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The Alpha’s Contract by Taylor West

Chapter 20
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Chapter 0020 "No." "Don't lie to me. The last tyou held it like that, you collapsed." "It doesn't hurt, I swear." "Then why are you holding it?" "It's....It's nothing." I didn't want to tell him that the scar was a reminder of how weak I was. It was going to be a permanent reminder of my weakness. Bruises fade, smaller wounds heal, but this would be there forever. A constant reminder that even though the blood tie was broken, I was still mated to Beta Kyle. Yet even when he dies, it will still be there. A reminder of the horrible life I had.

His crimson eyes narrow as his brow creases into a frown. He leans back in his chair, studyingwhen I don't explain myself. "Scars will fade over time. It won't always be so prominent." How could he know what I was thinking? Or was it that obvious? "You should look at it as a survivor's wound." He continues.

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"A survivor's wound?" It wasn't something that was on my radar at all.

He nods at me. "It caused you a great deal of pain and suffering. But look at you, standing in front of me. probably looking the healthiest you have in years. You survived, Neah. You may not think it, but deep down, you are a fighter." He had such high hopes and twill show him just how wrong he is. The only person I've ever really wanted to kill is Beta Kyle. Other than that, I wasn'ta fighter.

When there was no news of any more beasts in the forest, Alpha Dane toldI didn't need to stay in the office any longer and that I was free to explore.

Standing at the open front door, I watch the snow start to fall, little white wispy flakes blow around and there were already children running around trying to catch the flakes on their tongues.

I take a step outside and immediately step backwards across the threshold. I had never been outside alone.

"Are you goingto do that all night?” I turn to see Raven sitting on the bottom ofthe stairs. Her elbows propped'en her knees, her chin.» restingyon her hands as she watcheswith a smile. I hated that" cotldn't scent them Content belongs to O & TM "It's snow. You've seen snow right? I mean Moonshine is not that far." 'I've seen snow." I mutter, looking out at the falling flakes. The snow was getting heavier now and starting to settle on the grass too.

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"Then what's wrong? I've been watching you for a good twenty minutes and I can't figure out what the problem is. Is it because of that beast, because we have the all clear. It's dead." I didn't even realise I had been standing here for so long.

I hear her footsteps as she moves towards me.She stops still and links her arm with mine. "You are not ~ alone hete. There is always S someotié to help or talk to." She> freezes and rips her arm away: "Yau're not thinking of running are you?" Content belongs to "No. I've just..... I've never been outside on my own."

She grabs my arm again, beaming at me. "It's like I said, Neah, we are om never never alone here "Ske pullsout NO into the snow, completely unphased by the cold as she spins around in jeans and a vest.

She stops and smiles at me. "Everyone thifiks that we are this orrible, raging pack that just wants to kill everyone. But what we believe inis loyalty. Here, everyone will protect each other. If you are- outside and someone was to attack, y@u can guarantee that everyone will cto your side." Content belongs to a "Because I am Alpha Dane's bride?" I ask quietly.

"Partly, but mostly because that is m who we are, we protect our own. The are, content is on novelenglish.net! But technically, I still wasn't part of this pack.