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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 228
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Moriah’s neck reddened in anger as she fought with the man. “Please be reasonable. You should be

aware that his illness is not easily cured. Even if you called the best doctor in the world, they can’t heal

him magically.”

The man became enraged and yelled at her nose, “Do you know who he is? Even if you cannot treat

him, his condition should not worsen!”

“The patient’s feelings determine the illness. Perhaps his illness deteriorated because you enraged


The man scowled. “Stop telling lies! His condition deteriorated far too quickly. He could still

communicate normally around lunchtime, but in the evening, he experienced facial paralysis. This

hospital is awful!”

Elspeth clicked her tongue. “This hospital was also dubbed the greatest in Waterside. However, I’m

wondering how much of it is true.”

Elspeth believed her thoughts were quiet, but Moriah could hear them. So, Moriah came up with an

idea and pointed at Elspeth as she said, “You don’t like our hospital much, do you? How about you

seek treatment from this lady? She is also a medical graduate, and her abilities are not bad.”

Elspeth went utterly still. She had no idea how she became embroiled in it.

She didn’t want to kick the can down the road. She was about to turn around and walk away since she

assumed the family would not accept the ridiculous request. However, the man stopped her.

“I’m sure her medical abilities must be superior to yours. I’ll let her give it a shot!”

Elspeth thought, am I a bargaining chip to you?

When he saw Elspeth, the man rushed over and bowed. “Greetings, miss. I want to request that you

check on the patient. May I ask…”

“N-No, I can’t do this.”

Even if she could heal the illness, she didn’t want to be called in to treat someone on the spur of the

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“You’ve got this.”

“I can’t.”

“You certainly can!”

“I can’t!”

After Elspeth stubbornly refused, the man implored in hushed tones with tears welling in his eyes,

“Miss, please! I have to take care of my parents and the entire family. My wife is sick at home too, miss.

I’m the sole breadwinner in the family. Please be gracious and grant my request.”

Elspeth commended him for not tripping over his words with his blatant falsehood.

“How many people did you dupe with that?”

The man embarrassedly touched his nose. “So far, no one has fallen for it.”

Elspeth was mean, so Callum looked at her. “You are sick. Don’t be concerned about others right now.”

However, Elspeth wanted to prove him wrong.

“Life is more valuable than anything else. I’ll do it.”

So, Elspeth agreed to the request on the spur of the moment.

Moriah began to speak sarcastically in the ward. “Do you want me to show you the case list, Elspeth? I

believe you should not make matters worse for the patient.”

Elspeth rolled her eyes. “So, why are you still talking? Send me the list!”

Moriah was surprised and uneasy as if she had trodden on manure, but she listened to Elspeth and

delivered the case list.

Elspeth scanned the list before turning to face the unconscious guy on the bed. Then, she clicked her

tongue. “I’m surprised you couldn’t treat him with such a minor illness. It’s been more than a month!

The longer he stays here, the worse his condition becomes. Yet, you blame it all on the patient.”

Moriah clenched her fists. “We take our patients seriously. Therefore, it can’t be our fault if we’ve done

our best. Not to add the fact that it is not a common illness. You’re far too arrogant. If you can, cure


She wanted to see what Elspeth could do.

Elspeth examined his face, and the mocking sneer vanished. “Where is the air conditioner’s remote

control in the ward?”

The man growled, “The hospital took away the remote control, saying that they need to unify the

temperature and will not allow us to intervene.”

Elspeth had never considered such foolishness. “The air conditioner in the ward is what paralyzes his

face. Too much air is being blown into the patient’s face. Is such a big hospital unaware even of this

general knowledge?”

Suddenly, the man became enraged. “I knew it was strange for him to experience sudden facial


Moriah felt guilty, but she insisted on saying, “You’ve come to heal him, not make excuses. You talk too


Elspeth rolled her eyes at Moriah before pulling a set of silver needles from her pocket.

Sonny had recently given Elspeth a new set of silver needles, each of which was etched with the letter

S. She felt it was lovely and always took the set with her.

She examined the patient’s face for acupuncture points and brought out a few silver needles to poke


The patient’s mouth corner moved slightly after a while. It was a sign of awakening.

Moriah scowled, “Is that it? I thought you could entirely heal him.”

However, Elspeth was not in a hurry. “Don’t worry. I’m not done yet.”

As she said, she brought out a couple more needles and stuck a few on the patient.

Elspeth waited quietly after she had finished everything. Everyone in the ward held their breath, afraid

to disturb them.

After a long time, the patient in the bed began to stir.

The patient gave out light coughs and spoke hoarsely with his dry throat because he was not used to

being able to speak suddenly. “Can you tell me what happened?”

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Elspeth poured a glass of water and inserted a straw to allow him to take a few sips.

“Thank you so much, missy. You are…”

The man was overjoyed before Elspeth could even introduce herself. “She’s your savior, Dad! Her

name is… Is…”

He turned to gaze at Elspeth, for he did not ask for her name previously. “What’s your name, missy?”

She was speechless. “My name is Elspeth Lynwood.”

“That’s correct! Elspeth.”

As tears flowed down his cheeks, the man gazed at the patient. “Do you realize how untrustworthy the

doctors in this hospital are? It’s all thanks to the excellent doctor that your facial paralysis has been



The man pursed his lips as if he was thinking about something. Then, he remembered and said,

“You’re the well-known Elspeth.”

“I’m not. I’m just a little famous.” Elspeth smiled faintly.

The old man’s voice was robust and full of brilliance now that his facial paralysis was cured. “You’re

not. I saw your live stream before, and I sent you a hundred thousand Universes.”

Elspeth was taken aback when she heard that.

A Universe costs five hundred. So, a hundred thousand Universes would cost fifty million dollars!

Elspeth looked at the patient. She had no idea he was her top gifter.

She made the right choice saving him.

“Then, I must cure your illness. The one hundred thousand Universes shall be your medical expenses.”

Moriah reacted with jealousy after hearing that. “What a scam. Fifty million for medical expenses.”

“You are free to treat him.”

Moriah instantly fell silent.