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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 205
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Elspeth was startled for a moment. The next instant, she unlocked her phone and searched for the

news article. Its title read, ‘Callum Winthrop bristled at Elspeth Lynwood’s daring provocation on set

while defending Emma Walker.’

What an ironic news title, she thought to herself.

The photo attached to the news article showed Elspeth alone confronting Callum and Emma in an

apparent standoff. In fact, it was pretty well taken; Emma looked all submissive and aggrieved in it as if

Elspeth had really bullied her.

At this moment, Yelena came over for a short break while having a drink. Noticing that Elspeth looked

kind of surly, she leaned over to read the news article as well. “What’s the matter?” she asked. Then,

seeing the article’s headline, she instantly let loose a torrent of abuse. “This has got to be that Emma

woman’s idea with the purpose of undermining you! How dare it say that you provoked Emma? It was

that woman who came up asking for trouble in the first place!”

Elspeth tugged at her sleeve. “It’s okay, just let them say whatever they want. What the article says

isn’t true, anyway.”

“You’re so big-hearted. I’d never put up with that if I were you,” Yelena said before pointing at Callum in

the photo with visible disgust in her eyes. “Callum was snubbing you on purpose by defending Emma in

front of so many people, no? What the hell was he doing?!”

She was ready to explode when she saw Callum like this, but it pained and exasperated her to see

Elspeth looking like she didn’t mind this at all. “What about we post a statement first, saying that you

and Callum have broken up? That’s better than being mocked by netizens asking whether you’ve been

dumped.” How unmanly of Callum to avoid taking on responsibility for this!

Elspeth shook her head. “That’s not necessary.”

Yelena asked, “Then how are you gonna handle this? Surely you can’t let everyone get the wrong idea

that you provoked Emma on purpose?” She was boiling with rage at the thought that Emma must be

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gloating over this from a safe distance at this moment.

Elspeth’s eyes narrowed. “I already have an idea.” There’s no surveillance camera on the set of filming,

so it’s certainly impractical to look for surveillance footage. Suddenly, she seemed to recall something,

and a smile spread on her lips. “Yelena, do you still remember the few people who were standing

beside you at the time?”

Yelena thought about it for a moment. “I think I do. There was one next to me who looked super ugly

with very heavy makeup on. The instant she saw you act, she got awestruck and even took out her

phone to take pictures…” she replied before suddenly realizing what Elspeth was up to. She exclaimed

with a smile of surprise, “You’re so smart, Elspeth!”

Elspeth stood up and stretched. “Alright, don’t worry about this. Just focus on your acting. I’m going out

and will be back in about half an hour if nothing crops up.”

Confident in her friend’s resourcefulness, Yelena immediately nodded before going back with a spring

in her step.

No one other than Yelena knew where Elspeth had gone. In the afternoon, however, a video was

uploaded to the internet, showing Elspeth in that particular scene in ultra-high definition.

No sooner had the video been uploaded than it caused a huge stir in the entire entertainment industry.

It was watched by an endless stream of netizens, many of whom left their comments.

A netizen commented, ‘How can such great acting by Elspeth be called provocation? It should be

called outshining, no?’

Another commented, ‘I’ve watched Emma Walker’s performance before, and her acting was mediocre.

So what if Elspeth was provoking her?!’

The third commented, ‘I’m one of the crew members on set. Elspeth is not only pretty but also a skilled

actor; even the lead actor had difficulty keeping up with her.’

Some even revealed Elspeth’s identity right away. One commented, ‘You know what? Elspeth is

Professor Payton Schwartz’s only protégé. No wonder she’s so skilled in acting!’

Another commented, ‘Payton Schwartz is a rare bigwig in the industry, and his protégé has to be at

least a master at acting. There should be nothing wrong with Elspeth advising on Emma’s acting, no?’

A third netizen commented, ‘How affected of Emma Walker to look all hurt like a phony goody-two-

shoes at being criticized.’

Seeing how the tide immediately turned against Emma on the internet, Yelena laughed and tapped

away at the keyboard, following the crowd in tearing Emma apart.

Timothy’s lips twitched at the sight of this. “Let’s not get involved in this, alright? You’re a public figure,

after all.”

Yelena gave him a disdainful look. “How boring! Who told you that public figures don’t like engaging in

gossip? I have four other alt accounts, any of which I can switch to if this account gets banned. I have

to avenge Elspeth!”

Both Timothy and Blake were rendered lost for words by her reply.

Elspeth came back soon after that. Seeing how the two men froze in stupefaction while Yelena tapped

away at the keyboard in high spirits, she couldn’t help but smile in amusement. “What are you all


Yelena replied, “You’ve got no idea, Elspeth. Emma has really shot herself in the foot. So many people

are criticizing her now!” Having gotten the anger and resentment off her chest, she was filled with pride

and exaltation.

Elspeth replied, “We’re all slaves of opinion, so you can’t be too careful. We have to be even more

careful from now on, especially you. Once you become an object of hatred, your reputation will be


Yelena was already sick of hearing the same thing countless times. “Yeah, yeah, I got it. Say, Elspeth,

what do you think Emma is doing at the moment?”

Elspeth didn’t even frown at the mention of the woman. “I don’t know.”

Meanwhile, in the hotel room…

Emma had hatred written all over her face. After dialing Callum’s number, she poured out all her

grievances, saying, “Callum, Elspeth bullied me again—”

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Callum replied, “She wouldn’t have done so if you hadn’t messed with her in the first place.” He knew

Elspeth very well. She was the kind of person who would never offend anyone unless she got offended,

in which case she would root out the person who had offended her.

“But I really didn’t do anything this time. I’m being targeted for no reason. Now the internet is full of

news articles lambasting me. I dare not even go out anymore…”

Callum only felt his head throbbing as Emma expressively poured out her grievances. “Alright, I got it.

I’ll come up with a solution.”

After hanging up the phone, Emma clenched her fists and gnashed her teeth in hatred. Elspeth and

Yelena, that buffoon… I won’t let off anyone who tries to undermine me! At the end of her thoughts, a

sinister smile suddenly appeared on her face.

In the end, the incident didn’t bubble for long before it got overshadowed by other news articles and

caused its headline to be pulled out of the list of trending topics.

Yelena looked displeased. “I seriously don’t understand why someone could be so meddlesome as to

pull this out of the list of trending topics on purpose. Say, could it be Callum’s doing?”

Elspeth fanned herself with the fan in her hand without even looking up. “It’s got to be him.”

“I’ve got to hand it to him. Just hurry and break up with him instead of letting him keep you dangling,

will you?”

Elspeth knew Yelena was saying that for her own good. She was also particularly disappointed with

Callum, but there had to be a reason for his sudden about-face. If she were to break up with him hastily

without finding out the reason, she would definitely regret it. “Alright, that’s enough. There’s no way to

bring Emma down for the time being, anyway, so why don’t you concentrate on your acting instead of

worrying about this? Your show and Emma’s will probably be aired at the same time. If you end up

embarrassing yourself, you won’t be able to do anything about it.”

The instant Yelena heard this, she couldn’t help having a look of frustration. “You’ve got no idea how

pure and innocent Blake is. He said this would be his first time filming a kissing scene. We’re talking

about his very first on-screen kiss, you know? And it’s gonna be spoiled by me, so he’s really reluctant

to do it. The director told me to break through his psychological barrier and get the scene done in two
