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The Alpha Chose Me by Missy Elliottxo

Chapter 63
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Feeling the slight breeze as he pulled the cover back I tensed. He was spending the night in my bed.


"Stop callingthat". I groaned.

"Leah". He sighed.

"I'm tired".

"Relax babe you're all tense, you need to chill out".

I was trying my hardest to relax but it was difficult with him being this close to me. Taking a deep breath I turned around so I could face him. I was glad it was dark.

"I'm not used to anyone else being in here". Never once have I had a guy share my bed, not even Tommy. It was strange and it didn't help that I had all these crazy feelings that I didn't understand. "I don't bite princess".

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"Again with the princess". I huffed. He didn't understand how much he was effecting me. He didn't understand that this was way out of my depth. I didn't know how to deal with what I felt for him. Turning away from him I froze when I felt the coolness of his hand against my back.

"You wanna know why I call you that?".

"No". I couldn't think when he was touching me.

He laughed.

"You mad?".

"No". I sighed. "I just-.." I couldn't say what I wanted to say. I didn't know how to say it. I didn't want to make him angry.

"You don't know how to act aroundnow". He removed his hand from my back. "It's okay Leah I get it. You finding out-..." "I think I like you". I blurted out cutting him off. There was no point trying to deny the feelings that were growing for him. What was the point in hiding it or trying to hide from it. "I can't explain how or why and in the short amount of tthat we've known each other I shouldn't feel like this but I do. You makefeel safe".


"I'm so confused". I whispered. I barely knew him and yet it felt like I've known him for years.

"It's the bond".

Now he had thrownoff. What bond? What even is a bond? "Our mating bond". He sighed placing his hand back against my back. Even when he did that it soothed me. Any worry I had gone and just by one touch.

"Mating bond as in like when animals mate?". I was afraid of what he was going to say.

"We imprinted on you. My wolf, we, you're mine Leah. All of what you're feeling is because of the bond. You may not understand it babe but it's real. You were made just for me. You've no idea how long I've been waiting on you". He whispered. "B-but I'm not a werewolf". I stuttered. "Don't I have to be like you?".

"Human mates are common. We can't help who we imprint on babe. The first tI saw you I knew, the amount of strength it took to keep him at bay". He laughed.

"It's weird". I whispered. "I've never felt like this before with anyone".

"But you do feel it?".

"I-.. yes. I feel everything and more so when we're together but you can't just throw all this on me. I need tto think, process, I can't just jump into something I don't fully understand". He may not like that but I had to do this for me. I had to be sure this was what I wanted.

"You're going to givea chance?". He sounded surprised, shocked even.

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"I didn't say that". I grinned into my pillow. Would it be so bad giving him a proper chance? I had nothing to lose.

"But you're not rejecting me?". He asked.

Turning around I sat up leaning my back against the headboard, I still liked that it was dark and he couldn't see me.

"Rejecting you?".

"Nothing compares to finding your mate". Taking a hold of my hand he laced our fingers. "The way you feel, think, live. They make tall better, you make it better, you makebetter. But sometimes a mate can reject you. If you decide you don't wantand you don't want to becone withand rejectthen in tmy wolf will die".

My stomach dropped. This was serious. This wasn't going to be the average relationship. I was eighteen, how did I know this was what I wanted for the rest of my life. "With everyday that passes the bond grows stronger. The feelings you have are real, you felt the connection tostraight away didn't you?". He asked.

"The feelings were there. The connection strong but at the time! O.

didn't understand what it was. It' confused the hell out of me. You were at the gas station the night I arrived". "The first tI saw you". He chuckled. "I had to see you again which is why I cto your house. Little did I know Alanna had betto it".

"Did she know?". I asked.