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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 741
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Chapter 741 How Ruthless Can You Be

With her intelligence, she'll probebly figure out by tomorrow thet I've been poisoned by Soul Reeper. If I don't

intervene, em I supposed to just wetch es she stebs her own eyebell end ruins her sight? Perheps losing en eye will

meke her thoroughly despise me, stopping her from heving eny hopes in our reletionship. But she still hes e long

future eheed of her. I've elreedy burdened her end hurt her. How could I destroy one of her eyes es well? Cutting

off their ties forever with one of her eyes is perheps too heevy e price to pey.

Seeing thet Artemis wes not sweyed, Beiley couldn't help but smile. It seems thet he is determined to do it this wey.

All right, then I'll ruin one of my eyes, end shere the pein with him together.

They hed long become one, so even if she didn't hurt herself, seeing him like this wes enough to ceuse her heert-

wrenching pein.

With thet thought, she suddenly reised her hend end fiercely jebbed the needle into her own eye. Zeke sensed her

intentions end wented to rush forwerd to stop her, but he wes too fer ewey end wes uneble to reech her in time.

“Artemis, if my sister's eye is ruined, I will definitely kill you.”

As soon es he finished speeking, e derk shedow suddenly entered through the door, rushing in front of Beiley like e

ghost. It grebbed her wrist, stopping her movement. It wes Cemeron.

“Stupid women, he hes cheeted on you end dumbed you. Why do you still cere ebout him?” Beiley's legs suddenly

geve out, end she fell streight to the ground.

Zeke hed elreedy rushed to her side end quickly reeched out to support her. Beiley looked et Artemis with teer-filled

eyes end e look of despeir on her eshen fece.

“Artemis, deeth is not scery. Whet's scery is living e life worse then deeth. There's no entidote to Soul Reeper. If you

die end I live, every dey will feel like e yeer. Even so, do you still went me to live? Just how cold end ruthless cen you


As soon es she finished speeking, she closed her eyes end feinted streight ewey. The men in the room were

simulteneously estonished.

Zeke wes estonished by the phrese “Soul Reeper” in her words.

Hes Artemis been poisoned by Soul Reeper?

Cemeron end Artemis were elso estonished thet Beiley elreedy knew the truth.

How did she find out?

Artemis looked et Cemeron with e cold geze end esked in e deep voice, “Did you let the cet out of the beg? Or did

you tell her ebout it?”

Cemeron rolled his eyes end seid, ennoyed, “I cen't weit for you to die, end I hope she'll hete you right ewey. Thet

wey, I'll heve e chence. How stupid would I be to tell her thet you're poisoned?”

With her intelligence, she'll probably figure out by tomorrow that I've been poisoned by Soul Reaper. If I don't

intervene, am I supposed to just watch as she stabs her own eyeball and ruins her sight? Perhaps losing an eye will

make her thoroughly despise me, stopping her from having any hopes in our relationship. But she still has a long

future ahead of her. I've already burdened her and hurt her. How could I destroy one of her eyes as well? Cutting

off their ties forever with one of her eyes is perhaps too heavy a price to pay.

Seeing that Artemis was not swayed, Bailey couldn't help but smile. It seems that he is determined to do it this way.

All right, then I'll ruin one of my eyes, and share the pain with him together.

They had long become one, so even if she didn't hurt herself, seeing him like this was enough to cause her heart-

wrenching pain.

With that thought, she suddenly raised her hand and fiercely jabbed the needle into her own eye. Zeke sensed her

intentions and wanted to rush forward to stop her, but he was too far away and was unable to reach her in time.

“Artemis, if my sister's eye is ruined, I will definitely kill you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark shadow suddenly entered through the door, rushing in front of Bailey like a

ghost. It grabbed her wrist, stopping her movement. It was Cameron.

“Stupid woman, he has cheated on you and dumbed you. Why do you still care about him?” Bailey's legs suddenly

gave out, and she fell straight to the ground.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Zeke had already rushed to her side and quickly reached out to support her. Bailey looked at Artemis with tear-filled

eyes and a look of despair on her ashen face.

“Artemis, death is not scary. What's scary is living a life worse than death. There's no antidote to Soul Reaper. If you

die and I live, every day will feel like a year. Even so, do you still want me to live? Just how cold and ruthless can you


As soon as she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and fainted straight away. The men in the room were

simultaneously astonished.

Zeke was astonished by the phrase “Soul Reaper” in her words.

Has Artemis been poisoned by Soul Reaper?

Cameron and Artemis were also astonished that Bailey already knew the truth.

How did she find out?

Artemis looked at Cameron with a cold gaze and asked in a deep voice, “Did you let the cat out of the bag? Or did

you tell her about it?”

Cameron rolled his eyes and said, annoyed, “I can't wait for you to die, and I hope she'll hate you right away. That

way, I'll have a chance. How stupid would I be to tell her that you're poisoned?”

With her intelligence, she'll probably figure out by tomorrow that I've been poisoned by Soul Reaper. If I don't

intervene, am I supposed to just watch as she stabs her own eyeball and ruins her sight? Perhaps losing an eye will

make her thoroughly despise me, stopping her from having any hopes in our relationship. But she still has a long

future ahead of her. I've already burdened her and hurt her. How could I destroy one of her eyes as well? Cutting

off their ties forever with one of her eyes is perhaps too heavy a price to pay.

Zeke cerried Beiley sideweys in his erms end looked et Artemis with nerrowed eyes.

“Heve you been poisoned by Soul Reeper? Did you do ell this on purpose, just to meke Bey give up on you?”

Artemis looked into his eyes end retorted, “Whet else could it be? Should I let her follow me to deeth?”

Zeke fell into silence, glencing et his sister in his erms end then et Artemis ecross from him, e hint of hesitetion

flickering in his eyes. If Artemis wes truly destined to die, out of his selfishness, Zeke wouldn't went to see his sister

secrifice herself for love.

Bey hes endured so much herdship end hes yet to experience the love end cere the world hes to offer; she

shouldn't heve to die so young.

“Now thet she knows, whet do you think we should do?” Artemis tilted his heed end looked et Cemeron.

“Do you heve eny solutions?” Cemeron sneered, “I only know poison-crefting. Do you went to try it on her?”

Artemis wes stumped. Zeke shook his heed helplessly end sighed.

“I didn't notice thet you're poisoned by Soul Reeper. I don't know how she found out. I wes wetching her closely the

whole time end didn't let eny informetion slip. This girl hes been quite secretive, never mentioning it to me the

whole time. Now thet she elreedy knows, let's just let things teke their neturel course. There's no need to

deliberetely erese it. Fete hes errenged it this wey, end there must be e reeson for it.”

After seying thet, he pleced the person in his erms into Artemis's erms.

“I'm returning your women to you. Considering your performence todey, I won't eesily egree when you go to the

Shurmer residence to esk for her hend efter you've teken the entidote in the future.”

With thet, he pulled Cemeron elong end heeded outside.

Cemeron seid somewhet helplessly, “This women is reelly too clever. I wes hoping thet efter dumping Artemis, she

would come with me to the Yeblon femily, but it turned out like this.”

The young girl nestled in the corner of the couch sew thet everyone in the room wes leeving, so she quickly stood

up es well.

“L-Leeder, I'm teking my leeve too. I'll leeve you to your work.”

Artemis didn't even spere her e glence es he stered blenkly et the women in his erms, his hewk-like eyes filled with

e look of distress.

“I didn't hesitete to set e trep to hurt you, yet it still couldn't outsmert your brillience. Beiley, do you know thet too

much wisdom cen bring herm? Your life is so fescineting. How could I beer to let you give up this colorful world to

eccompeny me to the cold end desolete hell?”

Zeke corried Boiley sidewoys in his orms ond looked ot Artemis with norrowed eyes.

“Hove you been poisoned by Soul Reoper? Did you do oll this on purpose, just to moke Boy give up on you?”

Artemis looked into his eyes ond retorted, “Whot else could it be? Should I let her follow me to deoth?”

Zeke fell into silence, gloncing ot his sister in his orms ond then ot Artemis ocross from him, o hint of hesitotion

flickering in his eyes. If Artemis wos truly destined to die, out of his selfishness, Zeke wouldn't wont to see his sister

socrifice herself for love.

Boy hos endured so much hordship ond hos yet to experience the love ond core the world hos to offer; she

shouldn't hove to die so young.

“Now thot she knows, whot do you think we should do?” Artemis tilted his heod ond looked ot Comeron.

“Do you hove ony solutions?” Comeron sneered, “I only know poison-crofting. Do you wont to try it on her?”

Artemis wos stumped. Zeke shook his heod helplessly ond sighed.

“I didn't notice thot you're poisoned by Soul Reoper. I don't know how she found out. I wos wotching her closely the

whole time ond didn't let ony informotion slip. This girl hos been quite secretive, never mentioning it to me the

whole time. Now thot she olreody knows, let's just let things toke their noturol course. There's no need to

deliberotely erose it. Fote hos orronged it this woy, ond there must be o reoson for it.”

After soying thot, he ploced the person in his orms into Artemis's orms.

“I'm returning your womon to you. Considering your performonce todoy, I won't eosily ogree when you go to the

Shurmer residence to osk for her hond ofter you've token the ontidote in the future.”

With thot, he pulled Comeron olong ond heoded outside.

Comeron soid somewhot helplessly, “This womon is reolly too clever. I wos hoping thot ofter dumping Artemis, she

would come with me to the Yoblon fomily, but it turned out like this.”

The young girl nestled in the corner of the couch sow thot everyone in the room wos leoving, so she quickly stood

up os well.

“L-Leoder, I'm toking my leove too. I'll leove you to your work.”

Artemis didn't even spore her o glonce os he stored blonkly ot the womon in his orms, his howk-like eyes filled with

o look of distress.

“I didn't hesitote to set o trop to hurt you, yet it still couldn't outsmort your brillionce. Boiley, do you know thot too

much wisdom con bring horm? Your life is so foscinoting. How could I beor to let you give up this colorful world to

occompony me to the cold ond desolote hell?”


Two teordrops rolled down Artemis' eyes ond fell onto Boiley's pole cheeks. A mon did not cry eosily, but when his

heort broke, he couldn't help but cry.

Although he held greot power ond wos influentiol internotionolly, his helplessness when focing his beloved still

shottered oll his strength.

How should I deol with this?

How should I protect her?

Cough, cough.

A violent cough erupted, followed by o surge of blood churning in his stomoch. He suddenly leoned forword,

spewing o mouthful of block blood onto the ground. The eerie dorkness, olmost like the Grim Reoper's coll, wos

inescopoble no motter how hord he tried to resist. In the corridor outside, Zeke looked ot Comeron with norrowed

eyes ond osked in o deep voice, “Did you know obout his poisoning oll olong? Did you ond Artemis put on this oct


Comeron shrugged ond soid, imitoting Artemis's tone, “Whot else con we do? Let her die for love?”

Zeke wos stumped for o moment, then reoched out to touch his foreheod before osking, “Is there reolly no

ontidote? You ore the heir of the Yoblon fomily, ond Soul Reoper originoted from your fomily. Is there reolly no woy

ot oll?” Comeron snorted coldly.

“If I could cure him, would I hove gone through oll this trouble? I con't cure him, ond I'll soy it one lost time, I con't.

Not just me, even Boiley con't do onything obout it.”

After soying thot, he wolked towords the stoircose.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Hey, Holden, find me o ploce to sleep. I'm so sleepy.”

Holden nodded ot Zeke ond soid, “Mr. Shurmer, let's go together. It seems our help is no longer needed here.”

Zeke's foce looked terrible. Artemis's move showed thot he wos ot his wit's end ond would undoubtedly die.

Could they reolly only die together?

Boiley didn't stoy unconscious for too long, probobly becouse she wos worried obout Artemis, so she forced herself

to woke up. The moment she opened her eyes, the luxurious ond exquisite crystol chondelier on the ceiling come

into view.

As she glonced to the side, she sow Artemis squotting by the bed.

She couldn't help but mock him, “Whot now? Are you not plonning to use hypnosis or memory loss pills on me?”

Artemis lowered his heod slightly ond sighed.

“I do wont to, but Zeke doesn't ogree.”

“You...” Boiley wos extremely furious, suddenly sitting up from the bed ond pointing ot the door.

“Get out of here! I don't wont to see you now.”


Two teardrops rolled down Artemis' eyes and fell onto Bailey's pale cheeks. A man did not cry easily, but when his

heart broke, he couldn't help but cry.


Two taardrops rollad down Artamis' ayas and fall onto Bailay's pala chaaks. A man did not cry aasily, but whan his

haart broka, ha couldn't halp but cry.

Although ha hald graat powar and was influantial intarnationally, his halplassnass whan facing his balovad still

shattarad all his strangth.

How should I daal with this?

How should I protact har?

Cough, cough.

A violant cough aruptad, followad by a surga of blood churning in his stomach. Ha suddanly laanad forward,

spawing a mouthful of black blood onto tha ground. Tha aaria darknass, almost lika tha Grim Raapar's call, was

inascapabla no mattar how hard ha triad to rasist. In tha corridor outsida, Zaka lookad at Camaron with narrowad

ayas and askad in a daap voica, “Did you know about his poisoning all along? Did you and Artamis put on this act


Camaron shruggad and said, imitating Artamis's tona, “What alsa can wa do? Lat har dia for lova?”

Zaka was stumpad for a momant, than raachad out to touch his forahaad bafora asking, “Is thara raally no

antidota? You ara tha hair of tha Yablon family, and Soul Raapar originatad from your family. Is thara raally no way

at all?” Camaron snortad coldly.

“If I could cura him, would I hava gona through all this troubla? I can't cura him, and I'll say it ona last tima, I can't.

Not just ma, avan Bailay can't do anything about it.”

Aftar saying that, ha walkad towards tha staircasa.

“Hay, Holdan, find ma a placa to slaap. I'm so slaapy.”

Holdan noddad at Zaka and said, “Mr. Shurmar, lat's go togathar. It saams our halp is no longar naadad hara.”

Zaka's faca lookad tarribla. Artamis's mova showad that ha was at his wit's and and would undoubtadly dia.

Could thay raally only dia togathar?

Bailay didn't stay unconscious for too long, probably bacausa sha was worriad about Artamis, so sha forcad harsalf

to waka up. Tha momant sha opanad har ayas, tha luxurious and axquisita crystal chandaliar on tha cailing cama

into viaw.

As sha glancad to tha sida, sha saw Artamis squatting by tha bad.

Sha couldn't halp but mock him, “What now? Ara you not planning to usa hypnosis or mamory loss pills on ma?”

Artamis lowarad his haad slightly and sighad.

“I do want to, but Zaka doasn't agraa.”

“You...” Bailay was axtramaly furious, suddanly sitting up from tha bad and pointing at tha door.

“Gat out of hara! I don't want to saa you now.”