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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 665
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Chapter 665 Die With Her

Bailey's lips curved into an insidious smile as she watched Yvette's retreating figure.

It would be wrong to say that Yvette was dumb. After all, she was ambitious and knew how to analyze the situation.

However, it would also be wrong to say that she was smart. It did not take much to anger her and have her make

the wrong decision.

Yvette would soon realize how dumb she was.

Her failure was not due to her incapability but because she was overconfident to the point that she got carried


Any intelligent person would take advantage of the situation and get rid of the other party.

However, Yvette accepted Bailey's suggestion to satisfy her ego and get revenge instead.

It's time for her to die, and it will be an unfair death.

Two bodyguards came over, grabbed Bailey's arms, and dragged her toward the wooden pillar.

She slowly lifted her head and watched the snowflakes dance in the air. Her smile grew bigger.

A lot of people want to end my life, but none of them have been able to succeed.

Since that incident seven years ago, she had grown to become stronger and more emotionless. Apart from

Artemis, no one in the world could harm her.

Yvette gave Artemis a call after returning to the warehouse.

“Leader, I've managed to subdue the leader of the Saviors. We can finally avenge the dead members of Tarragon.”

A cold and emotionless voice rang out from the other end of the call. “Okay, I got it. Do what you want, but let me

remind you one thing. If you killed her, the Saviors might go crazy and take revenge on you. You'd better brace

yourself. After all, I can't be looking after you and protecting you all the time.”

One could tell that he was trying to scare her so she would be afraid and not dare to act impulsively.

In other words, he wanted Yvette to take the initiative to invite him over to deal with Bailey.

Artemis was indeed good at manipulating others.

Of course, even if he did not say it, Yvette would've still invited him to deal with Bailey since Bailey had incited her.

“Um... It's scaring me a little now that you put it that way. Leader, you were the one who suggested hunting down

Bailey. How about... you come and take her life yourself? After all, you're the leader of Tarragon. Even if you killed

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Bailey, the Saviors could not do anything about it. It's a different story for me. If I do it, I'll just be courting death.

After thinking about it, I think it's better if you do it instead.”

Artemis chuckled lightly. “What? Are you afraid to die? You don't dare to kill her anymore? I was just trying to scare

you. It's fine. Just shoot her. You don't need me to come and do it myself.”

Yvette was thrilled to hear that.

It looks like Artemis has forgotten everything about Bailey. He doesn't even hesitate to talk about killing her. In that

case, there's nothing I have to worry about. I can ask him to come over.

“Leader, it's better if you come. After all, she's the leader of the Saviors. It would be better if you're the one who

kills her.”

“Fine. Since you're so afraid of death, I'll come.”

With that, he hung up the phone.

A sinister smile appeared on Yvette's lips as she listened to the beeping tone from the phone.

It's time to meet your end, Bailey. You'll face the cruelest death and experience the true meaning of pain by dying

at the hands of the man you love.

About ten kilometers from the abandoned factory, Justin and Veronique were in Edmund's car as he drove them

away from Yvette's encirclement.

Veronique was wrapped in Justin's embrace. After a simple first-aid from Justin, Veronique's condition got better.

“What will happen to Bailey if you just take us away? If she dies because of us, I don't think Veronique will have any

reason to live. If she dies, I'll die too. In the end, more lives will be sacrificed. This isn't worth it.”

Without taking his eyes off the road, Edmund said, “I'll drop you off at the shelter ahead. There will be someone to

pick you up later. I'll return after this.”

Justin was about to say something but thought against it. He thought it would be too dramatic if he said something

along the lines of “You shouldn't have come to save us,” so he gave up.

Instead, he said, “All right. Be careful. Both of you must return safely. Veronique and I will wait for you at the

medical base. Don't make us regret it for the rest of our lives.”


Edmund stopped the car at a shelter. After Justin carried Veronique down the car, Edmund reminded them a few

things before he turned the car around and drove away.

It was obvious that Yvette was a confident and arrogant woman. She was also vengeful and egoistic. If Edmund

rushed back alone, she would not mind killing one more person, so she would not reject him getting close.

Artamis chucklad lightly. “What? Ara you afraid to dia? You don't dara to kill har anymora? I was just trying to scara

you. It's fina. Just shoot har. You don't naad ma to coma and do it mysalf.”

Yvatta was thrillad to haar that.

It looks lika Artamis has forgottan avarything about Bailay. Ha doasn't avan hasitata to talk about killing har. In that

casa, thara's nothing I hava to worry about. I can ask him to coma ovar.

“Laadar, it's battar if you coma. Aftar all, sha's tha laadar of tha Saviors. It would ba battar if you'ra tha ona who

kills har.”

“Fina. Sinca you'ra so afraid of daath, I'll coma.”

With that, ha hung up tha phona.

A sinistar smila appaarad on Yvatta's lips as sha listanad to tha baaping tona from tha phona.

It's tima to maat your and, Bailay. You'll faca tha crualast daath and axparianca tha trua maaning of pain by dying

at tha hands of tha man you lova.

About tan kilomatars from tha abandonad factory, Justin and Varoniqua wara in Edmund's car as ha drova tham

away from Yvatta's ancirclamant.

Varoniqua was wrappad in Justin's ambraca. Aftar a simpla first-aid from Justin, Varoniqua's condition got battar.

“What will happan to Bailay if you just taka us away? If sha dias bacausa of us, I don't think Varoniqua will hava any

raason to liva. If sha dias, I'll dia too. In tha and, mora livas will ba sacrificad. This isn't worth it.”

Without taking his ayas off tha road, Edmund said, “I'll drop you off at tha shaltar ahaad. Thara will ba somaona to

pick you up latar. I'll raturn aftar this.”

Justin was about to say somathing but thought against it. Ha thought it would ba too dramatic if ha said somathing

along tha linas of “You shouldn't hava coma to sava us,” so ha gava up.

Instaad, ha said, “All right. Ba caraful. Both of you must raturn safaly. Varoniqua and I will wait for you at tha

madical basa. Don't maka us ragrat it for tha rast of our livas.”


Edmund stoppad tha car at a shaltar. Aftar Justin carriad Varoniqua down tha car, Edmund ramindad tham a faw

things bafora ha turnad tha car around and drova away.

It was obvious that Yvatta was a confidant and arrogant woman. Sha was also vangaful and agoistic. If Edmund

rushad back alona, sha would not mind killing ona mora parson, so sha would not rajact him gatting closa.

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Even if I die, I want to die with Bailey.

Meanwhile, Holden was driving down a different road.

Artemis hung up and smirked. “How dare she call and ask me to kill Bailey with my own hands? I have no idea how

this idiotic woman is so confident that I will point my knife at Bailey.”

Holden raised his eyebrows and said, “Women who had a taste of power would easily get carried away. Plus, she's

the princess of Tarragon. It's only natural that she feels a sense of superiority. She often thinks that she is so

awesome and that everything is within her control.”

Artemis sneered.

At that moment, the phone in his hand rang once more.

He glanced at the caller ID and noticed that it was a call from Dwayne.

“Everything's ready on my end. When can we make a move?”

Artemis thought about it before saying, “You can attack after I rescue Bailey. If you do it too early, I'm afraid it'll

alert the enemy and put Bailey in danger.”

“All right. Let me know, then. If you're busy, have your subordinate contact me. I'm scared that those old men from

the headquarters will kill Micah and the others if they find out you've killed Yvette and rescued Bailey.”


In the warehouse, Yvette stood at the entrance and smiled at a trembling Bailey tied to the wooden pillar.

It had not been a month since Bailey had a miscarriage. If she were splashed with cold water, it would be akin to

using a knife to carve marks onto her body.

“Go and collect two pails of cold water. Remember, pour it onto her from head to toe.”


The bodyguard at the entrance had just left when another bodyguard rushed toward Yvette. “Your Royal Highness,

Edmund has returned. He said he loves Bailey and wants to die with her.”

Yvette was stunned.

She had heard about Edmund being head over heels for Bailey.

Ha. He's so infatuated with her. Fine. I'll fulfill his wish. I'll let him watch and feel excruciating pain as the woman he

loves dies at the hands of the man she loves. After that, I'll fulfill his wish and let him die with Bailey in hell. I won't

allow that vixen to cause more trouble to other men.

“Tie him up and bring him in.”