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The Alpha’s Contract by Taylor West

Chapter 393
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Chapter 0393 "You need to pay attention, Blair. If we are going to get out of this, I need you to help me." I nod my head. "I will look later, I haven't slept yet." "Fine!" She mutters in defeat. She drops to the floor with a thud as I curl up in the corner with my back to her. It might be a mistake but she wasn't getting in here.

I'm not sure how long I had been asleep when I'm woken by Dane haulingoff the floor. He binds my hands together with rope and doesn't say a word as Sammie watches on.

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Pushingtowards the steps, I feel the knot in my stomach that is becoming too familiar. Dane glares atand I keep my mouth shut while Sammie begs him to tell her where I'm being taken.

He doesn't answer her and turns the lights off when we leave the dungeons, plunging her into darkness. But she will still be able to see. After all, she is a Lycan.

I keep my mouth shut as he pushestowards the packhouse, hopefully that means I'm not going to die.

Leadinginto the office, I see that we are alone. He unbinds my ropes and pointsto the chair. "Sit." I do as I'm asked as he takes the seat behind the desk.

"Have you learned anything?" "She thinks she can escape." He snorts, "And?" "She made a comment about it being an achievement for Cooper if he could take away Neah's abilities." I shake my head. "I have been around a lot of different types of people, but to call something like that an achievement is...." I wasn't even sure how to describe it anymore.

"Like she wants it to happen." I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and nod.

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"Did you ask her anymore?" "You wantto get information from her. I won't be able to do that if she is on to me." I drop my gaze, his crimson eyes were very unsettling. "Oh and she askedabout the numbers in your pack. She has already figured out that we are fairly close to the forest." "Anything else?" I shake my head and place my wrists together, ready for them to be tied, when he walks straight pastto the door. Someone hands him something and the door is closed again.

"That's a start." He mutters, walking around me. "Now eat." He places a plate on the desk a few feet in front of me. It was only a sandwich and a glass of water, but it looked like the best sandwich ever right now. Even I hear the rumbling my stomach was making, but what if it was a trick? "Are you rewarding me?" I ask as my eyes lock on the sandwich "Yes. If you are weak or die of starvation, you will be of no use. Think of it as a contract. You are rewarded for completing your end of the deal." "And what do you do?" "For now, I won't kill you." It was a power move. He knew he had all the control. "I'm not signing anything." "I don't expect you to." He takes his seat and when I bite on my bottom lip again he tellsto quit. "Verbally works. Your choice."

"Fine." I take a bite of the sandwich and feel my taste buds ignite Son much for Sammiel saying I would need to accept schanges when it cto food.

Dane doesn't speak as I take my tenjoying every mouthful. Who knows I how long it would be before I got food again. I finish the water. "She will be suspicious." "We are on top of it." "What does that mean?" "You don't need to worry about it. Are you done?" I nod and he wraps the rope around my wrists again. I keep my head low as I walk back to the dungeons.

He pushesinto the cell a little and releases the rope around my wrists. It was clearly all for show, but I would rather that than have my throat slit. Ashburn > X