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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chatper 442
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Chapter 442

For a while, Seraphina had truly reveled in Leandro’s indulgence and compliance, to the extent that she had almost

forgotten his cunning and ruthlessness.

He could be utterly merciless when he chose to be.

She’d been run ragged all day, to the point where she didn’t even have the energy for her usual sharp-tongued

banter. It was only then that peace prevailed.

In the afternoon, Leandro had gone alone to pick up Valerio from school.

Having not seen his father for several days, Valerio was overjoyed, eagerly tugging Leandro home to see


But when Seraphina saw Leandro, she was as cold as ice, hardly in the mood to make nice.

“Mom, Dad’s here,” Valerio informed her, clearly hoping to warm the frosty atmosphere.

Seraphina glowered at Valerio, making a fist as a warning, deliberately showing off the marks on her wrist left by

Leandro’s tie, a silent testament to her ordeal that day.

Leandro, holding an innocent-looking Valerio close, spoke calmly, “Mom’s tired. Let her rest, so she can give you

her full attention later, instead of wasting her energy elsewhere.”

At his words, Seraphina gritted her teeth and shot Leandro another glare.

He met her fiery gaze with a raised eyebrow, as if to challenge her disapproval.

Remembering the day’s events, Seraphina begrudgingly swallowed her pride.

That evening, after a cozy dinner at the Manleys, they took Valerio to a movie at his request.

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It was a family-friendly animation that Seraphina could tolerate, but exhausted from the day’s events, she struggled

to focus and soon started nodding


She was jolted awake by a loud sound effect. Blinking groggily, she saw the movie had reached a climactic scene.

To her surprise, she was resting against Leandro, her hand in his. She tried to withdraw her hand subtly, but

Leandro caught her glance and held on without a word.

After a silent struggle, Seraphina gave in, let him hold her hand as she once again drifted off to sleep on his


Leandro quietly adjusted their position to make her more comfortable.

Leandro’s visit was brief, and the next day, after dropping Valerio at school, he was off to the airport. Seraphina

was dragged along to see him off. Normally, Leandro traveled by private jet, but this time, he led her into the

regular terminal.

“Why here?” Seraphina asked, puzzled. “What about your plane?”

“Undergoing maintenance,” was Leandro’s curt reply.

While waiting for his flight, Seraphina sat beside him, somewhat lost in thought, as she watched the bustling crowd.

She had a nagging feeling about his


He was pettier than she had realized.

But at this point, Seraphina played along. Seeing Leandro engrossed in a business magazine, she snuggled under

his arm to share the view.

The action was intimate and natural. Leandro glanced down at her and, without missing a beat, pushed the

magazine a little further away to reveal their faces together.

Business content was only half-comprehensible to Seraphina, so she wasn’t focused. She adjusted her posture, and

“kindly” straightening his already pristine shirt and suit.

Leandro, disturbed by her antics, finally set aside the magazine and met her gaze. “Are you done?”

“Isn’t this what you wanted?” she retorted.

They locked eyes silently for a long moment, until, just when Seraphina was about to roll her eyes in impatience,

Leandro leaned in and kissed her, using the magazine to shield their faces.

Behind the cover, their kiss deepened, reluctant to part.-

That afternoon, photos of Seraphina seeing Leandro off at the airport hit the media networks.

Previously, pictures of Seraphina and Patrick had sparked rumors about her settling in Summitville and issues in her

marriage to Leandro. Many speculated they were separated.

The new photos showed the couple unaffected by the gossip, their affectionate gestures and stolen kisses

shattering the rumors.

Yet their bicoastal separation continued.

Leandro’s visits to Summitville remained brief. A fortnight later, Seraphina took Valerio back to Sunburst City for the


Upon arrival at Reynolds Manor, only the housekeeper was present.

“Where’s Grandpa?” Seraphina inquired.

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The housekeeper held Valerio and responded, “He went for a check-up at the hospital.”

“Has Grandpa been unwell?” Seraphina pressed, concerned.

“Same as always,” the housekeeper replied. “No major issues, just… there’s been some family drama lately. The

old man got upset, and Leandro insisted



Chapter 442

on a check-up.”

Seraphina’s ears perked up. “What kind of family drama?”

“I’m not quite sure, the housekeeper admitted. “Seems like Leandro’s uncles and aunts have been stirring the pot-”

Seraphina listened without much surprise, merely nodding slightly in response.

For a family as wealthy and influential as theirs, it would be odd if there weren’t a bit of drama. But regardless of

the chaos, Leandro was always capable of handling it.

“What about his mother?” Seraphina inquired, “How is she doing?”

“There’s been improvement,” The house keeper said, her spirits visibly lifted at the mention. “They say she’s much

more at peace now, not so prone to those fits of distress… With you and Valerio out of the house, Leandro spends a

lot of time with her. Most of his days, really. It seems to be doing some good.”

Hearing this, Seraphina let out a soft sigh. “In that case, Valerio and I probably shouldn’t stay here for too long.”

Nonsense,” The house keeper chided. “Leandro, you, and Valerio are family. Since when does a family live apart like

this? Sooner or later, you all have to come back home.”

Seraphina rested her head on her hand and sighed again. “It’s just a matter of when ‘sooner or later’ will be.”

The house keeper chuckled at that. “Getting tired of the long-distance life? Missing home, are you? You guys need

to be together to feel that real sense of happiness, am I right?”