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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 56
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56-He Cheated On Me

Maynard left after I told him to leave. I had grabbed my bags and reached the main gate to enter the

pack when a guard stopped me.

“Alpha Maynard has informed Alpha Thiago of my arrival,” I said before the guard could even question


“He must have but nobody informed us,” he said and the other guard scoffed at me.

*Oh! I am umm I am Alpha Thiago’s mate, Enya Fosters!” I introduced myself thinking that might do but

their faces only changed colors when hearing that I was his mate.

“We don’t know anyone. We are not informed, grab your bags and leave,” now that he knew I was the

Luna of the pack, he turned even more aggressive with me.

“Okay calm down,” I tried to calm him down but he grunted at me, “Can you call your Alpha and let him

knowlam here. He will ask you to let me get in there.” I suggested it would be better if they just speak to

their alpha but that didn’t seem like a good plan to them as well.

“Lady! Get lost,” he waved his hand at me and when I didn’t move, he rested his other hand on the gun

sticking out of his pants.

I understood the threat and dragged my bags with me to the other side of the road where I sat down

cluelessly. It was late night and I have seen Thiago leave with this girl, and I had no clue who she was.

And now I was sitting on a road with two guards glaring at me once in a while. I tried calling Thiago but

as usual, he didn’t attend any of the calls until I messaged him.

Me: You do realize I am sitting on a damn cold road while you are on a date with some chic.

I swear I felt my body heat up once I hit the sent button.

I couldn’t believe I was dumb enough to come here to speak to him. Why did I have to make all these

advances when he should have been the one to approach me and apologize to me for the dumb change

in his attitude.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

It was then I noticed the guard crossing the road and reaching me.

“Fine! I am leaving.” Before he could grab and throw me away, I got on my feet and started adjusting the


“You can go inside,” the guard said instead of threatening to kick me out of their sight.

“Oh!” I heaved a sigh of exhaustion, checking my phone but didn’t receive any text back from Thiago.

“Can you help me wi-never mind,” The moment he frowned, I knew he wasn’t going to help me. I had to

adjust my bags and walk with difficulty while they stood there and watched me struggle.

‘I couldn’t really blame them. It was my mate’s responsibility to give them directions which he failed to do


I was now walking on the road cluelessly when a guard appeared and finally offered to take my bags and

lead me to the Alpha’s pack house mansion.

I had to take a walk to the mansion and it was pretty far away from the main border. The pack was also

weirdly quiet.

I saw some pack members peeking through their windows but the moment I would turn my head to look

at them, they would hide


It was weird.

The guard took me to the mansion and I was once again hit with a surprise when I saw the empty pack


“Does the Royal beta and Royal Gamma not stay here?” I inquired from the guard, who seemed to have

been only interested in finishing his job.

“This is a mansion for the Alpha only. He doesn’t like anybody living around him. All the others have

been alerted separate houses. The mansion is only for the Alpha,” he said without turning around and

taking my bags to the top floor even when there were so many rooms vacant on the other floors.

“The floors are off-limit, the Alpha’s room and bar are off-limit,” he said once he had introduced me to the

room I will be staying at. It was a beautiful room but the black curtains and the bedsheet was a bit too

much for me.

Everything was gray and black in color, so depressing!

“Okay, thank you,” I replied and watched his face in hopes of him asking me if I would like to eat

something or not?

He didn’t ask me anything and closed the door after I had settled in.

It was so weird, reminding me of how I used to live all alone even when I had a so-called family.

‘I don’t feel right here,’pouted sadly, sitting in the bed.

‘I feel unwelcomed,’ Nia too agreed with me.

‘I thought I will just come here and speak to him. I honestly thought once he sees me in his pack, he will

be all lovey-dovey again. Part of me thought he was angry at himself for not winning the race but now it

seems like, I was wrong!’ I was only talking to Nia when a car pulled up in the parking lot. The window

being left open helped me hear the car tiers stop.

I rushed to the window because I knew the only person whose arrival could I expect was Thiago’s. And

there he was!

He didn’t have the girl with him. He was all alone but also not in a good mood.

‘Now is the time, I just couldn’t wait for morning to talk to him. It’s been twenty days already and we

haven’t spoken to each other.

I sprinted out of the room and booked downstairs. Thankfully, I was able to catch him talking to the

guards, which must have delayed him from disappearing into his room.

“Okay! You can go home now,’ the moment he saw me, he frowned and dismissed the guard.

Once it was just the two of us, I cleared my throat and took slow steps walking down the stairs to the


“No welcome?” It stung me like a poisonous snake when I was the first to break the silence.

“Welcome!” he said, sounding as cold as always.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“How are you?” I asked and he only shrugged his shoulders, “What’s up with you?” I had enough, so I

decided to be upfront with him now.

“Why, what did I do?” he was so casually, pretending like he had no clue what I was talking about.

“You are acting weird and distant from me,” I hated being miserable but I blame myself for it.

“I am not,” he whispered under his breath.

“Thiago! You are hurting me. You are making me feel like you only wanted to sleep with me,” my words

had finally grabbed his attention and instead of stealing eyes from me, he gave me eye contact.

*Oh! So you think I am the type who wanted your virginity as a reward?” the way he ignored all the other

things and focused on that part made me angry.

“I am not the one suggesting it. You and your actions are pretty much saying that” I approached him and

stood face to face with him.

“What actions? what have I done?” he raised his voice and stepped back from me, almost like he was

disgusted with me.

“You cannot tell me this is a normal attitude of a mate towards his mate. You didn’t even check up on

me,” my voice was shaking and I hated it.

“Maynard made rules, I was just abiding by them.” He shrugged carelessly and reached a door in the

corner which I assumed was a bar.

“Since when did you start listening to Maynard?” I didn’t care if it was off-limits, I entered the bar and

watched him pour himself a drink.

“Enya! If you have come here to argue, then sorry! I am not here to entertain you,” he sipped from his

drink and shook his head.

“Who was that girl with you?” I wasn’t leaving him to get away with it. If I didn’t catch him in his lies now,

tomorrow he will accuse me of making up stories in my head to find an excuse to be with my other


“She– she is my girlfriend,” the moment he said that I lunged his way and grabbed the glass out of his


“Are you a fucking psych—,” before he could complain, I slapped him hard across his face.