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The Alpha Chose Me by Missy Elliottxo

Chapter 252
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He was still inside me.

I was slumped against him, my head resting against his shoulder. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. Still on a high, body still shaking on the inside. I had never in my life experienced anything like it.

The power of my o****m, the rawness of the s*x. We fit perfectly together and now we were one.


"Hm?". Was all I could manage.

A chuckle fell from his lips as he kissed the side of neck. "Are you okay?".

I was better than okay. He had opened a whole new meaning of sex toand what it was like to make love. Mind blowing o*****s and what s*x was supposed to feel like.

I lifted my head, my eyes connecting with his. "I'm okay". I smiled just as my stomach rumbled.

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"Hungry?". He grinned.

"A little". I chewed the inside of my cheek.

"Letclean you up and then I'll sort you a snack. Sound good?".

Cleanup? I frowned but nodded.

"This may hurt a little". He gently liftedoff him, a gasp falling from my lips as he placedon the bed. It was a little uncomfortable but it didn't hurt. "Stay there". Sparagraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this on .net. Visit to read the complete chapters for free. Kissing my lips, I watched as he disappeared out the room.

It was perfect. Everything about tonight had been perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything more. He returned to the room with a cloth and a bowl of hot water. Wait, do guys actually do this after s*x? "What are you thinking about princess?". He sat on the edge of the bed dipping the cloth into the water. "Lay back for me".

I lay back. This was all new to me. After having s*x with Tommy, he would just roll over and go to sleep. I would always take care of the aftercare myself. Why the hell was I thinking about Tommy? Shaking my head, I froze as I felt the warmth of the water between my legs. He was taking care of me. My stomach knotted, a wave of emotion coming over me. "Leah?".

"I-... This, I've never had someone do this for me". I felt a little embarrassed but I'm sure not all men are like Jake. Right? "It's nice". I covered my eyes with my arm. "I'll always look after you baby. You're mine". After he cleanedup and I found sclean pjs I joined him in the living room area.

My heart felt like it was going to burst. I was completely in love with him. Our bond was complete and I couldn't be happier. We were mated and stronger than ever. "How'd I get so damn lucky?". He grabbedaround the waist and pulledin for a kiss. "You're fucking perfect".

"We finally did it". I grinned.

He laughed before kissing my forehead. "Was it worth the wait?".

"Definitely worth the wait". I pecked his lips. "But I'm glad we are now mated". I wore his mark. I was officially his. I was his Luna; our packs Luna and I now had new responsibilities ahead.

He smirked. "Now you're officially mine in the eyes of the pack".

I rolled my eyes. "I was always yours". He made sure everyone, human and werewolf new that.

"Damn right". He ledinto the kitchen and liftedonto the counter. I liked that he couldn't seem to stop touching me. There wasn't anything stopping us now. If we wanted to have sex again, we could. We didn't have to wait for a full moon.

"What do you want for a snack?". He asked.


"Anything else?". I watched as he pulled a bag of lays from the cupboard above the fridge. "I could make you a sandwich?".

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A yawn escaped my mouth. Now that I was starting to cdown from my high, I could feel the tiredness creeping in. Sex with Jake was a work out and I loved every second of it.

"Tired baby?".

I shook my head. I was but I didn't want to go to bed just yet. I wanted to stay in this moment, just us for a little while longer.

"You are so".

"Am not". I couldn't hide my grin which turned into another yawn.

"Bed. I'll bring you a sandwich and schips".

"Yes sir". I saluted him before jumping off the counter top and heading for the bedroom.

I didn't get the chance to eat my sandwich, I was sleeping as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke through the night drenched in sweat. I didn't understand it or know why it was happening but my clothes stuck to me. Jake was were basically stud sound asleep beside me, his arm snug around my waist. I had to get out of these pyjamas.

Gently lifting his arm off ofl pulled the top over my head and dropped it on the floor. I did the swith my pants. I was too tired Adm e shower night now. Placing his arm back around my waist I buried my head into the pillow and closed my eyes. Sleeping with him next towas always easier. I couldn't describe the feeling but I felt more in sync with him, more connected to him. It was his voice that woke me.

Something about patrols and pack meetings. I wasn't really paying m attention. Rolling onto my back stretched out my arms. He was sitting upright, his phone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Ashburn X