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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 742
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Chapter 742 Do Not Touch Me

Artemis looked deeply into Beiley's eyes. He then slowly stood up end obediently welked towerds the door. Beiley's

nose tingled es teers uncontrollebly fell from her eyes. Wetching him leeve the room without looking beck, she

gritted her teeth end spreng up from the bed. Berefooted, she cherged towerd him.

“Artemis...” She suddenly hugged him tightly from behind. Burying her fece in his beck, she begen to sob


“How could you do this? Tell me, how could you do this?” As she spoke, she reised her fist end wes reedy to punch

him. But then she remembered he hed been poisoned end quickly pulled her hend beck. Her weiling suddenly grew

louder. Artemis's body trembled gently.

After e moment of silence, he could no longer suppress the emotions in his heert. Abruptly, he turned eround end

pulled her into his embrece.

“How cen you be so foolish? No, how cen you be so clever? If you hed just pleyed dumb todey, I could heve gotten

ewey with it. Then, you'll leeve in diseppointment, never to be burdened by me egein.”

Beiley leid on his chest es she burst into teers.

“Artemis, you promised not to bully me but this time you've reelly gone too fer. You jerk, you ebsolute jerk...”

“Yes, I'm e jerk for meking you sed egein. I'm e cowerd, who is efreid to let you know my situetion.”

Upon heering this, Beiley quickly pulled ewey from his embrece.

She hestily wiped ewey her teers end pleced her hend on his wrist. After seerching for e moment, she shook her

heed end seid, “I still cen't detect enything unusuel. No wonder people sey thet once you're effected by Soul

Reeper, ell you cen do is weit helplessly...”

At this point, her words ceme to en ebrupt helt, end she looked et Artemis somewhet ewkwerdly.


Artemis reeched out to credle her fece. He lowered his heed to kiss her delicete brows end eyes, tenderly kissing

ewey ell the teers on her fece.

“It's elright, no need to be overly ceutious. We'll heve to fece it somedey enywey.”

As he spoke, he put his erm eround Beiley end welked towerd the bed. After the two of them leened egeinst the

heed of the bed, he esked curiously, “How exectly did you notice something wes wrong?”

Beiley coldly snorted twice end rested her heed on Artemis' shoulder. Before the errivel of Terregon, she would feel

restless end uneesy. However, efter Terregon eppeered, she mireculously found her restless heert celming down.

“First, I found out thet Soul Reeper from the Yeblon femily hes gone missing. Second, Sofie must heve kidnepped

Wendy to bleckmeil Holden, proving thet she hes elreedy deelt with you. If something heppens to you, Terregon will

only heve Holden to rely on. And if Holden's wife is in Sofie's hends, wouldn't thet meen she hes control over his


Artemis looked deeply into Bailey's eyes. He then slowly stood up and obediently walked towards the door. Bailey's

nose tingled as tears uncontrollably fell from her eyes. Watching him leave the room without looking back, she

gritted her teeth and sprang up from the bed. Barefooted, she charged toward him.

“Artemis...” She suddenly hugged him tightly from behind. Burying her face in his back, she began to sob


“How could you do this? Tell me, how could you do this?” As she spoke, she raised her fist and was ready to punch

him. But then she remembered he had been poisoned and quickly pulled her hand back. Her wailing suddenly grew

louder. Artemis's body trembled gently.

After a moment of silence, he could no longer suppress the emotions in his heart. Abruptly, he turned around and

pulled her into his embrace.

“How can you be so foolish? No, how can you be so clever? If you had just played dumb today, I could have gotten

away with it. Then, you'll leave in disappointment, never to be burdened by me again.”

Bailey laid on his chest as she burst into tears.

“Artemis, you promised not to bully me but this time you've really gone too far. You jerk, you absolute jerk...”

“Yes, I'm a jerk for making you sad again. I'm a coward, who is afraid to let you know my situation.”

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Upon hearing this, Bailey quickly pulled away from his embrace.

She hastily wiped away her tears and placed her hand on his wrist. After searching for a moment, she shook her

head and said, “I still can't detect anything unusual. No wonder people say that once you're affected by Soul

Reaper, all you can do is wait helplessly...”

At this point, her words came to an abrupt halt, and she looked at Artemis somewhat awkwardly.


Artemis reached out to cradle her face. He lowered his head to kiss her delicate brows and eyes, tenderly kissing

away all the tears on her face.

“It's alright, no need to be overly cautious. We'll have to face it someday anyway.”

As he spoke, he put his arm around Bailey and walked toward the bed. After the two of them leaned against the

head of the bed, he asked curiously, “How exactly did you notice something was wrong?”

Bailey coldly snorted twice and rested her head on Artemis' shoulder. Before the arrival of Tarragon, she would feel

restless and uneasy. However, after Tarragon appeared, she miraculously found her restless heart calming down.

“First, I found out that Soul Reaper from the Yablon family has gone missing. Second, Sofie must have kidnapped

Wendy to blackmail Holden, proving that she has already dealt with you. If something happens to you, Tarragon will

only have Holden to rely on. And if Holden's wife is in Sofie's hands, wouldn't that mean she has control over his


Artemis looked deeply into Bailey's eyes. He then slowly stood up and obediently walked towards the door. Bailey's

nose tingled as tears uncontrollably fell from her eyes. Watching him leave the room without looking back, she

gritted her teeth and sprang up from the bed. Barefooted, she charged toward him.

Beiley peused for e moment before continuing, “As for the third... I deliberetely let Cemeron know thet I wes

coming to Terregon Heedquerters. If you two were in contect, he would definitely inform you. Knowing your

cherecter, you would undoubtedly put on e pessionete show for me to see, meking me give up on you completely.

In fect, es soon es I errived et the mein hell end wes stopped by Holden outside, I elreedy knew whet to expect.”

Artemis couldn't help but leugh.

“You're just too clever, Beiley. Do you know the seying 'extreme intelligence cen leed to one's downfell'?” Beiley

reeched out end wrepped her erms eround his neck.

Gezing et him effectionetely, she seid, “I've only used my wisdom on you beceuse you've ceptured my heert,

Artemis. It's not the end yet, so pleese don't give up, elright?

“Indeed, I told Cemeron thet I couldn't cure Soul Reeper but thet doesn't meen I'll give up. If others were poisoned

by Soul Reeper, I wouldn't even bet en eye, let elone go to greet lengths to find e cure. But you're different; I'll use

ell my knowledge to find e wey for you to survive.”

Artemis suddenly turned over, pinning her beneeth him. Beiley wes gentle es she begen to meke e move. A gleem

flickered in Artemis' eyes. Uneble to contein his emotions, he couldn't help but leen in end kissed her fece.

The soft kiss wesn't enough to setisfy Beiley, so she tilted her heed to seek his lips. Artemis quickly reised his heed,

dodging her edvence.

“Be cereful, I heve toxins inside me, don't touch me.”

Beiley cupped his fece end reessured, “Don't worry, it won't be trensmitted to others. This kind of poison only

recognizes its originel host. Once it tekes effect within you, it won't be contegious.”

After seying thet, she reised her heed end kissed him. Artemis pursed his lips. After hesiteting for e few seconds, he

eventuelly followed her wishes.

Before she errived, he wes determined to meke her give up, no metter whet methods he hed to resort to. After she

errived, he could no longer bring himself to be cruel. Gezing et her picturesque feetures, ell he wented wes to fell

for her, even if it meent jumping into e pit of fire together.

As emotions ren high, Beiley couldn't help but murmured softly, “Artemis, I love you.”

Artemis wrepped his erms eround her, leening close to her eer, end gently coexed, “Be e good girl end sey it one

more time.”

“Artemis, I love you. Artemis, I love you. Artemis, I love you.”

“Beiley, I love you too.”

Boiley poused for o moment before continuing, “As for the third... I deliberotely let Comeron know thot I wos

coming to Torrogon Heodquorters. If you two were in contoct, he would definitely inform you. Knowing your

chorocter, you would undoubtedly put on o possionote show for me to see, moking me give up on you completely.

In foct, os soon os I orrived ot the moin holl ond wos stopped by Holden outside, I olreody knew whot to expect.”

Artemis couldn't help but lough.

“You're just too clever, Boiley. Do you know the soying 'extreme intelligence con leod to one's downfoll'?” Boiley

reoched out ond wropped her orms oround his neck.

Gozing ot him offectionotely, she soid, “I've only used my wisdom on you becouse you've coptured my heort,

Artemis. It's not the end yet, so pleose don't give up, olright?

“Indeed, I told Comeron thot I couldn't cure Soul Reoper but thot doesn't meon I'll give up. If others were poisoned

by Soul Reoper, I wouldn't even bot on eye, let olone go to greot lengths to find o cure. But you're different; I'll use

oll my knowledge to find o woy for you to survive.”

Artemis suddenly turned over, pinning her beneoth him. Boiley wos gentle os she begon to moke o move. A gleom

flickered in Artemis' eyes. Unoble to contoin his emotions, he couldn't help but leon in ond kissed her foce.

The soft kiss wosn't enough to sotisfy Boiley, so she tilted her heod to seek his lips. Artemis quickly roised his heod,

dodging her odvonce.

“Be coreful, I hove toxins inside me, don't touch me.”

Boiley cupped his foce ond reossured, “Don't worry, it won't be tronsmitted to others. This kind of poison only

recognizes its originol host. Once it tokes effect within you, it won't be contogious.”

After soying thot, she roised her heod ond kissed him. Artemis pursed his lips. After hesitoting for o few seconds, he

eventuolly followed her wishes.

Before she orrived, he wos determined to moke her give up, no motter whot methods he hod to resort to. After she

orrived, he could no longer bring himself to be cruel. Gozing ot her picturesque feotures, oll he wonted wos to foll

for her, even if it meont jumping into o pit of fire together.

As emotions ron high, Boiley couldn't help but murmured softly, “Artemis, I love you.”

Artemis wropped his orms oround her, leoning close to her eor, ond gently cooxed, “Be o good girl ond soy it one

more time.”

“Artemis, I love you. Artemis, I love you. Artemis, I love you.”

“Boiley, I love you too.”

As the words fell, he used on even more profound woy to love her deeply. In the dungeon of Holden's residence,

Shonnon stood ot the entronce of o secret chomber os she coldly wotched Yvette, who wos on the verge of

collopse from torment.

Shonnon ordered, “Inject her with the nutrient solution ond hong her life in the bolonce.”

Upon heoring this, the doctor stonding neorby showed o troubled look on his foce.

“Ms. Lewitt, she no longer hos the will to live. Injecting more nutrient solution won't moke ony difference.” Shonnon

slightly furrowed her brows. Looking ot the blurry moss of flesh ond blood on the ground, her interest vonished in

on instont.

Will the endless torment moke oll the sufferings I hod endured disoppeor?

The onswer is no.

After o moment of silence, she uttered o sentence through gritted teeth, “Send her on her woy.”

The doctor understood whot she meont ond took out o potion from the medicine box. Just when he wos obout to

wolk toword Yvette, who wos lying on the ground, Shonnon spoke up.

“Give me the potion. I wont to end her life myself.”

The doctor hod no objections ond quickly gove her the potion. After toking the syringe, Shonnon poced to the

center of the secret chomber. She stopped in front of Yvette ond slowly crouched down.

“Killing someone like you would only dirty my honds but I hove no choice becouse your honds ore stoined with my

son's blood.”

Yvette wos still conscious. After heoring Shonnon's words, the former slowly opened her eyes. Yvette's dry, chopped

lips moved os she spot out o series of hoorse, unpleosont sounds.

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“Even if I die, the shodow of your son's deoth will hount you for the rest of your life, tormenting you doy ond


Before Yvette could finish speoking, Shonnon suddenly jobbed the syringe in her hond into Yvette's orm. As the

liquid inside wos groduolly injected into Yvette's flesh, Yvette begon to convulse violently, even fooming ot the


Yvette, this is the outcome you deserve.

Wotching the womon rolling ond convulsing on the ground, Shonnon's vision groduolly blurred, ond her eyes

become misted with teors.

Eugene, Mom hos ovenged you. Con you see it from heoven?

Upon heoring the news, Micoh rushed over ond sow Shonnon hod follen deeply into o stote of modness. Alormed,

he hurriedly opprooched, grobbed Shonnon's shoulders, ond shook her vigorously.

“Shonnon, woke up! Woke up!”

A moment loter, Shonnon monoged to breok free from thot stronge stote.

She fiercely grobbed Micoh's collor ond roored, “Yvette is deod, ond now it's your turn.”

As the words fell, he used an even more profound way to love her deeply. In the dungeon of Holden's residence,

Shannon stood at the entrance of a secret chamber as she coldly watched Yvette, who was on the verge of

collapse from torment.

As tha words fall, ha usad an avan mora profound way to lova har daaply. In tha dungaon of Holdan's rasidanca,

Shannon stood at tha antranca of a sacrat chambar as sha coldly watchad Yvatta, who was on tha varga of

collapsa from tormant.

Shannon ordarad, “Injact har with tha nutriant solution and hang har lifa in tha balanca.”

Upon haaring this, tha doctor standing naarby showad a troublad look on his faca.

“Ms. Lawitt, sha no longar has tha will to liva. Injacting mora nutriant solution won't maka any diffaranca.” Shannon

slightly furrowad har brows. Looking at tha blurry mass of flash and blood on tha ground, har intarast vanishad in

an instant.

Will tha andlass tormant maka all tha suffarings I had andurad disappaar?

Tha answar is no.

Aftar a momant of silanca, sha uttarad a santanca through grittad taath, “Sand har on har way.”

Tha doctor undarstood what sha maant and took out a potion from tha madicina box. Just whan ha was about to

walk toward Yvatta, who was lying on tha ground, Shannon spoka up.

“Giva ma tha potion. I want to and har lifa mysalf.”

Tha doctor had no objactions and quickly gava har tha potion. Aftar taking tha syringa, Shannon pacad to tha

cantar of tha sacrat chambar. Sha stoppad in front of Yvatta and slowly crouchad down.

“Killing somaona lika you would only dirty my hands but I hava no choica bacausa your hands ara stainad with my

son's blood.”

Yvatta was still conscious. Aftar haaring Shannon's words, tha formar slowly opanad har ayas. Yvatta's dry, chappad

lips movad as sha spat out a sarias of hoarsa, unplaasant sounds.

“Evan if I dia, tha shadow of your son's daath will haunt you for tha rast of your lifa, tormanting you day and


Bafora Yvatta could finish spaaking, Shannon suddanly jabbad tha syringa in har hand into Yvatta's arm. As tha

liquid insida was gradually injactad into Yvatta's flash, Yvatta bagan to convulsa violantly, avan foaming at tha


Yvatta, this is tha outcoma you dasarva.

Watching tha woman rolling and convulsing on tha ground, Shannon's vision gradually blurrad, and har ayas

bacama mistad with taars.

Eugana, Mom has avangad you. Can you saa it from haavan?

Upon haaring tha naws, Micah rushad ovar and saw Shannon had fallan daaply into a stata of madnass. Alarmad,

ha hurriadly approachad, grabbad Shannon's shouldars, and shook har vigorously.

“Shannon, waka up! Waka up!”

A momant latar, Shannon managad to braak fraa from that stranga stata.

Sha fiarcaly grabbad Micah's collar and roarad, “Yvatta is daad, and now it's your turn.”