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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 178
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As soon as the words ‘sharing the same bed’ fell from Callum’s lips, Elspeth immediately felt her face

burning red. She was at a loss for how to answer and could only give Callum a fierce glare. “Fine, then


Callum didn’t seem to notice her glare as he turned his head away. “I’m not leaving.”

“I’ll prepare the guest room for you.”

He shook his head. “I’ve already built a relationship with your bed, and it says it doesn’t want to part

with me.”

The corners of her mouth twitched at his daring. “In that case, why don’t you call out to it and see if it

agrees with you?”

Then, she saw him sitting on the bed, holding the side and asking, “Do you want me to leave?”

The bed shook violently three times, making loud creaking noises.

Just as she was about to interject, he added, “Do you want me to sleep with Elspeth?”

He rocked his body, and the bed creaked once.

Callum shrugged and spread his hands. “Look, I told you; you need to sleep with me. Otherwise, your

bed will be very upset.”

Elspeth couldn’t help but feel amused at his antics. “Callum, how childish can you be?”

“Also, a ghost will hide under your bed tonight if you insist on sleeping alone. While you’re sleeping, it

will climb out from under your bed and watch you sleep…”

She smacked her palm against his head. “I’m not scared of ghosts.”

He took the slap without protest and looked at her aggrievedly. “But I’m scared. I don’t dare to sleep


In that case, who were you trying to scare with that ghost story?

Elspeth rested her forehead against her palm as she tried to find a way out of this. Eventually, when

she saw how persistent he was being, she pointed at the ground and announced, “You can sleep in my

room tonight. But you will sleep on the floor, and I will sleep on the bed.”

Callum opened his mouth to probably say something cheeky. Alas, before he could say anything, he

promptly swallowed his words after seeing the evil eye she was giving him. “Also, I will kick you out if I

find you climbing into my bed.”

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The bed smelled like her, so he was truly very reluctant to leave.

Nevertheless, he obediently listened to her demands and slept on the ground. That way, he could at

least lie to himself better as he was sleeping in the same room as her.

She could not get a good night’s sleep that night. It was her first time sleeping in the same room as a

man, so her nerves remained tense throughout the night.

On the other hand, he seemed utterly unaffected and slept soundly that night.

Callum fell silent when he woke up the following day. The moment he noticed the deep and dark circles

under Elspeth’s eyes, he hesitantly said, “Was it… Very tiring last night?”

Elspeth yawned and snapped irritably, “Yeah, that’s all thanks to you!”

After the butler passing nearby heard her words, he was so shocked that he nearly slipped and fell.

When she saw the horrified look that the butler was giving her, she immediately knew that he had

misunderstood her words. Her voice became a little anxious, “It’s not what you think!”

He glanced at the butler lightly and smiled at her. “Don’t be shy. I won’t press you for answers.”

After the butler heard those words, he couldn’t help but shudder. “Didn’t I prepare a guest room for you

last night, Mr. Winthrop? Why…”

He never expected the two to sleep together, even though Michael had explicitly ordered them to sleep

separately last night.

Elspeth seemed to realize upon hearing the butler’s mutterings. Sure enough, a glint of murderous

intent appeared in her eyes. “Callum Winthrop… There was a guest room prepared for you, wasn’t


Callum rotated his wrists with an indifferent expression. “The bed in the guest room is too hard. I

couldn’t sleep well.”

What bed would be harder than the ground? She gritted her teeth and forced a smile. “You sure are


He graced her with a small smile. “I know how capable I am. But there are others here. It’s

inappropriate to talk about that here.”

After he said that, he glanced at the butler with a seemingly unintentional look.

The butler smiled awkwardly, cold sweat pouring profusely down his back. Why are they telling me

about their bedroom matters? If old Mr. Joneson discovers that I failed in my task, I might be fired on

the spot!

The butler cursed vehemently at Callum in his heart, but he still had to pretend to be pleasant and

generous on the surface. “I don’t know anything. Old Mr. Joneson is calling for me, so I have to go.”

Elspeth had never seen the butler walking so quickly before. Yet, she merely turned to roll her eyes at

Callum when she saw the butler fleeing in panic.

“Why are you giving me that look?”

She took a deep breath, trying to restrain her temper for her sanity’s sake. “I’m going to the hospital to

visit Frank later. Will you be coming with me?”

The humor in Callum’s eyes vanished instantly when he thought about how she was running around

every day because of other men. “No.”

She looked at the sulky expression on his face and asked coolly, “Why? Are you planning to stay at

home and have tea with Grandfather?”

When his mind brought up the vision of the old man who was clearly unhappy with him yet had to fake

a genial appearance, he furrowed his eyebrows deeply. “In that case, I will drive you there.”

So, they cleaned themselves up without further ado. Then, they left the house and headed to the

hospital in Callum’s car.

Inside the hospital, Frank was chatting away with Spencer. When he saw Elspeth and Callum walking

over, he quirked his eyebrows lightly at the sight of them coming together.

“You’re here.”

When she saw that Frank seemed to be fine, she was secretly amazed by his speedy recovery. “Let

me check your back.”



Two voices rang out at the same time. Frank was one of pure awkwardness and embarrassment. On

the other hand, Callum looked cold and forbidding. His expression almost seemed like he was about to

skin Frank alive.

“I am a doctor. Why are the both of you kicking such a fuss?”

Therefore, she decided to strong-arm her way through their rejection as she lifted the cloth covering

Frank’s back without warning. She looked at the flesh that was gradually healing on his back and

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nodded in satisfaction. “You’re recovering well. It’ll probably finish healing in another two or three days.”

Frank never imagined that a woman would possess such strength. She held his arm so firmly that he

couldn’t even budge.

“Elspeth, are you really a woman?”

She looked at how easily he was being manipulated and mockingly said, “If I’m not a woman, would

that make you one?”

A man being held down by a woman. Just who is more humiliated here?

Frank flushed, shamefaced, but he could not refute her words.

At this point, Callum’s expression was as dark as the bottom of the pot. He suddenly felt highly irritated

when he was forced to watch their playful yet casual interaction. “Are you done?”

Frank’s self-preservation radar probably died from discomfort earlier, as he even had the heart to joke

teasingly, “What’s this? Are you jealous? I can’t believe you’re jealous of your own uncle! Callum,

you’re such a petty man.”

Callum shifted his cold gaze to Frank’s face, and the look in his eyes was threatening.

“Why are you glaring at me with that look? Look at him, Elspeth. Your boyfriend is such a fierce man.”

Callum narrowed his eyes. “Whom are you saying is fierce?”

“What’s wrong with saying something about you? You’re living in my house! If you’re going to give me

such an attitude, then I’ll just kick you out!”

Elspeth had always thought that Frank was an unreachable man before she got to know him

personally. He had always seemed so arrogant that it was hard to approach him. Moreover, he always

had a sour expression on his face.

After she actually got to know the man beneath the mask, she realized that he was actually a childish

man. His words were often aggressive and mocking. Not to mention, he was often sarcastic to


“Alright, that’s enough. You’re both injured. Can you calm down for once?”

Her head was buzzing with their noisy quarrel.

Frank swallowed the words on the tip of his tongue and muttered angrily, “I would never forgive you if it

weren’t for Elspeth.”

“If you’re going to be like that, then don’t blame me for being rude.”

Callum was nearly 1.9 meters tall. Coupled with his frigid expression and terrifying temper, he certainly

looked like he would attack somebody at a moment’s notice.