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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 126
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126-It Is Going To Be Sintul

“What are you suggesting? Do you even think before talking?” i finally snapped at him when I had

enough of his selfish behavior.

“What? he is hell-bent on defending that monster and I am the wrong one here?” he grasped the bars

tightly to express the anger he was feeling when hearing me defend Lazio.

“Maynard! Please stop! He came with you to save me and you are convincing me to leave him behind?” I

knew Lazlo had fallen asleep which is why Maynard was talking so boldly about him.

“Fine. It was just a thought because I am angry. It is not like we can escape anyway,” he turned his back

to me and disappeared into the dark cell.

I was unable to hold up anymore. My muscles were aching like they were set on fire. I was trying to

move and change as much of my position as I could but I was failing now.

The door to the cellar opened suddenly waking up Lazlo and pulling Maynard to the edge of the cell

curiously. Our eyes were stuck on the staircase.

Even Maynard, who was so certain Thiago would not come, was now looking in the direction of the stairs

with hope-covered eyes.

We were expecting him to throw Thiago down like he did to the others but instead, Mr. Kay walked

downstairs angrily.

“That asshole didn’t show up.” Mr. Kay put his bow and arrow down bitterly, “he thinks it is a joke? Do

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

you all even matter to him?” he kicked the chair after he had set the arrows on it to drop them


I was not very shocked. But it was Lazlo’s trust in him that made me think maybe he might come. The

one more shocked among us was Lazio.

“Huh! You expected a monster to surrender for us?” Maynard, who had been angry at Thiago for some

time, commented. Mr. Kay turned to him once he sensed the hate in Maynard’s voice.

“Why would he come here? I wouldn’t want him to come here and get slaughtered by a real monster like

you,” Lazlo, who I thought would be a little upset, disagreed with Maynard for expecting Thiago to come

here and spoke back to Mr. Kay.

“Really? Seems like somebody has a crush on that monster.” Mr. Kay was now getting ready for the

night. He even walked over to the corner and opened a case to bring some injections out. I know they

had wolfbane in them.

* Right! He shouldn’t come but at least show a little concern. Did you not hear his voice? He sounded like

he didn’t even care,” Maynard was back at pointing out Thiago’s actions.

Honestly speaking, I thought both of them were right. Thiago shouldn’t come but at least should be


“Now!” Mr. Kay brought the injection full of wolfbane and walked closer to me.

“Hey! get away from her,” Maynard shouted, shaking the bars in panic.

“If you lay a finger on her I will fucking cut off your finger and shove it in your ass,” Lazlo too screamed at

Mr. Kay, making him proud of himself.

Just a little push,” he set the injection in my neck and injected the wolfbane in my body. I felt a piercing

pain strike through my entire existence but I didn’t scream. I refused to satisfy him.

“I see you are growing confident. Let’s see how long it stays like that,” he then pulled away and went

near the cages where Maynard and Lazlo were grunting and groaning.

“Easy!” Mr. Kay pulled away the instant Maynard stretched his arm out to grab him.

*If you didn’t behave, she will pay,” he pointed at me and that subsided Maynard and Lazlo’s attempts to

hurt him.

“Now! Bring your hand out like a good boy and let me give you a treat,” he told Lazlo first, who didn’t

even waste a second before pulling his hand out and letting Mr. Kay inject him with wolfbane because he

wanted to make sure Mr. Kay doesn’t punish me.

I was watching the tattoo of his initials on his neck, KN.

He then injected Maynard and after he was done, he made them come out of the cage. They were so

down that the moment they stepped outside, they landed on their knees. It was then Mr. Kay handcuffed

them together.

“Now follow me,” he held the chain of their handcuffs and started dragging them by force. It was a painful

sight because Lazlo and Maynard almost seemed passed out and he was brutally making them walk

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


“Where are you taking them?” I shouted to get his attention in worry but he proceeded to leave. I was

now left alone, worrying about what was he up to now?

My body ached as wolfbane made me weak.

“Nia! I know I am being unfair by calling you when you are heavily sedated but please can you help me?’

I was holding onto any hope of surviving this night. But chances were looking slim.

After a few minutes, Mr. Kay came back to collect me. He unchained my hands and the first thing I did

was to get on my knees and drop my hands to relax my muscles.

“Now is not the time to relax,” Mr. Kay grasped a fistful of my hair and tugged me behind him. As he

dragged me upstairs, he scratched my knees by the friction caused between my skin and the rough

surface of the stairs.

He took me upstairs and to a room. I began to panic because I kind of got the idea of what he was up to.

Lazlo and Maynard were tied to chairs on each corner of the room, facing the huge bed in the middle of

the room.

“Let m-e go.” I whispered without having any strength in my body. Maynard and Lazlo could only groan

and express their frustration by biting their tongue and making little movements to get out of the chains.

Mr. Kay pushed me into the bed and when I landed on the bed, I watched him smirk. His eyes scanned

my body thoroughly before he took off his jacket and threw it away.

“I am assuming we will not need the condoms,” he commented, getting on top of me with no hope and

chance of me getting out of this mess.