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Strings of Fate

Chapter 207
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207- Invitations and interest Maggie smiles happily at me, she can tell I've cto a decision.

“Tomorrow? | don’t have plans and Logan usually comes here for most of the weekend, why?” “I want to have a dinner. A family dinner. Will you both come?” | feel kind of nervous consider Maggie to be part of my family, but I've never said it so bluntly before.

“We would love to come. You hear that Logan? Dinner at Ryann’s place tomorrow night.” She declares with a grin. Logan bounces in place.

“Really? Just like you said before! Will the other Shifters be there?” He asks excitedly. | nod.

“Yep, and a few others.” | confirm. Logan whirls to face Kiara.

“Hear that? We can practise our secret language in a room of people and see if we can get away with it. Make sure to keep thinking of other things we can add to it. | will too and we can trade ideas tomorrow.” He tells her cheerfully. Kiara nods eagerly and she seems much happier leaving now that she knows she will see her new friend again soon. Actually, she seems much happier just having a friend. | really hope that whoever she ends up staying with doesn’t live too far away. Not just because | don want her to leavebut it would be cruel. to separate her from Logan and the other people she has begun to depend on.

When we get h| rush to find Bellamy in his office, Kiara in tow. He opens his arms for a hug as we enter. | hug him and step back to allow Kiara the chance to do the sif she wants. She considers for a moment then reaches around him and pats him gently on the back in a light hug. Bellamy grins and hugs her back, keeping his hold loose so that she can retreat. when she’s ready.

“I've decided something.” | declare. Kiara steps back and beams up at him. Bellamy is so shocked by her happy expression that he takes a moment to process what I've told him.

“Uh, yeah. Wait, what? You decided something. What did you decide? You ladies seem very excited by something.” He realises. | nod.

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1/5 207- Invitations and interest “Yep. I've decided we're having a dinner party tomorrow night. We're inviting all our friends. Maggie and Logan are coming, they already said yes. I'll invite everyone else in a minute.” | smile happily and Bellamy nods.

“Sure, that sounds fun. | don’t think we've ever really done that before. Did you want any help fromor have you got it covered?” He asks. | shrug.

“I was going to ask Megan to help, arranging parties, even small ones like this is kind of her thing, isn't it?” Bellamy nods.

“Yes definitely. We have our meeting with Alex at three tomorrow, but it shouldn't take long so there will be plenty of tto get ready for dinner.” He agrees.

“Yes. | did want to ask for one thing. Can you sendAlpha Kohen’s number? | was thinking | might invite him and his wife. I've been wanting to meet her for a while and you guys seem to get along okay. | think he would be a fun guest to have.” | tell him. Bellamy’s eyebrows fly 1. up.

“You want to invite... huh. | mean, | can’t see a reason why not. Sure, I'll text you his number now so you can get the tout. It seems you ladies have a party to plan. Are you excited Kiara?” He asks. She smiles and nods her head enthusiastically.

“Yes, she made a new friend today. They already have plans to hang out again tomorrow evening.” | tell him, trying not to laugh. He winks atand I can’t help but let a giggle slip out. Everything has changed so fast. A week ago | was tired and miserable, looking for Kiara and trapped in the house worried about my safety. Now | have friends and family and I'm planning a party, not even for any reason. Just because | want to spend twith everyone.

Kiara and | rush upstairs to find Megan. She’s upstairs in her room typing something on her laptop.

“Megan, we need your help.” | declare. She immediately closes her laptop and turns to face 1.Us.

“Sure, what's up?” “We're having a dinner party. Here, tomorrow night. I'm about to send out invites now but we 2/5 207- Invitations and interest are definitely going to need your expert help to get everything ready in time.” | explain. She lights up.

“I would love to help! What should we have for dinner, wait, how many people are coming? We probably need to get more chairs and add onto the table. Kiara, what kinds of food do you like to eat? You have to letknow if you have any ideas too, okay?” Megan is opening her laptop again. She opens a document and starts a to-do list which has far more on it than | would have considered. | get to work messaging the potential guests.

COCK TALES Ryann- Hi everyone! So we're having a dinner party at our place tomorrow night and you're all invited! Be here at five-thirty. Who is in? Harry-Party? I'm there. Question, who else is invited? Megan- Don’t worry Harry, we will be sure to invite Cam. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't cif you gave the invite.

Harry- Sad but true.

Amber- | already cleared my evening when you invited Maggie. I'll be there.

Aaron- Ok Darrien- Sure, do you guys need any help getting anything ready? Megan- We might need help moving sfurniture and tables later, and possibly with sshopping. Just keep yourself available tomorrow.

Darrien- Will do.

Next | text Shaun and Alex.

Ryann- Hey guys, we're having a dinner party here tomorrow night. Five-thirty. | would love it if you could come.

3/5 207- Invitations and interest Shaun- Sounds like fun. Who else is invited? Ryann- All my friends are invited. You know who they are since we made lists of literally everyone | know.

Alex- 1 can come. Are you inviting your Oracle friend? Shaun doesn’t talk about much else these days.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Ryann- Yes she’s coming. [J Alex- Oh good. She's kind of strange, but nice.

Ryann- She is.

Next up on the invitation list is Cam.

Ryann- Hi Cam. Would you like to join us for a dinner party tomorrow night? Here at five- thirty? Harry is coming but | promise to do my best to keep him under control. The rest of us will be there too.

Cam- Uh, I'm not totally sure. I'm meant to be working. But I'll see what | can do. My friend might be willing to swap with me. Putdown as a maybe and I'll do my best to make it.

Cam- And don’t worry about Harry, he’s annoying, but | can handle it.

And last on the list, the one I'm most nervous about. Alpha Kohen. I really don’t know how he will react to the invitation but | want to offer it anyway. | think it would be good for us to be friends with him.

Ryann- Hello Alpha Kohen. This is Ryann Gale. Bellamy and | are throwing a dinner party tomorrow night and would like to invite you and your family to attend if you're available. It’s not a formal meeting or anything like that. Just friends and family. We thought it might be nice to all have a meal together.

Kohen- My wife says she would love to cand that means I'm definitely going too. ;) Fair warning our little one is only a few weeks old. She might fuss a bit, we probably won't stay until too late in the evening. What tshould we be there? 4/5 207- Invitations and interest Ryann- Five-thirty. And it’s all good. Babies are adorable and I'm keen to meet your wife. She sounds like an interesting woman.

Kohen- She’s the best. We will see you tomorrow night.

| update Megan on the R.S.V.P’s | really didn’t expect everyone to say yes. The only maybe is Cam but | think she will probably make it. | don’t think people refuse her very often. We order take out for dinner and then myself, Megan and Kiara spend the rest of the evening planning a menu and working out our dinner plans.