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The Alpha’s Contract by Taylor West

Chapter 87
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Chapter 0087 Neah He spends hours making sure I have everything I need. Snacks, drinks, blankets and sometimes, he would just lay with me. Ensuring that I was comfortable, trailing his fingers along my skin The cramps had stopped the moment I orgasmed and I'm still not entirely sure what cover me, or why I took control in the shower like I did. In that moment, it was like something else had taken over my body.

"Neah?" He murmurs my name, rousingfrom my sleepy state. "I have to go, it's almost tfor the pack run." "Okay," I yawn, letting go of him.

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"There will be guards on the house at all times. And your brother will be here too. He has agreed to stay.” I yawn again, nodding as I pull a pillow against my chest. The pack run was a big thing here, I wasn't going to ask him to stay. "Are you sure you will be alright?" He presses his lips ta my cheek "I will just sleep, I think." "I will let Devon know." There is a small frown on his face, but he doesn't say anything other than tellingthat he will seein the morning By midnight, I am wide awake. The full moon is high in the sky but I had this bad feeling. A sinking feeling, heavy inside of me. I couldn't put my finger on what it was, I just knew something wasn't right.

There's a frantic knock on my door. "Neah turn your fucking lights off and letin!" Devon whisper shouts through the door. "What's wrong?" I mutter, opening the door to a naked Devon. I covered my eyes, because seeing my brother this way was not something that I needed. Nor did I want it permanently etched in my mind He slams the door shut behind him and quickly hits the light switch, plunging us into darkness. His hand grabs mine. "You can see me, right?" He whispers I ned. Though I still wasn't used to being able to see so clearly in the dark. "Why are you naked?” I match his whisper "They are here Neah. They have used the full moon to make a move. I had to shift to cover my scent. Though they are aware of my presence and probably yours. They are here fo you." I didn't think my stomach could fall any further, but it sinks to a new low.

"You need to shift." "I.... can't. I..1 don't know how." I look around in the darkness, tears threatening to leak from my eyes. "The guards." He shakes his head at me. "Dead" We both hear movement outside. Devon's eyes search the room, looking for somewhere to hide. But there was nowhere, it was too open.

I watch as his limbs suddenly lengthen ands body widens. Dark tufts of haicsprouted along his . thickening'skin. His head started to take the Shape of a very large Wolf head. 1 try to move away, but he grabs me, pullingin against him ashe wraps his huge fraround me. A mixture of male pheromones, sweat and something musty fill the ir.

fab) I'm trying to hide your scent.' His voice fills my head in the exact sway as Alpha Dane's He rubs his long arms all over me, smearingin his awful scent. They would be dumb to fall for it.

The footsteps continue straight past the bedroom door. Devon holdssteady, refusing to letgo and for a second, I thought I had screwed up and that this was a trap of his.

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'Cwith mes He linksafter a few more mihutes as his arms finally lefree. He moves to the window v.quietly sliding it open.. > Flashing slide his blue eyes at me, he" holds out a large hand with massive claws sticking out each finger. From here I could see a few scattered bodies on the ground, in either Wolf or human form, but no Lycans. "W...where are we going?' Up!" I didn't understand, there was nothing up but the roof.

Alpha Dane toldthat if there was ever a problem and he wasn't here, to go up.' What choice did I have? Stay here and let them take me, or hope that he was tellingthe truth.

Devon crouches down, tellingto climb on his back. I wrap my arms around his large neck and pray to the Goldtodeastone Moon necki Moon Goddess that I could hald on.

Because I was either going into more danger or Devon really was a man of his word.

He climbs thevouse quickly, only pausing whelr we are on the flat roof. He seans the rooftop and ther does argtrick loop, looking over the sides ty see if he could see anything. There was nothing here othenthan a small duffle bag. Content belongs to X