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The Alpha’s Contract by Taylor West

Chapter 342
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Chapter 0342 Blair "He won't find you here. I'm not sure why you won't believe me. I've been here five years and he hasn't even cclose." "How would you even know?" I frown as I scan the open fields and Sammie continues to collect eggs from her chickens. Unphased as I keep my guard up.

I had been here nearly a week and I still couldn't settle. It didn't matter how many times I said it, I still expected to see Cooper and his weird glazy eyed nurses coming for me.

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Sammie had shared sof her story from the prison, but other than what I had told her, I couldn't bring myself to say anymore. It was a memory I wanted to forget, yet at the stime, I couldn't let it go because I was still waiting, preparing myself for a fight I knew I would lose.

A part ofwanted to go back. To drive a knife right through his heart. To help the others escape. But I didn't stand a chance. Not anymore. "Can I ask you something?" I say as she closes the chicken coop. "Do you feel like you deserved this?" "The farm?" She asks, confused.

"No, losing your Lycan." She slowly walks back to the house with her wicker basket full of eggs. A heavy set frown. She stops just outside the kitchen door and turns to face me. "I didn't at first. After a while, I understood why Cooper did what he did. Sometimes I still battle with myself about wishing I had certain capabilities, like smelling when the storms come, being able to heal, being able to run without getting out of breath. Stitches are bitches!" She winks at me. "You think you deserved it?" I ask, surprised by her response.

"No, but I have learned alot about myself in the last five years and to be honest, I wasn't a good Lycan. Maybe it did teacha lesson. Maybe it was already written in my story so that I could help you." She givesone of her wide smiles "You believe that?" She shrugs her shoulders atand drops the basket of eggs on the counter. I watch as she expertly pulls up her long blonde hair into a bun. My hair now madelook like a toilet brush with how short and spikey it is.

"It doesn't matter what I believe, Blair. But we do know I'm right about sthings, you survived without that stupid drip bag. You didn't want to believe that either." I look at my arm where the connection tube had been, a lovely giant purple bruise still lingered on my arm, though it was shrinking day by day and part of it had turned a putrid green colour. Humans were so feeble and I was one now. I couldn't be reckless anymore.

"That was the worst night of my life." I mutter "But you survived, just like I said you would." "I thought I was going to die!" Sammie givesa lopsided grin. “So tic. Though I'm still waiting to hear more about this half sister of yours." Apparently I had muttered something about Neah when I was in excruciating pain and blacking out. Sammie had askeda couple of times since but I always shut down. It might be a different story if I met her under different circumstances.

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She poursa glass of juice and sets it in front of me. "Blair, I'm going to ask you something and I don't need you losing your shit over it, but want I do want the truth." She takes a deep breath, "Was Cooper holding you because you did something to your half sister?" "No." "Blair, don't lie to me. I'm trying to help you out." "It wasn't because of her. In fact he didn't even know she was my sister, not at first. He would have if he had met her." "That's all I need to know." "Seriously? Why don't you want to know more?"

"It's not about what I want to know, it's about you tellingthe truth."

m "Would you have even known if lied?" I ask curiously The content is of novelenglish.net!

"You're human now, of course I would have." have." The content is on m novelenglish.net! **** As the fire. It a warm glow to the bin Sis, Sammie lights the small sitting room and I decide er.content the bullet and tell her. S W Ashburn X