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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 281
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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee Chapter 281


281 My Mate Is My Enemy We watched them take Christina away, with Zander following

her in the car behind.Lazio and I planned to join Thiago and look for Maynard.

He had his phone turned off and there seemed to be no signs of him.

Lazio and I were wandering around the woods when my phone kept beeping.

"Answer your damn phone," Lazio complained, eyeing my phone that had kept

bothering him for the last few minutes.

We were all sleep deprived and overly pissed off.

I could see our concerns for Maynard in the form of a frown on our faces.

"It's his mother," | groaned, shaking my head as I recalled what this woman had

putMaynard through.

"What does she want now?" It wasn't a surprise that none of us were fond of her.

We were desperately waiting for the day when Maynard would return to his pack and

expose her for her messiness.

I would love to be in the front row when she gets punished for her crimes.

"Hello." After gathering all my strength and forcing myself, I answered her call.

"Enya! What is going on in the academy? We just received a call from the cops, asking

us ifMaynard had come to the pack. What is going on? Where is my son?" The way she

was aggressively demanding about her son's whereabouts made me roll my eyes at


As if she had ever cared for him.

She was dying to prove herself to be an exemplary mother.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He was never her priority when Geralt was alive.

"We are looking into the matter," I replied to her in a very dry tone.

I would instead be using every second to find Maynard than to talk to his evil mother.

"But what is going on? What happened?" I always knew there was something wrong with that woman.

Even hearing her voice was exhausting enough for me.

"He got into an altercation," I said, constantly rolling my eyes at her.

"Oh, God! What happened? Is it his mate? Did she get him into a mess? I knew he shouldn't be acceptinganyone

until he turns 25." She had no shame in expressing her dislike for Christina.

I'm sure she never accepted me from the bottom of her heart, either.

But now that I was not Maynard's mate anymore, she was openly gossiping with me.

"Mrs. Gray, if you would give us some time and not bother us by constantly blowing up our phones, we will be able

to findMaynard." I was done being nice to her.

She didn't deserve it.

A woman who abuses and lets her son go through shit just because she has something bigger to gain from her

other son deserves no respect in myeyes.

"Excuse me? Since when did you start talking so rudely to me?! am the mother of an alpha—"I hung up on her.

I was not ready for another lecture from a self-centered bitch.

"I am going to call Thiago once more," I said, dialing his number while Lazio dialed Zander’s number to check up on


When Thiago wasn't answering my calls, Zander answered Lazio's calls.

I turned my full attention to Lazio to see what was going on in the police station.

I was afraid of the public trial; it would be messy if that happened.

"Zander! How is Christina?" Lazio asked, putting the phone on speaker "She is a mess.

She isn't saying anything.

If she didn't start talking anytime soon, she would get in trouble," Zander seemed worried when talking about his


Who wouldn't be? But it was also very hypocritical of him because I remember he told her to stay silent.

"How is the search for Maynard going?" He asked in worry when Lazio and I didn't respond to his claimsof wanting

to know more from Christina "We haven't found him yet, but we are looking for him." | grabbed the phone out of

Lazio's hands and said in a defeated tone.

"We need to find out what happened or else they will accuse Christina of murdering Mr.Tripper.

She is not an alpha, she is just a rogue.

They will never provide her with any of the best services or lawyers.

We need to hurry up." Zander explained to us why it was so important to find Maynard.

It seemed like he just wanted someone else to take the blame so that his sister couldn't get into trouble.

"We are not finding Maynard to hand him over to the cops.

Our plan is to prevent him from getting accused of anything he hasn't done.

And even if he had killed Mr.Tripper, we needed to prove him innocent by proving Mr.Tripper guilty of a much bigger

crime," I said aggressively, making my stand clear to Zander.

"Even if he murdered someone?" Zander asked in shock from the other side.

"That other person was a scumbag. Besides, wouldn't you do the same for Christina?" I couldn't believe Zander was

so selfish.

All he cared about was his ass and his sister's.

"That is a different issue. She is my sister. I will do anything for her. Either you find

Maynard or get a hold of Thiago. One of those suckers must have done something,"

Zander snapped at me for dragging his sister intothe conversation.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Did you ever even consider any one of us as your friends?" I don't know why I was

stillarguing with him when he had made it pretty clear that nobody else concerned him.

"What have any of you ever done for me or my sister? Why would I care about you

guys?" He said arrogantly, probably driving because I heardthe cars honking around


"Then listen to me, mister; we are not handing over Maynard.

Do what you can do." I got infuriated with his responses, so I hung up on him.

"I can't believe he said that," Lazio stated as he grabbed his phone out of my hands.

"We were there for him when he was coughing blood.

You risked your life in those fields for Christina.

We did so much for them, yet they never seemed to be grateful for any of it.

Lazio was right.

I even accepted him and jeopardized my relationship with Thiago.

We did so much for him, yet it is not enough for him.

Why? Because a monster attacked him and pulled out his canines.

"He is calling me back." Lazio then broke the stare from space and showed me his

cellphone'sscreen to me.

"He might have realized he was wrong and spoke out of anger," Lazio added.

I didn't respond to him.

He was trying to give Zander the benefit of the doubt, but I wasn't too sure if Zander

would ever realize how wrong he was.

"Why are you calling now?" Lazio put the call on speaker and asked him.

"I am going to do what I want now.

I am going to find Maynard before you guys and hand him over to the cops.

If it is between Maynard and Christina, I will always choose my sister," he threatened,

making us realize he only called to give us a heads-up.