteria. Initially, people at the agency found her request for a young and martial arts-

skilled caregiver eccentric and unusual.

Amanda was aware that her requirements were somewhat peculiar, but she had become

frightened after the incident with Aiden being kidnapped.

Little did she expect to actually find a caregiver who perfectly matched her specific

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The caregiver, possessing a black belt in Taekwondo, was not only remarkably young but

also willing to




Chapter 90 Elias Blocked Her Car

provide round-the-clock care for the child.

Perfect! It’s exactly what I’ve been searching for, Amanda thought to herself.

Anticipation filled her as she couldn’t wait to go home and meet the caregiver. She

wondered how well the caregiver would get along with her little brat.

Just as Amanda’s car approached Galaxy Bay, another vehicle suddenly intercepted and

blocked her way.

Fueled with anger, she swung open her car door and marched toward the vehicle,

forcefully tapping on the window.

As the window gradually rolled down, Amanda found herself frozen in a state of disbelief.

Why is Elias


“Elias! Are you out of your mind? Why did you block my car?” Her anger surged. After not

seeing him for a few days, she felt his presence only intensified her fury. She pondered

how he had managed to escape from the hospital.

Elias flung open the car door and stepped out, his imposing figure casting a shadow over

her delicate frame. “Why did you block my number?” he demanded.

She was momentarily rendered speechless. Did he run out of the hospital just to confront

me about this

Taking a deep breath, she composed herself and suppressed her anger. “I didn’t feel like

picking up you calls and you just wouldn’t stop dialing, so I decided to block you. What do

you have to say about that?”

“Very well done!” Amanda seethed through gritted teeth. The overwhelming urge to

throttle her coursed through him. How dare she act so self-righteous?!

“Why on earth did you leave the hospital while you’re supposed to be recovering? Oh, and

to top it off, it’s raining outside. I suppose your wound not getting infected and oozing pus

must be breaking your heart.


At this moment, the night sky drizzled with gentle rain. Although the rain wasn’t heavy.

Elias carried numerous lingering injuries from the car accident that hadn’t fully recovered

yet. It would be strange if getting soaked didn’t aggravate his condition.

Under the streetlights, his figure was stretched and elongated.

Elias fixed his gaze on her delicate face and that razor-sharp mouth. He felt an impulsive

urge to kiss her forcefully, but he restrained himself. “Do you even care?”

“Who cares about you? You don’t even care about your own well-being, so who would

waste their time on you? I just feel sorry for your grandfather, having to be in the hospital

and keeping you company all night long at his age!” Amanda deliberately averted her

gaze, unwilling to witness the expression in his eyes at that very moment.

For some inexplicable reason, she sensed a wave of desolation emanating from him. It

evoked a tinge of sympathy within her, especially as she noticed blood seeping through

the pristine bandage on his


From the car, Elias took out a small black velvet box and handed it to her. “It’s for you.”



Chapter 90 Elias Blocked Her Car

“What is this?” She looked at the man with a puzzled expression as she received the

delicate black velvet jewelry box. When she opened it, she found the emerald bracelet

that had been auctioned off the other day and raised her gaze to meet his cold, handsome

face. “What does this mean?”

“I initially planned to give it to you on my birthday, but I got into a car accident, he replied

in a deep


The thought of it seemed almost absurd. Elias wanted to present Amanda with a gift on his

birthday. because he had never bestowed her with any tokens of affection, despite being

married for a year.

On that fateful day, he had believed he would perish in the wreckage. However, against all

odds, Amanda had found him.

In the pitch-black forest, when he heard her calling out his name, his heart felt as if it had

been revived. It only deepened his resolve to marry her once again.

Suddenly, the atmosphere grew tense.

Amanda stared at the bracelet in a daze. It was worth a staggering 15 million. With a cold

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demeanor, she returned it to him, uttering, “I don’t want it. Take it back and give it to

whomever you please.”

“Once I give it to you, it’s yours. Do whatever you want with it. Keep it or discard it, I can’t

care less,”

With those words, Elias prepared to make his way to the car and depart.

However, before he could take a step. Amanda tightly grasped his arm. Tve already made

it clear that 1 don’t want it. Take it back. This isn’t how you pursue a woman anyway.

Besides, I can’t even understand why you’re so determined to win me back. You never

believed a word I said four years ago. You even doubted the existence of the child I

miscarried, so why bother chasing after me?”

She genuinely couldn’t comprehend his motives.

“I never doubted the existence of the child. I believe you truly had a miscarriage, Elias

replied, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. “But the timing of the night you

mentioned seemed a bit off. I wouldn’t have had any doubts if you had said any other day.

Could it be that you remembered the wrong timing?

Given that both Grace and Amanda weren’t lying, the only logical explanation was that

Amanda had recalled the timing incorrectly.

Amanda was momentarily taken aback before her anger resurfaced. “What do you mean?

Are you saying that I remembered the wrong time? You still don’t believe me, do you?”

“No. I believe you!” Although Elias hadn’t yet pieced together the events of the night of

the celebration banquet, he believed every word that Amanda spoke. He wanted to

investigate what truly transpired on that night.

Narrowing her eyes, she pressed. “What else happened that night to make you doubt my


A fleeting glimpse of panic flickered in his dark eyes.

If Amanda were to find out that Grace had slept with him, there would be no hope for

them to reconcile.

“It’s nothing. I simply can’t recall the details of that night. Perhaps I had indulged in too

much alcohol,” he responded hastily, attempting to downplay the situation.




Chapter 90 Elias Blocked Her Car

+15 Bonus

Amanda let out a scornful snort. It was more than just excessive drinking-Elias had been

completely intoxicated.

She had been present to take care of him, intending to prepare a sobering cup of tea.

However, he forcefully held her down and made her sleep with him the entire night.
