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Tasting Darkness

Chapter 84
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Book 2 Chapter 5 ” What's going on ? ” | asked Darins . He looks up at, nipping at my neck , and | shudder .

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” Nothing you need to worry about , ” he mumbles against my skin . My bond ignites as he grips my hips , rollingagainst him . ” Something is wrong . You two have been fighting all week , ” | tell him . ” Just leave it, ” Darius says , his eyes darkening . Yet | know Lycus and Kalen were struggling with their bonds , too , with Darius sleeping in the other room , Kalen'’s sleep walking was out of control . Pain wasn’t accurate enough word to describe it , with Darius in the other room it was almost like missing a limb .

They didn’t know how to function without him He was an attachment of them , and over the last couple of days, And since | haven't marked three of them , | noticed how much they gravitate toward him , picking up on his moods , they reacted to him, and | wondered if it was because for so long he acted as their keeper . Darius growls , nipping at my neck before gripping my chin . He tilts my face down to his and kisses, and arousal flares through to life like burning embers in a breeze setting everything ablaze..

I could feel his magic rolling over, consuming, and my bond reacted to it, taking over as | kissed him back with the sburning desire . Lycus steps out of the bathroom . It was so odd feeling them . I could pinpoint each one , tell who was who and if they were close and where they were at all times , completely aware of them , so | knew when he stopped behind. | pull my lips from Darius and look up at Lycus , whose eyes are pitch black .

He smiled , dipping his head down , capturing my lips , and | felt Darius tug at the front of my towel , pulling it apart before his lips were burning my skin as he nipped and licked my nipple . | gasped as heat rushed through, almost like he was awakening the urge to shred . Lycus pulled away , looking atoddly , and | tried to shake the overwhelming feeling rolling throughbefore turning my gaze to Darius . He growls , his grip tightening , and I realize it wasn't the urge to shred at all but him needing magic like he was drained . Power - hungry , his lips traveled back up to my neck as he kissed and licked his way back to my lips . | kissed him back , letting him take what he needed , letting him recharge offand my eyes fluttered shut as his tongue invaded my mouth . His kiss was domineering and hungry , tasting every inch as he pulled on my magic , | gave into him, letting him take what he craved .

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My bond wanting more , needing it so | kiss him back before nipping at his chin, and he sighs . Darius rests his head on the back of the couch . | kiss the marks on his neck , and he shudders , his hand moving to my hair as he fists it . My mouth waters at his addictive scent before running my tongue across his skin . My bond has overtaken every sense as | pressed closer to him , letting his heat into. My teeth press against his seep skin , my blunt teeth breaking his flesh when he tenses , yanking my head back by my hair, pain rippled across my scalp , makingcry out . | clutch his hand in my hair . His demonic eyes gleamed back atwhile mine filled with tears . Darius stands abruptly and dropson the couch . He breathes heavily , and Lyeus shoves him with a growl . ” Darius , what the fuck ! ” Lycus snarls while | rub the back of my head where he had pulled my hairs from my scalp . My bond recoils , rejection smashes against, and my face heats with embarrassment . | want to run from the room as he glares down at. What did | do ? He was fine a few seconds ago .

Realization dawns on. Of course , he needed power . That is all it was , he didn’t wantjust what | had to offer . Power was everything to Darius . | thought we were past all this , but clearly , | was wrong . | felt used as he powered offonly to tossaside when | wanted more . | swallow , looking away and he storms out of the room , not even bothering to answer Lycus . The door slams makingcringe and shcreeps into. Why does he do that ? He does it every tI try with him , constantly pulling only for him to shoveaway .

Lycus reaches for, but | jerk my hand away when he tries to grab it before tugging my towel up covering myself . | rushed past Kalen , who moved towardand into the closet to get changed . | shut the door, slipping sclothes on . | felt stupid , stupid for believing he was capable of being my mate . ” Aleera ? ” Kalen says , knocking on the door, | pull sclothes on quickly . Opening the door, Lycus and Kalen stood there staring at. | push past them , heading for the door . ” Aleera ? ” ” | have to get to class , ” | tell them , not bothering to stop . | just wanted a way from them, so | went to my safe place . Funny , how | call it that . It was the worst place in the castle . The cells , yet the dark , desolate place , and the solitude allowedto hide and regather as | sat in the old cell . Questioning everything , wondering what was bad aboutthat Darius couldn't just put the past behind us and accept.
