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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 634
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Chapter 634 Climbing the Wall

"Why would you go with me?" Raquella inquired, perplexed by Frank's abrupt declaration.

"We've been living together the past few days. What would I be doing all alone when you're gone?"

"Taking care of one person is hard enough. Please don't make my job harder." For some reason, she

perceived him as a child incapable of caring for himself. It was understandable that she would think that

because she was aware that he was significantly younger than she was.

"Why would I need you to take care of me? I'm not going just so you can take care of me. Also, I've

been taking care of you over the past few days because of your stomach ache," Frank blurted out


Raquella froze in shock when she heard that. He's right. I've been confined to my bed for the past few

days. During that time, he cared for me, making me cups of ginger tea and reading bedtime stories. He

is, in fact, an excellent caretaker.

"Please stop doubting my intentions. I am only going with you to help you. If anything does happen to

you, I can take care of the two of you."

When Raquella heard Frank's statements, she burst out laughing. "Aren't you worried you'll be infected

as well?" After all, being infected with this disease will be fatal. In addition, how am I to explain to the

Jonesons if something were to happen to him?

However, he snorted disdainfully, "I have a strong immune system. There's no way I'd fall sick."

"Hold your horses. In this case, a strong immune system won't protect you from the disease."

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Surprisingly, he replied, "I don't care. If I do get infected, I'll be a source of motivation for Elspeth to

hurry up with her research. There is no way she would just let her family suffer."

For some reason, Raquella was comforted by Frank's somewhat naive declaration. "While I know

you're doing it out of love, and I am very grateful to you for that, how am I going to justify what happens

if you do end up sick?" she asked.

Naturally, he had also thought of that, so he smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry about that. I'll

settle it, so leave it to me. Even if I do wind up sick or in trouble, I can take responsibility for it." He then

shot her a look. "Stop taking responsibility for everything. I don't need you to take care of me, and you

don't need to be responsible for me."

After that, she had no choice but to agree to let him go with her. "Let's go right away."

The two of them swiftly packed their bags. Surprisingly, Frank did not pack his laptop.

Nonetheless, Raquella was surprised to see that. "Why aren't you bringing your laptop? Are you giving

up on games?"

"Please," he said, looking at her as though she was an idiot. "We are there for serious matters. I would

not have the time to play."

"You're not going to play any games? How unusual!"

However, Frank completely disregarded Raquella as he concentrated on threading his arms into the

straps of his backpack. Then, he grabbed her suitcase. "Alright. It's getting late. We should first see if

we can leave this area."

Their area was still under lockdown, so it was uncertain whether they could leave. When they arrived at

their building's gates, they saw a security guard patrolling by the gates wearing a mask.

The security guard immediately shouted for them to stop when he saw the bags they were carrying.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?"

Then, Frank stepped forward and said politely, "Sir, we must leave to attend to an urgent matter. Don't

worry. We won't run away to somewhere else."

Nonetheless, the security guard was uninterested in what had been said. In fact, he was in a bad mood

because of their demand to leave despite the emergency and the order for a lockdown from the

nation's topmost authority. "You already know the order. No means no. You should be aware of the

current infection status! So, go home. No one is allowed to leave."

After hearing that, Raquella frantically spoke up. "Sir, we do have an emergency. My relative is sick and

home all alone. I—"

"Go back! The order is for everyone to stay home. Your relative is sick, so what will happen when

you're infected from taking care of them? Are you going to come back and infect everyone in this area?

Think of the consequences!"

The security guard had a point, but the situation was so dire that she could not hesitate.

"Sir, I swear that if I get infected, I will never return. Please don't worry," she replied.

"How would I know that?" he shot back.

His attitude made Raquella even more agitated. "You know what I look like. If I am infected, you can

refuse to let me in."

The security guard thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. "No way. How would I know

if you are infected?"

Sensing that nothing would come out of the conversation, Frank pulled her back and said, "It looks like

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the security guard will not let us out."

Suddenly, Raquella replied impatiently, "That won't do. Time is of the essence. I must go back now."

Then, Frank watched her anxiously pace up and down momentarily before an idea sparked in his mind.

There is another way. "Why don't we climb through the back wall?" he suggested.

She stared at him in shock. "Climb the wall?"

"We have no other choice. We can't walk through the gates, so the back wall is our only option."

Nonetheless, she kept staring at him, stuck in a bind. "I don't know how to climb walls."

He smiled and said, "That's fine. I know how to do it."

After that, Frank pulled Raquella over to a shorter part of the back wall. He hopped over it with one leap

and asked her to throw their bags over. She did as he asked and transferred the bags one by one until

they were all on the other side of the wall. Finally, she was the only one left on the initial side of the


She tried to climb up the wall using the bricks jutting out, but her arms went limp with fear after climbing

a few steps up. "I can't do it. I can't climb the wall. I'm scared," she cried out.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine. I'll catch you. Don't be scared," he comforted her from the other side of the


When Raquella heard that, she decided to take the plunge and climb the wall. After a while, she sat on

the wall and calculated that it would be an eight-foot fall to the ground below. However, her legs

trembled as she gazed downward.

"Jump, and I'll catch you." While saying that, Frank spread his arms out to encourage her to leap down.

"No, I can't. I'm scared—" She shook her head and closed her eyes, and the brisk wind roared in her

ears. In addition, it was mid-autumn, so the winds were quite chilly, and she could feel her heart


Suddenly, Raquella heard a yell from behind her. "You, over there, why are you on that wall?"