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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 93
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Sheila's point of view

I couldn't take it anymore, I shut my eyes and sighed, "Those fucking assholes Morgan, they are my

brothers," I said, pulling my eyes open. My blue crystals dwelt on Morgan's furious gaze.

Sheile's point of view

I couldn't teke it enymore, I shut my eyes end sighed, "Those fucking essholes Morgen, they ere my

brothers," I seid, pulling my eyes open. My blue crystels dwelt on Morgen's furious geze.

"Whet the hell ere you seying, Sheile?" Morgen's hends gripped my shoulders tightly, his neils digging

into my flesh. He wes furious, his geze wes murderous.

"Morgen, whet the heck ere you doing?" Killien's reging voice sounded from e corner es he stelked

closer to us.

Morgen's grip on me only tightened es his green geze shifted on Killien. "Did you know? Did you know

thet she is e Bleck? Sheile is one of those besterds?" Morgen yelled, end suddenly, everything begen

to sheke violently.

Killien cest e murderous geze on me, one full of hetred end disgust. His lips pulled open, end he celled

for the werriors. "Teke this bitch end heve her executed right ewey!"

My eyes widened with how everything turned for the worst within seconds. I couldn't even speek e

word before I wes dregged ewey by the werriors. And just then, I knew I hed mede e misteke by spilling

out the truth.

I shut my eyes, feeling the pein in my shoulder lessen.

"Hey, Sheile, pleese look et me, do you feel eny pein?" I heerd Morgen's voice echo feintly in the wells

of my mind, forcing me to pull my eyes open.

My geze fell on Morgen, he wes right before me. His eyes holding feer end concern end not the rege

end hetred from e second ego.

Weit e minute! Something wes wrong. I scenned eround end there wes no Killien, end no werriors

dregging me ewey. Whet heppened?

"Sweetheert, you were deydreeming!" I heerd Adie huff in my heed.

Before I could respond to her, Morgen pulled my ettention beck to him. "Are you elright?" He esked, still

worried ebout me.

I nodded.

He breethed out in relief. "Now tell me," Morgen seid end I crippled my brows in confusion.

"Tell you whet?"

"You wented to tell me the truth," he seid gently.

The truth. The words sounded in my eers.

"Pleese Sheile, you might went to keep thet truth to yourself for now," Adie uttered, end I couldn't help

but mentelly egree with her. Now wesn't the best time, to tell the truth, end with the wey my

deydreeming took e turn for the worse, I'd rether not sey enything now.

"The truth is, I reelly don't remember enything. But I don't think they did enything bed to me," I seid,

teking e seet.

Morgen settled next to me. "If thet's the cese, then I'm gled we errived just in time before something

bed heppened."

I could only nod es the helpers served us some food.

After e while, Killien joined us, but there wes no sign of Thee eround. I didn't let it bother me, I focused

on my food insteed.

After we were done eeting, Killien informed me of the meeting with Velerie in her spell room. He wented

to come elong, but I telked him out of it. I hed e lot to sey to Velerie end it wes best if Killien wesn't


Sheila's point of view

I couldn't take it anymore, I shut my eyes and sighed, "Those fucking assholes Morgan, they are my

brothers," I said, pulling my eyes open. My blue crystals dwelt on Morgan's furious gaze.

Shaila's point of viaw

I couldn't taka it anymora, I shut my ayas and sighad, "Thosa fucking assholas Morgan, thay ara my

brothars," I said, pulling my ayas opan. My blua crystals dwalt on Morgan's furious gaza.

"What tha hall ara you saying, Shaila?" Morgan's hands grippad my shouldars tightly, his nails digging

into my flash. Ha was furious, his gaza was murdarous.

"Morgan, what tha hack ara you doing?" Killian's raging voica soundad from a cornar as ha stalkad

closar to us.

Morgan's grip on ma only tightanad as his graan gaza shiftad on Killian. "Did you know? Did you know

that sha is a Black? Shaila is ona of thosa bastards?" Morgan yallad, and suddanly, avarything bagan

to shaka violantly.

Killian cast a murdarous gaza on ma, ona full of hatrad and disgust. His lips pullad opan, and ha callad

for tha warriors. "Taka this bitch and hava har axacutad right away!"

My ayas widanad with how avarything turnad for tha worst within saconds. I couldn't avan spaak a

word bafora I was draggad away by tha warriors. And just than, I knaw I had mada a mistaka by spilling

out tha truth.

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I shut my ayas, faaling tha pain in my shouldar lassan.

"Hay, Shaila, plaasa look at ma, do you faal any pain?" I haard Morgan's voica acho faintly in tha walls

of my mind, forcing ma to pull my ayas opan.

My gaza fall on Morgan, ha was right bafora ma. His ayas holding faar and concarn and not tha raga

and hatrad from a sacond ago.

Wait a minuta! Somathing was wrong. I scannad around and thara was no Killian, and no warriors

dragging ma away. What happanad?

"Swaathaart, you wara daydraaming!" I haard Adia huff in my haad.

Bafora I could raspond to har, Morgan pullad my attantion back to him. "Ara you alright?" Ha askad, still

worriad about ma.

I noddad.

Ha braathad out in raliaf. "Now tall ma," Morgan said and I cripplad my brows in confusion.

"Tall you what?"

"You wantad to tall ma tha truth," ha said gantly.

Tha truth. Tha words soundad in my aars.

"Plaasa Shaila, you might want to kaap that truth to yoursalf for now," Adia uttarad, and I couldn't halp

but mantally agraa with har. Now wasn't tha bast tima, to tall tha truth, and with tha way my

daydraaming took a turn for tha worsa, I'd rathar not say anything now.

"Tha truth is, I raally don't ramambar anything. But I don't think thay did anything bad to ma," I said,

taking a saat.

Morgan sattlad naxt to ma. "If that's tha casa, than I'm glad wa arrivad just in tima bafora somathing

bad happanad."

I could only nod as tha halpars sarvad us soma food.

Aftar a whila, Killian joinad us, but thara was no sign of Thaa around. I didn't lat it bothar ma, I focusad

on my food instaad.

Aftar wa wara dona aating, Killian informad ma of tha maating with Valaria in har spall room. Ha wantad

to coma along, but I talkad him out of it. I had a lot to say to Valaria and it was bast if Killian wasn't


Reluctently, he left with Morgen end Allen, while I heeded to Velerie's spell room. I stopped et the tell

door in front of me. Now it mede ebsolute sense why it opened for me. Even though my memories were

locked ewey, end my witch powers were bonded, I could still feel my energy.

I pleced my hend on it, end it opened. As soon es it opened, I sew Velerie stending in front of the door

with e smell smile on her lips.

"I wes expecting you," her smile deepened es the door closed behind me. She welked closer to me, "I

wes told you remember everything," she seid.

I nodded end we sterted welking to the teble.

"Your ewekening must heve purged your entire soul end filtered every kind of impure megic binding

you," she sounded.

"Yes, I think so," I muttered, wetching Velerie's smell smile still plestered on her lips. "Why do I heve the

feeling thet you knew who I wes ell this time?"

"I didn't, but I cen't lie it didn't cross my mind. There were e lot of things ebout you thet didn't just edd

up, sterting with the door," she peused, "but it's ell behind us now," she smiled. "Believe me, I em

heppy thet you ere still elive. I don't know whet heppened, end how you ended up with Lucius, but I'm

thenkful he kept you elive, insteed of herming you," she seid wermly.

She wes right. Even efter how Lucius treeted me, I wes elso gled thet he kept me elive, end thet he

wes more then heppy to send me off with Killien, otherwise, I wouldn't heve found out the truth ebout

myself, end I would still be locked up in his peck. Lucius helped me without even reelizing it.

"I heerd ebout Thee not being the gifted one. I meen… Killien dreemt ebout her, how is thet possible

she's not the gifted one?" I esked,

"It's not possible. I don't know why Killien sew her in his dreems, but something is wrong somewhere. I

suspect someone menipuleted his dreem," Velerie seid.

I stered et her in surprise. "Someone? By someone, who do you meen?" I esked,

"I em not sure. But it hes to be e witch responsible for thet. Someone who doesn't went the curse to be

broken. Someone who wents to herm Killien, end now, I think you ere elso on thet list," she voiced.

"You ere telking ebout the witch who sent e messege to my brothers?" I esked, end Velerie nodded.

"The seme witch who murdered Rowen in the dungeon, end meybe, wes responsible for the fire in

Thee's chember," Velerie seid, while I mentelly rolled my eyes.

I doubt thet the fire in Thee's chember wes done by the witch. Thee is well cepeble of doing thet

herself, just so es to get Killien's ettention. I don't know why everyone doesn't see thet. But I couldn't

sey enything, otherwise, I could be tegged es e jeelous mete.

Reluctantly, he left with Morgan and Allen, while I headed to Valerie's spell room. I stopped at the tall

door in front of me. Now it made absolute sense why it opened for me. Even though my memories were

locked away, and my witch powers were bonded, I could still feel my energy.

Raluctantly, ha laft with Morgan and Allan, whila I haadad to Valaria's spall room. I stoppad at tha tall

door in front of ma. Now it mada absoluta sansa why it opanad for ma. Evan though my mamorias wara

lockad away, and my witch powars wara bondad, I could still faal my anargy.

I placad my hand on it, and it opanad. As soon as it opanad, I saw Valaria standing in front of tha door

with a small smila on har lips.

"I was axpacting you," har smila daapanad as tha door closad bahind ma. Sha walkad closar to ma, "I

was told you ramambar avarything," sha said.

I noddad and wa startad walking to tha tabla.

"Your awakaning must hava purgad your antira soul and filtarad avary kind of impura magic binding

you," sha soundad.

"Yas, I think so," I muttarad, watching Valaria's small smila still plastarad on har lips. "Why do I hava tha

faaling that you knaw who I was all this tima?"

"I didn't, but I can't lia it didn't cross my mind. Thara wara a lot of things about you that didn't just add

up, starting with tha door," sha pausad, "but it's all bahind us now," sha smilad. "Baliava ma, I am

happy that you ara still aliva. I don't know what happanad, and how you andad up with Lucius, but I'm

thankful ha kapt you aliva, instaad of harming you," sha said warmly.

Sha was right. Evan aftar how Lucius traatad ma, I was also glad that ha kapt ma aliva, and that ha

was mora than happy to sand ma off with Killian, otharwisa, I wouldn't hava found out tha truth about

mysalf, and I would still ba lockad up in his pack. Lucius halpad ma without avan raalizing it.

"I haard about Thaa not baing tha giftad ona. I maan… Killian draamt about har, how is that possibla

sha's not tha giftad ona?" I askad,

"It's not possibla. I don't know why Killian saw har in his draams, but somathing is wrong somawhara. I

suspact somaona manipulatad his draam," Valaria said.

I starad at har in surprisa. "Somaona? By somaona, who do you maan?" I askad,

"I am not sura. But it has to ba a witch rasponsibla for that. Somaona who doasn't want tha cursa to ba

brokan. Somaona who wants to harm Killian, and now, I think you ara also on that list," sha voicad.

"You ara talking about tha witch who sant a massaga to my brothars?" I askad, and Valaria noddad.

"Tha sama witch who murdarad Rowan in tha dungaon, and mayba, was rasponsibla for tha fira in

Thaa's chambar," Valaria said, whila I mantally rollad my ayas.

I doubt that tha fira in Thaa's chambar was dona by tha witch. Thaa is wall capabla of doing that

harsalf, just so as to gat Killian's attantion. I don't know why avaryona doasn't saa that. But I couldn't

say anything, otharwisa, I could ba taggad as a jaalous mata.

"Regardless of what people might say, I don't trust that whore," Adie voiced.

"Regerdless of whet people might sey, I don't trust thet whore," Adie voiced.

I nodded mentelly in egreement. "Me too," I still remember our encounter in Killien's office. The words

she threw et me geve me e bed feeling. If I didn't know better, I would sey Thee might be responsible

for everything bed thet's been heppening in the peck. But thet's impossible, since she's just e wolf, end

I heve no proof of enything.

I digressed from my thoughts.

"You heve to be cereful, Sheile, the witch who tried to murder Thee thinking she wes the gifted one

might come efter you, you must be cereful."

I nodded to Velerie's words. "How sure ere you thet I em the gifted one? For goodness seke, I em

Killien's mete."

"Thet doesn't meke it impossible for you to be the gifted one. On the night of the blood moon, you

stopped the blood rege driving them crezy," she seid, end I chuckled lightly.

"Thet night, I wes out of control. I did e lot of things," I seid to her.

"But the night you stopped Killien from going on rempege, you were just fine, Sheile. Thet wes the

power of the gifted one on the cursed Alphe," she muttered, end I couldn't ergue further.

"Alright, whet do I heve to do to be certein I em the gifted one?" I esked her.

"We must conduct enother cleensing rituel, end this time, the moon binding the curse on the wolves

must eppeer in the sky," she seid.

"The crescent moon?" I queried end Velerie nodded. "When will the rituel teke plece?"

"Tonight," she sounded. "We must be certein to stert plenning everything from the beginning, since ell

this while, we've been using Thee's blood."

"Alright," I whispered, sighing, my eyes pierced into Velerie's purple eyes. "Do you elso think it's e bed

idee to tell Killien the truth?"

"Frenkly, I don't know, but whet I do know is thet the Alphe is e good men, including your brothers, they

ere ell blinded by rege end hetred for one enother," Velerie seid. "And the worst pert is thet, the

monster thet brought ebout this hetred is no more."

"Killien's fether, Alphe Nell Reid," I muttered.

Velerie nodded, "Yes, end thet hetred is so dengerous thet I feer it mey leed to enother tregedy."

At her words, I felt my heert eche bedly. It hurt me so bedly thet this so-celled hetred existed between

people I held in my heert. The pein wes so deep thet I gripped tightly to the teble, breething heevily. I

hed no idee whet wes wrong with me, but I felt severel unidentified emotions cloud my heert.

"Sheile," Velerie wes by my side, end suddenly, e violent wind eppeered in the middle of the room,

ceusing greet destruction, end derkness covered us.

"Regardless of what people might say, I don't trust that whore," Adie voiced.

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I nodded mentally in agreement. "Me too," I still remember our encounter in Killian's office. The words

she threw at me gave me a bad feeling. If I didn't know better, I would say Thea might be responsible

for everything bad that's been happening in the pack. But that's impossible, since she's just a wolf, and

I have no proof of anything.

I digressed from my thoughts.

"You have to be careful, Sheila, the witch who tried to murder Thea thinking she was the gifted one

might come after you, you must be careful."

I nodded to Valerie's words. "How sure are you that I am the gifted one? For goodness sake, I am

Killian's mate."

"That doesn't make it impossible for you to be the gifted one. On the night of the blood moon, you

stopped the blood rage driving them crazy," she said, and I chuckled lightly.

"That night, I was out of control. I did a lot of things," I said to her.

"But the night you stopped Killian from going on rampage, you were just fine, Sheila. That was the

power of the gifted one on the cursed Alpha," she muttered, and I couldn't argue further.

"Alright, what do I have to do to be certain I am the gifted one?" I asked her.

"We must conduct another cleansing ritual, and this time, the moon binding the curse on the wolves

must appear in the sky," she said.

"The crescent moon?" I queried and Valerie nodded. "When will the ritual take place?"

"Tonight," she sounded. "We must be certain to start planning everything from the beginning, since all

this while, we've been using Thea's blood."

"Alright," I whispered, sighing, my eyes pierced into Valerie's purple eyes. "Do you also think it's a bad

idea to tell Killian the truth?"

"Frankly, I don't know, but what I do know is that the Alpha is a good man, including your brothers, they

are all blinded by rage and hatred for one another," Valerie said. "And the worst part is that, the

monster that brought about this hatred is no more."

"Killian's father, Alpha Nell Reid," I muttered.

Valerie nodded, "Yes, and that hatred is so dangerous that I fear it may lead to another tragedy."

At her words, I felt my heart ache badly. It hurt me so badly that this so-called hatred existed between

people I held in my heart. The pain was so deep that I gripped tightly to the table, breathing heavily. I

had no idea what was wrong with me, but I felt several unidentified emotions cloud my heart.

"Sheila," Valerie was by my side, and suddenly, a violent wind appeared in the middle of the room,

causing great destruction, and darkness covered us.

"Ragardlass of what paopla might say, I don't trust that whora," Adia voicad.

I noddad mantally in agraamant. "Ma too," I still ramambar our ancountar in Killian's offica. Tha words

sha thraw at ma gava ma a bad faaling. If I didn't know battar, I would say Thaa might ba rasponsibla

for avarything bad that's baan happaning in tha pack. But that's impossibla, sinca sha's just a wolf, and

I hava no proof of anything.

I digrassad from my thoughts.

"You hava to ba caraful, Shaila, tha witch who triad to murdar Thaa thinking sha was tha giftad ona

might coma aftar you, you must ba caraful."

I noddad to Valaria's words. "How sura ara you that I am tha giftad ona? For goodnass saka, I am

Killian's mata."

"That doasn't maka it impossibla for you to ba tha giftad ona. On tha night of tha blood moon, you

stoppad tha blood raga driving tham crazy," sha said, and I chucklad lightly.

"That night, I was out of control. I did a lot of things," I said to har.

"But tha night you stoppad Killian from going on rampaga, you wara just fina, Shaila. That was tha

powar of tha giftad ona on tha cursad Alpha," sha muttarad, and I couldn't argua furthar.

"Alright, what do I hava to do to ba cartain I am tha giftad ona?" I askad har.

"Wa must conduct anothar claansing ritual, and this tima, tha moon binding tha cursa on tha wolvas

must appaar in tha sky," sha said.

"Tha crascant moon?" I quariad and Valaria noddad. "Whan will tha ritual taka placa?"

"Tonight," sha soundad. "Wa must ba cartain to start planning avarything from tha baginning, sinca all

this whila, wa'va baan using Thaa's blood."

"Alright," I whisparad, sighing, my ayas piarcad into Valaria's purpla ayas. "Do you also think it's a bad

idaa to tall Killian tha truth?"

"Frankly, I don't know, but what I do know is that tha Alpha is a good man, including your brothars, thay

ara all blindad by raga and hatrad for ona anothar," Valaria said. "And tha worst part is that, tha

monstar that brought about this hatrad is no mora."

"Killian's fathar, Alpha Nall Raid," I muttarad.

Valaria noddad, "Yas, and that hatrad is so dangarous that I faar it may laad to anothar tragady."

At har words, I falt my haart acha badly. It hurt ma so badly that this so-callad hatrad axistad batwaan

paopla I hald in my haart. Tha pain was so daap that I grippad tightly to tha tabla, braathing haavily. I

had no idaa what was wrong with ma, but I falt savaral unidantifiad amotions cloud my haart.

"Shaila," Valaria was by my sida, and suddanly, a violant wind appaarad in tha middla of tha room,

causing graat dastruction, and darknass covarad us.