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Stay Away My CEO Ex Husband Angel Lost

Chapter 331
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Chapter 331 The day I got mamed, tell him not to come

“Jennifer, Shaun told me that you must accept this wedding dress. I must complete this task.”

He waved his hand and asked the servant to put the wedding dress on the sofa in the villa, and said to Jennifer. “I

also hope that Jennifer will wear this wedding dress on the wedding day.”

Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief, and her face sank: “Samuel, take it back, my husband has already given me a

new wedding dress, I don’t care about other people’s wedding dresses, and I won’t wear them at the wedding.”

wedding dress.”

What she said was unfeeling, and it was clean. Samuel was stunned for a moment, and then he was very angry:

“Jennifer, Shaun has been living on sleeping pills every day in order to see you in hallucinations for the past three

years. You treat him like this, is it right?” Isn’t it too unfair?”

Jennifer’s heart was suffocated, her gloomy face turned pale.

Why, why should I tell her this at this time…

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Carley, who didn’t speak the whole time, was also a little shocked when she heard this sentence.

But seeing that Samuel seemed to be forcing Jenny, he suppressed the shock.

She got up from the sofa and stood in front of Jennifer.

“Samuel, if Shaun had given the wedding dress to Jenny three years ago, maybe they would have had children now,

but after he returned to Boston, instead of giving the wedding dress, he sent an agreement and abandoned Jenny

mercilessly, and now he is sending this It’s too late for a wedding dress.”

“Also, you said that your Shaun lived on sleeping pills all day because of Jenny I want to say I’m sorry Jenny was in a

severe coma for three years. She has never seen everything your Shaun did for her She saw What I

saw was his ruthlessness and cruelty in the past. Why did you come to morally kidnap Jenny just because your

family Shaun has done so much?”

“Also, you have to figure out, the person Jenny is going to marry is not Shaun, how can she be married in someone

else’s wedding dress?”

After Carley finished speaking in one breath, she picked up the wedding dress and stuffed it back into the servant’s

hand, and then gave the order to evict the guest in a cold voice: “Go slowly, I won’t give it away.”

Samuel felt that he had spoken too aggressively just now when she gave him such a slap in the face.

Instead of easing the relationship between Jennifer and Shaun, it intensified the conflict.

He felt a little regretful, and quickly apologized in a low voice: “I’m sorry, I was eager to get Jennifer and Shaun

reconciled, and I said something wrong. please forgive me.”

After apologizing flexibly, he asked the servant to put down the wedding dress: “Jennifer, I really have no right to

interfere with whether you wear this wedding dress on your wedding day, but it still has to stay here, otherwise it’s

not good for me to go back.” Confession.”

In any case, he had to finish what Shaun ordered, and he couldn’t care what Jennifer thought.

After Samuel finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave the villa, but Jennifer stopped him.

Samuel turned around and looked at her: “Jennifer, please.”

Jennifer picked up the wedding dress and handed it to him: “Samuel, take it back, and tell him not to come on the

day I get married…

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Samuel felt that she was too unfeeling, and felt worthless for Shaun, but he didn’t say anything, didn’t take the

wedding dress, he just turned

around, and led the man to leave the villa quickly, for fear that she would chase him out and let him take the

wedding dress back Like, go fast.

Jennifer’s hand holding the wedding dress gradually tightened, her palm- sized face seemed as if it had been

drained of blood, it was so pale that there was no blood.

Seeing that something was wrong with her. Carley quickly stepped forward and touched her face: “Jenny, what’s

wrong with you?”

Seeing Carley’s worried expression, Jennifer shook her head: “I’m fine. I’m just a little tired…”

Carley felt a little distressed, and hugged her: “If you’re tired, just lean on my shoulder and take a good rest…”

Carley didn’t mention anything about Shaun, because she knew that Jenny must feel bad after knowing this

As her elder sister, all she can give at this moment is a hug, and she can’t do anything else…

Jennifer rested her head on Carley’s shoulder, her dull eyes made her look lifeless, as if she might die at any
