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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 228
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228-Corbin Never Quits

They maximized the security around the school after the rogues attacked Oswin and left him at the doo

rstep of the academy as a message to us. I haven‘t been able to speak to Oswin

because he fell into a coma after talking to Maynard and Lazlo the very first night.

Nobody was allowed to go into his room for security reasons. Poppy did come around, but then she wa

s mostly invisible. One would think she would go crazy making user

Oswin wake up, but that didn‘t happen. I was more worried for him than she, as his mate, was.

“What happened to Willow?” Christina asked me when I returned to my room after taking an evening cl

ass. The semester was reaching an end, so we were taking extra classes to make up for the loss.

“She went back home,” I replied. After they confirmed Keith only brought her here to

pimp her to the alphas for his gain, they sent her home and kicked rolled in Keith in the academy as a p

unishment. I didn‘t think it would do much for him. He will just carry on with his ways.

“I just want to tell you

I would usually not judge any sex worker, but she had a history with my mate, so I

was bitter towards her,” she tried clearing her reputation.

“Maybe next time you should just sit back and think first before acting on anything and you will not have

to apologize anymore,” I sighed while lying down in my bed and holding my phone. She got the hint an

d walked away.

‘Do you think he is still angry with us?‘ I asked Nia, who had been very silent these days.

‘We broke his heart and trust. I think he just doesn‘t care about us anymore,‘ she responded sadly.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

‘I want to know if there is a way I can visit his pack and meet up with him,’I got out of bed determinedly.

‘I cannot sit around and let him deal

with this pain alone. If yelling at me is going to help him, then that‘s it. I will bow down for him to yell as

much as he wants. But I won‘t leave him alone to suffer.’ I should have done that earlier, but the only re

ason I didn‘

t visit him sooner was that I was respecting his decision of having time away from

me. But now it was more than two weeks and I haven’t heard from him. I was worried about him.

‘So what‘s the plan?‘ Nia asked.

‘I will go take a leave from Mr. Tripper,‘ I said with a sigh. I

haven‘t been alone with Mr. Tripper since last time. He was a disgusting man,

so one could expect anything from him.

‘Why don‘t we ask Lazlo to tag along?‘ Nia asked.

‘I don‘t think it will be a good idea for now. Thiago is already upset with us and taking

Lazlo along

will only make him remember what we did.’ I explained why I wouldn‘t be taking any other mate with me

. I left my room to have a talk with Mr. Tripper, but there was much worse waiting around for me.

“Care to explain what you mean by that?” I heard Mr. Tripper talking with someone in his office.

“I know who planned it,” a voice belonged to Poppy. She was having a serious conversation with Mr. Tri

pper, it seemed.

“Then why did you wait a week before paying me a visit?” Mr. Tripper asked, sounding suspicious

of whatever claims she was making.

“I was afraid, frightened for my life,” Poppy whispered.

“Okay! Tell me what you know and I swear to protect you at any cost,” Mr. Tripper inquired her from her

and she cleared her throat to throw the biggest bomb ever.

“It was Enya who

had asked Oswin to grab her some herbs that night.” My heart sank in my chest right away. “She led hi

m there, coincidence? I fear not. I don‘t know how it is possible, but she was able to tell the rogues Os

win was coming and they attacked him.” She continued throwing me under the bus.

“So Enya is working with the rogues, am I hearing this

right?” Mr. Tripper gave her one last chance to come clean.


it appears so,” she confidently answered and confirmed it again. I wished to walk in and grab her by her

hair. She hated and bullied me for

no reason. The other girls still somehow managed to get along with me, but Poppy was a troublesome


“Hm! That‘s very weird.” Mr. Tripper broke me from the web of thoughts with his reaction. “Because Os

win was not in a coma when he was brought into the academy and he told us what happened.”

“Umm! He wa–––s not?” the quick stuttering in her voice gave away her lies.


told us you wanted to go into the woods with him. There was no mention of Enya like you are claiming.”

It surprised me that Mr. Tripper even tried to take my side. That was it. I needed to get in there and let

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

her know I had heard her bullshit.

I knocked on the door and got called in. I interrupted their conversation at a time when my arrival was

met with a gasp from Poppy‘s lips.

“I am glad you are here already. Miss Poppy here had

some huge claims to make,” Mr. Tripper leaned back in the chair comfortably and sighed.

“I might have misunderstood it,” Poppy excused, lowering her face now that she was caught in a lie.


understand she intimidates you. In fact, most of the academy is jealous of her for many reasons, but yo

u are not allowed to throw such harsh accusations at the

future Luna Queen. Do you get it?” Mr. Tripper sided with me.

His comment somehow made Poppy yelp and stare at me while I was glaring at her. It was after a

few minutes that I realized what he just said.

“Excuse me?” I double–checked, “You mean a

Luna of two packs,” I said, watching him smile sarcastically at me.

“I mean what I said. So Poppy, don‘t ever mess with her or

disrespect her. Her Alpha King mate has sent us a special notice

to treat his Luna Queen better.” the more he was talking, the more anxious I became.

Corbin was now crawling his way back into my life. What the fuck!




I am trying to word really hard and give at least 5 chapters a day. Hopefully, I will be able to achieve tha

t target. More chapters coming soon. Do leave a review on this chapter in the comment section