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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66 Derek Was Broken

Derek was trembling with fear as he finally caught on to the situation. He pleaded for his

life. Please don’t kill me Please! I’ll give you whatever you want! If you want money, I’ll

give you

T as much as you’d like!”

‘Money is nothing but dirt to me. No amount of money would ever bring my mother back



Noticing that her son’s life was in danger, Dawn started panicking and knelt down to beg

for Derek’s life. “Please! Spare my child!”

“When my wife begged like this for my mother’s life, why did he not spare her?” Caspian’s

tone remained eerily calm.

Dawn continued, “He has learned his lesson! Please, spare him! Give him another

chance… Give us another chance as well to re–educate him.”

“Derek’s behavior as a spoiled brat stems from your pampering and failed education. He

grew up to be selfish and capricious to his own wishes without a single shred of self–


Caspian raised up his own foot and crushed it down between Derek’s legs.

Derek let out a blood–curdling scream before he fainted from shock.

He would no longer be able to procreate.

“Derek!” Samuel shouted for his son.

“You’re insane! You’re an evil man! I’ll fucking kill you!” Dawn was understandably

enraged after witnessing her own son being denied from ever bearing his own kin.

As Dawn rushed toward Caspian, a similar slap was branded onto her face.

“Your son did not just kill my mother in cold blood. He also tried to kidnap my wife while I

was out of town! I’m doing a public service by rendering him infertile. No longer will he

have disgusting intentions and put innocent women in danger!”

The men among the crowd subconsciously protected their jewels out of instinct as they

witnessed Caspian’s actions.

Nadia was distraught to see that her cherished grandson was involuntarily and forcefully


But there was nothing she could do about it. If even a fighter like Steve was defeated in an

instant, she saw no one else who could possibly stand up against him.

The crowd was now puzzled by how Caspian was so powerful despite being just a simple



They could only wonder if he was truly a simple soldier as the rumors would have them.

believe after witnessing his strength tonight.

“I will be holding a ceremony for my mother in five days, and your son will be the

sacrifice!” Caspian continued, “Anyone that played a part in my mother’s death will pay

with their lives. I’m telling you now to give you a chance… You have five days.”

Caspian felt that killing Derek now would have been an easy way out for his target. He

wanted Derek to suffer in tremendous pain for the next few days, before finally showing

him hell. He would have Derek experience pain and fear beyond human imagination.

The York family, however, caught on to the glimpse of hope after Caspian’s declaration.

They would have to attempt to turn the tables within the span of five days and have

Caspian on the floor begging for mercy.

They could not afford to waste even a single second for the next five days to come.

“Let’s go, Sylvia.” Caspian turned around and left the York residence.

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The b*dyguards of the York family remained on the ground due to their injuries, and they

would not have dared to stop the duo regardless.

After Caspian and Sylvia had left, the York family called for an ambulance to send Derek

and Steve to the hospital.

The guests gradually left the party as they wanted no part in being caught in the crossfire

between the York family and Caspian’s battle.

The birthday party for Nadia had now become a barren wasteland and ended abruptly

beyond anyone’s expectations.

Caspian’s display of strength had left the York family anxious. They could not afford to be

idle if they were to survive the upcoming battle.

Nadia had gathered the family for a meeting to discuss ways to deal with Caspian.

On their way back, Sylvia asked, “Caspian, why didn’t you just kill them right then and

there? What’s the point of giving them five days to prepare against you?”

“Their death is only a matter of time. It would have been easy to kill Derek, but he doesn’t

deserve the sweet release of death–not yet. I won’t easily forgive him for killing my


“What should we do?” asked Sylvia.

“I will torture them and let them experience the full extent of fear a human can bear

before killing them off.”



“Understandable… What should we do next?”

“I need you to investigate the connections that the York family currently has. We will not

let anyone involved in my mother’s death get away with it. One more thing–find out who

was helping the Yorks in censoring the incident from public eyes.”

“Yes, sir!”

Caspian added, “One final thing–I need you to find out where Quentin is hiding. His days



“Yes, sir!”

Willow had already freshened up when Caspian came back home.

She was finally relieved after seeing that Caspian made it back in one piece. “You’re


Noticing that Kate was missing, he asked, “Where’s Mrs. Stewart?”

“She has gone home to her old house. She said that she could not get used to living here.”

Caspian asked, “I’m sure our house would be way better than the old Stewart residence,

though. She used to clamor about living with us, and now she has just moved back out all

of a sudden. Why?”

“She said that she didn’t want to affect our privacy.” Willow was afraid of spilling the truth

that Kate had driven Lilith out of the house on that night.

Willow remembered how Caspian seemed like a stranger with his otherworldly and cold

demeanor back at the cemetery.

She surmised that he would not easily forgive Kate for her actions if he found out that Kate

was partially responsible for Lilith’s death.

“That’s weird. So, she just became so understanding all of a sudden?”

Caspian understood Kate well. He remembered how Kate had forcefully moved into their

house, and yet, she would now willingly leave on her own. Things just do not seem to add


for Caspian.


Chapter 67 Setting the Trap

“Maybe she thinks that this place isn’t as comfortable as the Stewart Residence. My dad

and I have to work during the day, and she’s all alone in the villa. It’s empty, and she

doesn’t have anyone to talk to. Maybe she found it boring, so she went back on her own

accord,” Willow said.

Although Willow was lying, she said it convincingly, her expression and heart rate staying

the same the whole time. Hence, Caspian didn’t question what Willow said.

“What is it like working at Southlake Corporation?” Caspian asked.

“After the incident, I took a long leave of absence,” Willow said with a sigh. “It’s better

now. Now that you’re back, my life can get back on track. Has the organization assigned

you any work?”

“Not yet. I just took a leave of absence to come back for a while. If anything comes up, I

will need to leave,” Caspian replied,I while stroking Willow’s hair indulgently..

“Why do you have to go back?” Willow asked, a little confused.

“Diatoran needs me,” Caspian said, grinning.

“Yeah, go on; keep bragging. You’re a soldier involved in Diatoran’s national affairs, right?”

Willow scolded him, rolling her eyes. She didn’t believe him at all. 1

Caspian was a little frustrated, but he didn’t explain further. He was Lord Caspian, who

bore a high status and commanded a powerful army. If he told Willow his identity, she

probably wouldn’t believe him.

“Don’t worry about Mom. I’ll handle it. I’m afraid you’ll do something silly and impulsive,”

Willow said.

“You’ll handle it? Okay, tell me, how do you plan to handle it?” Caspian asked, doubtful.

“I have my ways; you don’t need to know,” Willow replied.

“I’d better handle this instead. You just stick to your work at the office.” Caspian was

worried that Willow would do something foolish. He thought it would be safer if he handled

this matter himself.

“Wow, you don’t have any faith in me. You look down on me too much! I could hire an

expert assassin to get rid of Derek and Quentin silently. That way, no one would ever

suspect I am behind it,” she replied rather naively.

“What? Is that what you’re planning?” Caspian asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, you have to keep it a secret for me. Only the two of us know about this,” Willow



‘Be careful. Don’t be deceived by others,” Caspian said, feeling a little dumbfounded. The

ruler of Diatoran, the most powerful man, was right in front of her, yet she intended to hire



“It’s all because I’m afraid you’ll be impulsive and get hurt. Hiring a skilled assassin is the

best way,” she said with a sigh.

“Just forget about taking revenge,” Caspian replied. “There aren’t as many mercenaries

for hire as you think. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to contact them, so it’s better for you

not to get involved.”

“Alright, I won’t get involved then. I’ll leave it to you.” Although Willow promised not to

Intervene, she had already contacted an assassin online. Seeing Lilith die in front of her

had left a nasty feeling in her.

Meanwhile, Nadia York was sitting with her descendants in the York family’s conference

hall. Almost all of them were there to discuss their plans.

“Caspian is simply too arrogant. Not only did he intrude on our home, but he also caused a

ruckus at your birthday banquet, disabled Derek, and injured Mr. York. He disregards the

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York family completely!”

“Yeah! If we don’t teach him a lesson, he might grow to be more arrogant!”

“Caspian doesn’t seem to be a simple man. He held a grand wedding last month, and

many distinguished guests attended. The five major families in Dhord City, and John

Anderson, a leading military officer of South Aridlands, also came to support him!”

“While the wedding was grand, according to my sources, the reason for such a grand

occasion. was all thanks to John. It had nothing to do with Caspian. Caspian saved him

before, so John was repaying the favor.”

“John wouldn’t go to such lengths to wage war against us for just a common soldier. After

all, they don’t have a deep relationship. In the end, it’s one favor for one favor. The debt

has been repaid, and John has no reason to help Caspian anymore.”

“Our family has many hidden talents. How can Caspian alone turn the tide against us?

Contact people from the Office of Inspector General directly, arrest him, frame him with a

crime, and

kill him!”

Everyone began engaging in the discussion, expressing their opinions.

When everyone began talking at the same time, Nadia had to make a decision herself. “All

of you shut up! There are still a few days left. Let the people from the Office of Inspector

General investigate Caspian’s background first. Then, we’ll make plans according to the

situation. If he’s just an ordinary soldier, we don’t need to be afraid of him.”


As the head of the York family, Nadia had to be careful and had to thoroughly investigate

the matter before making plans.

Sylvia investigated the York family’s network of relationships and Quentin’s background,

the leader of the Flying Dragons. After that, she headed to Riverside Villa.

Caspian didn’t want Willow to know that he had started to take action, so he quietly left

the villa and got into Sylvia’s off–road vehicle.

“Any leads on the investigation I assigned you?” Caspian asked after getting in the car.

“Yes, we’ve figured out everything. The York family has deep connections with the chief of

the Southlake City Office of Inspector General, and the York family often has dealings with

the Flying Dragons. In other words, the York family is quite influential throughout

Southlake City. Zachary York, the eldest son of the York family, holds important positions in

both Southlake and Northlake. He has some background and power. However, in our eyes,

he’s still insignificant,” Sylvia said.

“The fact that the head of the Office of Inspector General is so close to the York family is

alarming,” Caspian commented.

“As the head of the Office of Inspector General, how could he collude with the York family

to distort the truth? He should be killed immediately!” Sylvia said.

“Let’s not get worked up. How about Quentin, the leader of the Flying Dragons? What are

his activities and whereabouts?”

“A thorough investigation has been done. Quentin frequents Paradise Clubhouse every

night,” Sylvia replied.

“What kind of place is that?” Caspian had been staying in Southlake City, but he had

never heard of such a place.

“It’s a clubhouse located in a very obscure place in Curvytown in Southlake City, and they

conduct all sorts of businesses.”

“That’s perfect. Let’s take down Paradise Clubhouse today!” Caspian said coldly.

“Paradise Clubhouse is guarded by many members of the Flying Dragons, Caspian. We’re

also unsure about the specific situation inside. As the ruler of Diatoran, you can’t afford to

make any mistakes!” Sylvia advised.

“Although I’ve been on the battlefield for so many years, I’ve never retreated. Do you

think facing the Flying Dragons scares me? They killed my foster mother; I will pay them a

visit even if I must walk through the gates of hell!” Caspian said firmly.