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The Alpha Chose Me by Missy Elliottxo

Chapter 248
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"Letget dressed and I'll be right out". "I'll find us a film".

Once I put my things into the bedroom, I made my way to the living room area. He was sat searching through Netflix. I didn't think you would be able to get Wi-Fi out here. "Hey". I sat beside him.

"Netflix is rubbish. I swear you spend more tlooking for stuff to watch than actually watching". Sparagraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this on .net. Visit to read the complete chapters for free. He sat the remote a side. "You would tellif you didn't want to be here, wouldn't you?".

I frowned. He thought I didn't want to be here? I grabbed a hold of his hand making him look at me. I didn't want to be anywhere but here with him. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be".

"Then talk to me. Tellwhat you're thinking, feeling. I want to make sure you're happy and that you're not doing this just for me".

"I've had sex with one person. I have little to no experience. For sreason it feels like my first time. I'm nervous, shoot me". I rolled my eyes. I wasn't used to him wanting to talk about my feelings.

I wasn't big on telling him what was going on inside my crazy head. This full moon was drivingnuts.

A chuckle fell from his lips. "You sure do have a way with words". He squeezed my hand. "Feels like my first tto".

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"Don't make fun of me". I huffed taking my hand back.


"Sex is a big deal for me". Regardless of us being mates, I didn't just sleep with anyone. This was us taking the next step. I would be acting this way even if this was a normal relationship. "It's a big deal foras well". "Really?". I rolled my eyes. "Because I'm pretty sure you're well experienced when it comes down to it". Shit, I shouldn't have said that.

"Look I'm sorry". I grabbed his hand again. "I say things I don't mean when I'm nervous and it usually turns into an argument. I want to be here, I want to have s*x with you, God do I ever".

I wanted to facepalm my face.

Did I really just say that? He laughed. "Was that an inside thought?".

I chewed the inside of my cheek. "All jokes aside I really, really want to have sex with you". I wanted to share that sweet, sweet feeling with him. I wanted to have our own little high together because I knew s*x with Jake was going to be the best I would ever have. "I really, really want to have sex with you to". He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. "But I get that you're nervous, I get all those feeling that are swarming about inside you. I know it doesn't seem like it but I have all those feelings as well".

"I know". We were both as bad as each other only Jake was good at hiding it.

"But we're taking this next step together".

Yes, we were.

"I'm going to shower. Try and find something to watch".

He was right about Netflix. Sighing I turned the TV off and made myself comfortable. I could tell the moon was getting stronger. I could feel it under my skin. The tingles, the hotness, and let's not forget the burning feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was like a niggle, remindingthat it was there.

At least it wasn't as painful as last time.

Getting off the sofa I searched my jacket for my phone. I hadn't looked at it since we got here. I also put it on do not disturb so as not to be interrupted.

I had a few notifications and a text message from a number I didn't recognise. It had to be my gran. Opening the message, I thought as much. She was lettingknow this was the number I could contact her on if I wanted to.

She had done a whole 360 in a matter of days. Leaving, to then being unreachable to then contactingagain. It was madness but surely there had to be a reason for it? I wasn't going to get into that right now. I checked through my Facebook, clearing the notifications and then put my phone away. It felt like he had been in the shower for ages.

Lifting the blanket from the couch I wrapped it around my shoulders and sgmake stea.

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went to tea. I found myself standing at the back door staring up at the moon.

It was in a clear view of the cabin, right above us. So vibrant and bright and definitely full. The Coomess of the air against my skin was nice, soothing even. Even at night it was beautiful here. Peaceful and quiet.

Glancing at the sky one more tI caught myself smiling. Everything else aside I was ready for this to happen. Closing the door, I went back to making stea. Mixing in ssugar I added milk before taking it into the living room and sitting back on the sofa. I didn't bother turning the TV back on. I was enjoying the quiet too much. Taking a sip of my tea | placed it on the floor besidebefore laying back and closing my eyes. I felt so relaxed and settled.

I didn't hear him approach, it wasn't until I felt the softness of his lips against mine that I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him back.

His skin, still damp from the shower.

It was like the kiss set something off inside of me.

I wanted him.

I broke away from the kiss and opened my eyes. "Taketo bed Jake".